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Crash to desktop with IXEG 737


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Not sure if this is do to New XP11 version 11.41 but everytime I am in process of setting up FMC and usually after flightplan is already enetered. Seems when simply pressing legs page button the sim crashes to desktop. Never had issues before. Log looks like issue with SASL plugin. I have the latest version in XP11 folder. I didnt fire up any of the things like pushback or the JAR ground handling. Attached log file. This plane worked fine before with all plugins working. Running i7700k at 4.9gz and have 32 gigs of 3200 corsiar memory. Video card is gtx 1070


Edited by t4murphy
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No idea, really (I can for some odd reason never see the attached log.txt files here) - if the whole simulator crashes then this is usually not due to our coding. Standard protocol applies: Remove all other plugins (not "firing them up" doesn´t count, you need to physically remove them from the Resources folder), then slowly add them back to see which one is offending. Quite often the offending plugin has a newer version available which fixes it´s behaviour.

Another thought is running out of RAM - this often happens without even installing anything new, just by picking a specific area to fly in or having other processes running in the background.

Cheers, Jan

Edited by Litjan
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Here is my log file





log.txt for X-Plane 11.41r1 (build 114100 64-bit)
 compiled on Dec  4 2019 12:34:57
X-Plane started on Thu Jan 23 14:08:28 2020

This log file is generated automatically by Laminar Research applications and contains diagnostics about your graphics hardware, installation, and any error conditions.
If you need to contact tech support or file a bug, please send us this file. NOTE: this file is rewritten every time you start ANY of your X-System applications.

Windows 10.0 (build 18362/2)
This is a 64-bit version of Windows.
CPU type: 8664
Physical Memory (total for computer): 34316750848
Maximum Virtual Memory (for X-Plane only): 140737488224256
CPU 0: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700K CPU @ 4.20GHz  Speed (mhz): 4200
CPU 0: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700K CPU @ 4.20GHz  Speed (mhz): 4200
CPU 0: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700K CPU @ 4.20GHz  Speed (mhz): 4200
CPU 0: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700K CPU @ 4.20GHz  Speed (mhz): 4200

X-System folder:'I:\X-Plane 11/', case sensitive=0

WGL_ARB_buffer_region WGL_ARB_create_context WGL_ARB_create_context_no_error WGL_ARB_create_context_profile WGL_ARB_create_context_robustness WGL_ARB_context_flush_control WGL_ARB_extensions_string WGL_ARB_make_current_read WGL_ARB_multisample WGL_ARB_pbuffer WGL_ARB_pixel_format WGL_ARB_pixel_format_float WGL_ARB_render_texture WGL_ATI_pixel_format_float WGL_EXT_colorspace WGL_EXT_create_context_es_profile WGL_EXT_create_context_es2_profile WGL_EXT_extensions_string WGL_EXT_framebuffer_sRGB WGL_EXT_pixel_format_packed_float WGL_EXT_swap_control WGL_EXT_swap_control_tear WGL_NVX_DX_interop WGL_NV_DX_interop WGL_NV_DX_interop2 WGL_NV_copy_image WGL_NV_delay_before_swap WGL_NV_float_buffer WGL_NV_multisample_coverage WGL_NV_multigpu_context WGL_NV_render_depth_texture WGL_NV_render_texture_rectangle 

OpenGL Vendor    : NVIDIA Corporation
OpenGL Render    : GeForce GTX 1070/PCIe/SSE2
OpenGL Version   : 4.6.0 NVIDIA 441.87 (460/0)
OpenGL Extensions: GL_AMD_multi_draw_indirect GL_AMD_seamless_cubemap_per_texture GL_AMD_vertex_shader_viewport_index GL_AMD_vertex_shader_layer GL_ARB_arrays_of_arrays GL_ARB_base_instance GL_ARB_bindless_texture GL_ARB_blend_func_extended GL_ARB_buffer_storage GL_ARB_clear_buffer_object GL_ARB_clear_texture GL_ARB_clip_control GL_ARB_color_buffer_float GL_ARB_compatibility GL_ARB_compressed_texture_pixel_storage GL_ARB_conservative_depth GL_ARB_compute_shader GL_ARB_compute_variable_group_size GL_ARB_conditional_render_inverted GL_ARB_copy_buffer GL_ARB_copy_image GL_ARB_cull_distance GL_ARB_debug_output GL_ARB_depth_buffer_float GL_ARB_depth_clamp GL_ARB_depth_texture GL_ARB_derivative_control GL_ARB_direct_state_access GL_ARB_draw_buffers GL_ARB_draw_buffers_blend GL_ARB_draw_indirect GL_ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex GL_ARB_draw_instanced GL_ARB_enhanced_layouts GL_ARB_ES2_compatibility GL_ARB_ES3_compatibility GL_ARB_ES3_1_compatibility GL_ARB_ES3_2_compatibility GL_ARB_explicit_attrib_location GL_ARB_explicit_uniform_location GL_ARB_fragment_coord_conventions GL_ARB_fragment_layer_viewport GL_ARB_fragment_program GL_ARB_fragment_program_shadow GL_ARB_fragment_shader GL_ARB_fragment_shader_interlock GL_ARB_framebuffer_no_attachments GL_ARB_framebuffer_object GL_ARB_framebuffer_sRGB GL_ARB_geometry_shader4 GL_ARB_get_program_binary GL_ARB_get_texture_sub_image GL_ARB_gl_spirv GL_ARB_gpu_shader5 GL_ARB_gpu_shader_fp64 GL_ARB_gpu_shader_int64 GL_ARB_half_float_pixel GL_ARB_half_float_vertex GL_ARB_imaging GL_ARB_indirect_parameters GL_ARB_instanced_arrays GL_ARB_internalformat_query GL_ARB_internalformat_query2 GL_ARB_invalidate_subdata GL_ARB_map_buffer_alignment GL_ARB_map_buffer_range GL_ARB_multi_bind GL_ARB_multi_draw_indirect GL_ARB_multisample GL_ARB_multitexture GL_ARB_occlusion_query GL_ARB_occlusion_query2 GL_ARB_parallel_shader_compile GL_ARB_pipeline_statistics_query GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object GL_ARB_point_parameters GL_ARB_point_sprite GL_ARB_polygon_offset_clamp GL_ARB_post_depth_coverage GL_ARB_program_interface_query GL_ARB_provoking_vertex GL_ARB_query_buffer_object GL_ARB_robust_buffer_access_behavior GL_ARB_robustness GL_ARB_sample_locations GL_ARB_sample_shading GL_ARB_sampler_objects GL_ARB_seamless_cube_map GL_ARB_seamless_cubemap_per_texture GL_ARB_separate_shader_objects GL_ARB_shader_atomic_counter_ops GL_ARB_shader_atomic_counters GL_ARB_shader_ballot GL_ARB_shader_bit_encoding GL_ARB_shader_clock GL_ARB_shader_draw_parameters GL_ARB_shader_group_vote GL_ARB_shader_image_load_store GL_ARB_shader_image_size GL_ARB_shader_objects GL_ARB_shader_precision GL_ARB_shader_storage_buffer_object GL_ARB_shader_subroutine GL_ARB_shader_texture_image_samples GL_ARB_shader_texture_lod GL_ARB_shading_language_100 GL_ARB_shader_viewport_layer_array GL_ARB_shading_language_420pack GL_ARB_shading_language_include GL_ARB_shading_language_packing GL_ARB_shadow GL_ARB_sparse_buffer GL_ARB_sparse_texture GL_ARB_sparse_texture2 GL_ARB_sparse_texture_clamp GL_ARB_spirv_extensions GL_ARB_stencil_texturing GL_ARB_sync GL_ARB_tessellation_shader GL_ARB_texture_barrier GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp GL_ARB_texture_buffer_object GL_ARB_texture_buffer_object_rgb32 GL_ARB_texture_buffer_range GL_ARB_texture_compression GL_ARB_texture_compression_bptc GL_ARB_texture_compression_rgtc GL_ARB_texture_cube_map GL_ARB_texture_cube_map_array GL_ARB_texture_env_add GL_ARB_texture_env_combine GL_ARB_texture_env_crossbar GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3 GL_ARB_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_ARB_texture_filter_minmax GL_ARB_texture_float GL_ARB_texture_gather GL_ARB_texture_mirror_clamp_to_edge GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_ARB_texture_multisample GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two GL_ARB_texture_query_levels GL_ARB_texture_query_lod GL_ARB_texture_rectangle GL_ARB_texture_rg GL_ARB_texture_rgb10_a2ui GL_ARB_texture_stencil8 GL_ARB_texture_storage GL_ARB_texture_storage_multisample GL_ARB_texture_swizzle GL_ARB_texture_view GL_ARB_timer_query GL_ARB_transform_feedback2 GL_ARB_transform_feedback3 GL_ARB_transform_feedback_instanced GL_ARB_transform_feedback_overflow_query GL_ARB_transpose_matrix GL_ARB_uniform_buffer_object GL_ARB_vertex_array_bgra GL_ARB_vertex_array_object GL_ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit GL_ARB_vertex_attrib_binding GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object GL_ARB_vertex_program GL_ARB_vertex_shader GL_ARB_vertex_type_10f_11f_11f_rev GL_ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev GL_ARB_viewport_array GL_ARB_window_pos GL_ATI_draw_buffers GL_ATI_texture_float GL_ATI_texture_mirror_once GL_S3_s3tc GL_EXT_texture_env_add GL_EXT_abgr GL_EXT_bgra GL_EXT_bindable_uniform GL_EXT_blend_color GL_EXT_blend_equation_separate GL_EXT_blend_func_separate GL_EXT_blend_minmax GL_EXT_blend_subtract GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array GL_EXT_Cg_shader GL_EXT_depth_bounds_test GL_EXT_direct_state_access GL_EXT_draw_buffers2 GL_EXT_draw_instanced GL_EXT_draw_range_elements GL_EXT_fog_coord GL_EXT_framebuffer_blit GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample GL_EXTX_framebuffer_mixed_formats GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample_blit_scaled GL_EXT_framebuffer_object GL_EXT_framebuffer_sRGB GL_EXT_geometry_shader4 GL_EXT_gpu_program_parameters GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays GL_EXT_multiview_texture_multisample GL_EXT_multiview_timer_query GL_EXT_packed_depth_stencil GL_EXT_packed_float GL_EXT_packed_pixels GL_EXT_pixel_buffer_object GL_EXT_point_parameters GL_EXT_polygon_offset_clamp GL_EXT_post_depth_coverage GL_EXT_provoking_vertex GL_EXT_raster_multisample GL_EXT_rescale_normal GL_EXT_secondary_color GL_EXT_separate_shader_objects GL_EXT_separate_specular_color GL_EXT_shader_image_load_formatted GL_EXT_shader_image_load_store GL_EXT_shader_integer_mix GL_EXT_shadow_funcs GL_EXT_sparse_texture2 GL_EXT_stencil_two_side GL_EXT_stencil_wrap GL_EXT_texture3D GL_EXT_texture_array GL_EXT_texture_buffer_object GL_EXT_texture_compression_dxt1 GL_EXT_texture_compression_latc GL_EXT_texture_compression_rgtc GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc GL_EXT_texture_cube_map GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp GL_EXT_texture_env_combine GL_EXT_texture_env_dot3 GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_EXT_texture_filter_minmax GL_EXT_texture_integer GL_EXT_texture_lod GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias GL_EXT_texture_mirror_clamp GL_EXT_texture_object GL_EXT_texture_shadow_lod GL_EXT_texture_shared_exponent GL_EXT_texture_sRGB GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_R8 GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_decode GL_EXT_texture_storage GL_EXT_texture_swizzle GL_EXT_timer_query GL_EXT_transform_feedback2 GL_EXT_vertex_array GL_EXT_vertex_array_bgra GL_EXT_vertex_attrib_64bit GL_EXT_window_rectangles GL_EXT_import_sync_object GL_IBM_rasterpos_clip GL_IBM_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_KHR_context_flush_control GL_KHR_debug GL_EXT_memory_object GL_EXT_memory_object_win32 GL_EXT_win32_keyed_mutex GL_KHR_parallel_shader_compile GL_KHR_no_error GL_KHR_robust_buffer_access_behavior GL_KHR_robustness GL_EXT_semaphore GL_EXT_semaphore_win32 GL_KHR_shader_subgroup GL_KTX_buffer_region GL_NV_alpha_to_coverage_dither_control GL_NV_bindless_multi_draw_indirect GL_NV_bindless_multi_draw_indirect_count GL_NV_bindless_texture GL_NV_blend_equation_advanced GL_NV_blend_equation_advanced_coherent GL_NVX_blend_equation_advanced_multi_draw_buffers GL_NV_blend_minmax_factor GL_NV_blend_square GL_NV_clip_space_w_scaling GL_NV_command_list GL_NV_compute_program5 GL_NV_conditional_render GL_NV_conservative_raster GL_NV_conservative_raster_dilate GL_NV_conservative_raster_pre_snap_triangles GL_NV_copy_depth_to_color GL_NV_copy_image GL_NV_depth_buffer_float GL_NV_depth_clamp GL_NV_draw_texture GL_NV_draw_vulkan_image GL_NV_ES1_1_compatibility GL_NV_ES3_1_compatibility GL_NV_explicit_multisample GL_NV_feature_query GL_NV_fence GL_NV_fill_rectangle GL_NV_float_buffer GL_NV_fog_distance GL_NV_fragment_coverage_to_color GL_NV_fragment_program GL_NV_fragment_program_option GL_NV_fragment_program2 GL_NV_fragment_shader_interlock GL_NV_framebuffer_mixed_samples GL_NV_framebuffer_multisample_coverage GL_NV_geometry_shader4 GL_NV_geometry_shader_passthrough GL_NV_gpu_program4 GL_NV_internalformat_sample_query GL_NV_gpu_program4_1 GL_NV_gpu_program5 GL_NV_gpu_program5_mem_extended GL_NV_gpu_program_fp64 GL_NV_gpu_shader5 GL_NV_half_float GL_NV_light_max_exponent GL_NV_memory_attachment GL_NV_multisample_coverage GL_NV_multisample_filter_hint GL_NV_occlusion_query GL_NV_packed_depth_stencil GL_NV_parameter_buffer_object GL_NV_parameter_buffer_object2 GL_NV_path_rendering GL_NV_path_rendering_shared_edge GL_NV_pixel_data_range GL_NV_point_sprite GL_NV_primitive_restart GL_NV_query_resource GL_NV_query_resource_tag GL_NV_register_combiners GL_NV_register_combiners2 GL_NV_sample_locations GL_NV_sample_mask_override_coverage GL_NV_shader_atomic_counters GL_NV_shader_atomic_float GL_NV_shader_atomic_float64 GL_NV_shader_atomic_fp16_vector GL_NV_shader_atomic_int64 GL_NV_shader_buffer_load GL_NV_shader_storage_buffer_object GL_NV_shader_subgroup_partitioned GL_NV_stereo_view_rendering GL_NV_texgen_reflection GL_NV_texture_barrier GL_NV_texture_compression_vtc GL_NV_texture_env_combine4 GL_NV_texture_multisample GL_NV_texture_rectangle GL_NV_texture_rectangle_compressed GL_NV_texture_shader GL_NV_texture_shader2 GL_NV_texture_shader3 GL_NV_transform_feedback GL_NV_transform_feedback2 GL_NV_uniform_buffer_unified_memory GL_NV_vertex_array_range GL_NV_vertex_array_range2 GL_NV_vertex_attrib_integer_64bit GL_NV_vertex_buffer_unified_memory GL_NV_vertex_program GL_NV_vertex_program1_1 GL_NV_vertex_program2 GL_NV_vertex_program2_option GL_NV_vertex_program3 GL_NV_viewport_array2 GL_NV_viewport_swizzle GL_NVX_conditional_render GL_NVX_linked_gpu_multicast GL_NV_gpu_multicast GL_NVX_gpu_multicast2 GL_NVX_progress_fence GL_NVX_gpu_memory_info GL_NVX_multigpu_info GL_NVX_nvenc_interop GL_NV_shader_thread_group GL_NV_shader_thread_shuffle GL_KHR_blend_equation_advanced GL_KHR_blend_equation_advanced_coherent GL_OVR_multiview GL_OVR_multiview2 GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap GL_SGIS_texture_lod GL_SGIX_depth_texture GL_SGIX_shadow GL_SUN_slice_accum GL_WIN_swap_hint WGL_EXT_swap_control 

threaded_avail   : 1    aniso_avail      : 1    timer_avail      : 1    sync/fence       : 1
pbo_avail        : 1    frameblit_avail  : 1    framebuffer_msaa : 1
gpu_shad4_avail  : 1    shad_lod_avail   : 1    array_tex_avail  : 1    texture_rg       : 1
tex_float_avail  : 1    seamless_avail   : 1    drawbuf2_avail   : 1    packed_stencil   : 1
framebuffer_srgb : 1    copy_buf_avail   : 1    ubo_avail        : 1    gshader_avail    : 1
base_vert_avail  : 1    tex_multi_avail  : 1    depth_float_avail: 1
instance_avail   : 1    tess_avail       : 1    viewport_arr     : 1    tex_storage      : 1
buf_storage      : 1    multi_bind       : 1    clip_control     : 1    program binary   : 1
debug_avail      : 1
max tex units    : 32 (32/8)
max iso filtering: 16.000000
max samples      : 32
max texture size : 32768 (hardware limit)
max point size   : 189.875000
idx in vram      : 1
GLSL Version     :4.60 NVIDIA/460
This video card is: DX11+ VR Ready (found glMapBufferRange)
CPU count        : 4
OpenAL loaded: Resources/dlls/64/openal32.dll
OpenAL devices: OpenAL Soft
Open AL default device:OpenAL Soft
OpenAL vendor    : OpenAL Community
OpenAL renderer  : OpenAL Soft
OpenAL version   : 1.1
OpenAL hardware  : OpenAL Soft
OpenAL extensions: ALC_ENUMERATE_ALL_EXT ALC_ENUMERATION_EXT ALC_EXT_CAPTURE ALC_EXT_DEDICATED ALC_EXT_disconnect ALC_EXT_EFX ALC_EXT_thread_local_context ALC_SOFTX_device_clock ALC_SOFTX_HRTF ALC_SOFT_loopback ALC_SOFTX_midi_interface ALC_SOFT_pause_device AL_EXT_ALAW AL_EXT_DOUBLE AL_EXT_EXPONENT_DISTANCE AL_EXT_FLOAT32 AL_EXT_IMA4 AL_EXT_LINEAR_DISTANCE AL_EXT_MCFORMATS AL_EXT_MULAW AL_EXT_MULAW_MCFORMATS AL_EXT_OFFSET AL_EXT_source_distance_model AL_LOKI_quadriphonic AL_SOFT_block_alignment AL_SOFT_buffer_samples AL_SOFT_buffer_sub_data AL_SOFT_deferred_updates AL_SOFT_direct_channels AL_SOFT_loop_points AL_SOFT_MSADPCM AL_SOFT_source_latency AL_SOFT_source_length

Fetching plugins for I:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins

Loaded: I:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/PluginAdmin/64/win.xpl (xpsdk.examples.pluginadmin).

I:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/NavigraphSimlink.xpl : Error Code = 193 : %1 is not a valid Win32 application.
Failed: I:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/NavigraphSimlink.xpl.  (This file is missing, not a DLL or could not be loaded due to another missing DLL.)

Loaded: I:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/NavigraphSimlink_64.xpl (Navigraph Simlink for X-Plane).

PropWash got XPlane version 11410
PropWash reading config file
PropWash read 1 panels from cfg
building top-level menu
PropWash rebuilding panel menu 0
PropWash - built panel menu
Loaded: I:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/PropWash.xpl (PropWashsim.PropWash).

I:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/32/win.xpl : Error Code = 193 : %1 is not a valid Win32 application.
Failed: I:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/64/win.xpl. (The plugin refused to start by returning 0 from XPluginStart.)

Loaded: I:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/ASXPConnect/64/win.xpl (HiFi).

Loaded: I:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/AutoGate/64/win.xpl (Marginal.AutoGate).

AviTab version 0.3.16
Loaded: I:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/AviTab/win_x64/AviTab.xpl (org.solhost.folko.avitab).

2020-01-23 14:08:29 BetterPushback[xplane.c:539]: This is BetterPushback-v0.47 libacfutils-(null)
Loaded: I:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/BetterPushback/64/win.xpl (skiselkov.BetterPushback).

Loaded: I:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/CEF/64/win.xpl (FlightFactor.CefLoader).

Loaded: I:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/ExtPlane-Master-MinGW-23Jan2018/win.xpl (org.vranki.extplaneplugin).

FlyWithLua: Your system path is I:\X-Plane 11/
FlyWithLua: System Dir: I:\X-Plane 11/
FlyWithLua: Plugin Dir: I:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua
FlyWithLua: Plugin Scripts Dir: I:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua/Scripts
FlyWithLua: Plugin Internals Dir: I:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua/Internals/
FlyWithLua: Plugin Modules Dir: I:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua/Modules/
FlyWithLua: Plugin Scripts Quarantine Dir: I:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua/Scripts (Quarantine)/
FlyWithLua: Plugin Version: 2.7.18 build May 27 2019 10:08:29
Loaded: I:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua/64/win.xpl (CarstenLynker.FlyWithLua.NG).

G64:   0.000: Gizmo64 Script Engine v18.02.27.0200 Windows
G64:   0.000:      built: Feb 27 2018, 02:00:08
Loaded: I:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/Gizmo64.plugin/64/win.xpl (gizmo.x-plugins.com).

Ground Handling Plugin by JARDesign v.v.4.010719 for X-Plane 11
Loaded: I:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/GndHandling/win.xpl (jardesign.crew.ground.handling).

[NIMBUS_KORD V1.0 INFO]: Starting X-Plane SASL plugin v3.3.3+06e3474 [Commercial Edition]
[NIMBUS_KORD V1.0 INFO]: NIMBUS_KORD v1.0 | Global | Start Full
Loaded: I:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/NIMBUS_KORD v1.3.3.3/64/win.xpl (1-sim NIMBUS_KORD v1.0).

[NIMBUS_AIRPORTS    V1.0 INFO]: Starting X-Plane SASL plugin v3.7.2+a52a88c [Commercial Edition]
[NIMBUS_AIRPORTS    V1.0 INFO]: NIMBUS_AIRPORTS    v1.0 | Global | Start Full
[NIMBUS_AIRPORTS    V1.0 INFO]: Loading cursors...
Loaded: I:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/Nimbus airports V1/64/win.xpl (1-sim NIMBUS_AIRPORTS    v1.0).

Loaded: I:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/PilotEdge/64/win.xpl (com.pilotedge.plugin.xplane).

Loaded: I:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/RealWeatherConnector/64/win.xpl (Sundog.MetarBridge).

[AOS] [2020-01-23.14:08:31] :> Loading AOS
[AOS] [2020-01-23.14:08:31] :> Configuration Loaded
[AOS] [2020-01-23.14:08:31] :> Updated license
[AOS] [2020-01-23.14:08:31] :> License loaded
[AOS] [2020-01-23.14:08:36] :> Airport loaded successfully
[AOS] [2020-01-23.14:08:36] :> Weather data loaded successfully
[AOS] [2020-01-23.14:08:36] :> Registered and loaded flightplan datarefs
[AOS] [2020-01-23.14:08:36] :> Aircraft data loaded
[AOS] [2020-01-23.14:08:36] :> Error loading WorldJetways extension : Not found
[AOS] [2020-01-23.14:08:36] :> Error loading Seasons extension : Installation failed
Trying to build mipmaps for font I:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/SAM//fonts/Poppins-Regular.ttf, tex width 1024, tex height 64, texture data 000001329C3D6010
[AOS] [2020-01-23.14:08:36] :> Loaded fonts
[AOS] [2020-01-23.14:08:36] :> Jetway status indicator initialized
Loaded: I:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/SAM/win_x64/SAM.xpl (stairportsceneries.plugin.aos).

[SASL ERROR]: Configuration::read: can't find configuration file for SASL plugin...
[DEFAULT INFO]: Starting X-Plane SASL plugin v3.8.0+70f861a
[DEFAULT ERROR]: Can't start. Invalid SASL module configuration. Check configuration.ini
Failed: I:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/SASL/64/win.xpl. (The plugin refused to start by returning 0 from XPluginStart.)

Loaded: I:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/SilverLining/64/win.xpl (SilverLiningV4.Clouds).

[SKUNKCRAFTS UPDATER INFO]: Starting X-Plane SASL plugin v3.6.5+8783e05 [Commercial Edition]
[SKUNKCRAFTS UPDATER INFO]: SkunkCrafts Updater | Global | Start Full
[SKUNKCRAFTS UPDATER INFO]: Loading cursors...
Loaded: I:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/SkunkCraftsUpdater/64/win.xpl (1-sim SkunkCrafts Updater).

Loaded: I:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/TerrainRadar/64/win.xpl (drgluck.plugins.terrain_radar).

WebFMC: Plugin version 1.5.1
WebFMC: WebFMC Pro starting up
WebFMC: Expecting backend binary in "I:\X-Plane 11/Resources\plugins\WebFMC\webfmc-win.bin"
WebFMC: IO Thread run
WebFMC: WebFMC started
Loaded: I:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/WebFMC/win_x64/WebFMC.xpl (com.greenarcstudios.webfmc).

2020-01-23 14:08:38 librain[plugin.c:590]: This is librain (v0.10) libacfutils-3babedf
WebFMC: Server version 1.5.1
Loaded: I:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/librain.plugin/win_x64/librain.plugin.xpl (skiselkov.librain).

planecommand opened log: I:\X-Plane 11/planecommand.log
WebFMC: WebFMC network address(es):
Loaded: I:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/planecommand/64/win.xpl (com.leecbaker.planecommand).

[RealityXP.GTN][INFO ] 
[RealityXP.GTN][-    ] # win.xpl version
Loaded: I:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/rxpGTN/64/win.xpl (RealityXP.GTN).

[TRUESHADOWS INFO]: trueshadows is initialized successfully
[TRUESHADOWS INFO]: signature: com.mwpprojects.trueshadows
[TRUESHADOWS INFO]: description: trueshadows - an realistic shadow plugin
Loaded: I:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/trueshadows/64/win.xpl (com.mwpprojects.trueshadows).

[XJet] Init properties.
[XJet] Plugin path: I:\X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins\xjet
[XJet] Props path:I:\X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins\xjet\jvmplugin.properties
[XJet] Init JVM.
[XJet] Plugin path: I:\X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins\xjet
[XJet] Lib path:I:\X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins\xjet\lib\common
[XJet] Classpath:I:\X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins\xjet\lib\common/aws-java-sdk-cloudfront-1.11.492.jar;I:\X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins\xjet\lib\common/aws-java-sdk-core-1.11.492.jar;I:\X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins\xjet\lib\common/aws-java-sdk-s3-1.11.492.jar;I:\X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins\xjet\lib\common/bcprov-jdk15on-1.54.jar;I:\X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins\xjet\lib\common/commons-codec-1.10.jar;I:\X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins\xjet\lib\common/commons-compress-1.12.jar;I:\X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins\xjet\lib\common/commons-logging-1.1.1.jar;I:\X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins\xjet\lib\common/drm-client-1.1.jar;I:\X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins\xjet\lib\common/encryptor-1.2.jar;I:\X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins\xjet\lib\common/encryptor-util-1.2.jar;I:\X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins\xjet\lib\common/httpclient-4.5.5.jar;I:\X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins\xjet\lib\common/httpcore-4.4.9.jar;I:\X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins\xjet\lib\common/jackson-annotations-2.8.0.jar;I:\X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins\xjet\lib\common/jackson-core-2.8.8.jar;I:\X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins\xjet\lib\common/jackson-databind-2.8.8.jar;I:\X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins\xjet\lib\common/javax.inject-1.jar;I:\X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins\xjet\lib\common/jna-4.1.0.jar;I:\X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins\xjet\lib\common/jna-platform-4.2.2.jar;I:\X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins\xjet\lib\common/joda-time-2.8.1.jar;I:\X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins\xjet\lib\common/jxplm-api-1.4.0.jar;I:\X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins\xjet\lib\common/lwjgl-3.1.1-natives-linux.jar;I:\X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins\xjet\lib\common/lwjgl-3.1.1-natives-macos.jar;I:\X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins\xjet\lib\common/lwjgl-3.1.1-natives-windows.jar;I:\X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins\xjet\lib\common/lwjgl-3.1.1.jar;I:\X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins\xjet\lib\common/lwjgl-jemalloc-3.1.1.jar;I:\X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins\xjet\lib\common/lwjgl-opengl-3.1.1-natives-linux.jar;I:\X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins\xjet\lib\common/lwjgl-opengl-3.1.1-natives-macos.jar;I:\X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins\xjet\lib\common/lwjgl-opengl-3.1.1-natives-windows.jar;I:\X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins\xjet\lib\common/lwjgl-opengl-3.1.1.jar;I:\X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins\xjet\lib\common/oshi-core-3.4.0.jar;I:\X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins\xjet\lib\common/scala-library-2.11.6.jar;I:\X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins\xjet\lib\common/slf4j-api-1.7.22.jar;I:\X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins\xjet\lib\common/truecommons-cio-2.5.0.jar;I:\X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins\xjet\lib\common/truecommons-io-2.5.0.jar;I:\X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins\xjet\lib\common/truecommons-key-spec-2.5.0.jar;I:\X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins\xjet\lib\common/truecommons-logging-2.5.0.jar;I:\X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins\xjet\lib\common/truecommons-services-2.5.0.jar;I:\X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins\xjet\lib\common/truecommons-shed-2.5.0.jar;I:\X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins\xjet\lib\common/truevfs-access-0.11.1.jar;I:\X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins\xjet\lib\common/truevfs-comp-zip-0.11.1.jar;I:\X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins\xjet\lib\common/truevfs-comp-zipdriver-0.11.1.jar;I:\X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins\xjet\lib\common/truevfs-driver-file-0.11.1.jar;I:\X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins\xjet\lib\common/truevfs-driver-jar-0.11.1.jar;I:\X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins\xjet\lib\common/truevfs-driver-zip-raes-0.11.1.jar;I:\X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins\xjet\lib\common/truevfs-kernel-impl-0.11.1.jar;I:\X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins\xjet\lib\common/truevfs-kernel-spec-0.11.1.jar;I:\X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins\xjet\lib\common/xjet-plugin-1.4.1.jar;I:\X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins\xjet\lib\common/xjet-storage-cloudfront-1.4.1.jar;I:\X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins\xjet\lib\embedded/jxplm-xplane-1.4.0.jar
[XJet] Natives path:-Djava.library.path=I:\X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins\xjet\lib/native
[XJet] JAVA opts: -XX:+DisableExplicitGC -XX:ParallelGCThreads=4 -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:SurvivorRatio=6
[XJet] JVM path:I:\X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins\xjet\jre\bin\server\jvm.dll
[XJet] Set dll dir: I:\X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins\xjet\jre\bin
[XJet] Set dll dir success.
[XJet] Init JVM succeeded.
[XJet] In postInitJVM().
[XJet] Plugin class: 'com/airfoillabs/xjet/GlobalPlugin'
[XJet] In initPlugin().
[XJet] Plugin instance created.
[XJet] In startPlugin().
[XJet] 14:08:45,539 INFO [GlobalPlugin] Logging config red.
[XJet] 14:08:45,612 INFO [GlobalPlugin] XPlane home: I:\X-Plane 11
[XJet] 14:08:45,814 INFO [GlobalPlugin] Product Manager automatic checking enabled.
[XJet] 14:08:45,815 INFO [GlobalPlugin] Checking for updates.
[XJet] 14:08:45,815 INFO [ProductManager] Updates checking started.
[XJet] 14:08:45,819 INFO [GlobalPlugin] Product Manager integration enabled.
[XJet] 14:09:30,540 INFO [GlobalPlugin] Listing installed products:
[XJet] 14:09:30,541 INFO [GlobalPlugin] com.airfoillabs.xjet.plugin:1.4.1 I:\X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins\xjet
[XJet] 14:09:30,541 INFO [GlobalPlugin] com.airfoillabs.ka350:1.3 I:\X-Plane 11\Aircraft\Airfoillabs\King Air 350
[XJet] Plugin started.
Loaded: I:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/xjet/64/win.xpl (com.airfoillabs.xjet).

G64:  61.329: Boot Count: 1
G64:  61.954: Plugin Enabled.
[NIMBUS_KORD V1.0 INFO]: Enabling...
[NIMBUS_KORD V1.0 INFO]: Sound output device: OpenAL Soft
[NIMBUS_KORD V1.0 INFO]: Sound input device: OpenAL Soft on Microphone (Realtek High Definition Audio)
[NIMBUS_KORD V1.0 INFO]: Initializing...
[NIMBUS_KORD V1.0 INFO]: Path to module: I:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/NIMBUS_KORD v1.3.3.3/data/modules/main.key
[NIMBUS_KORD V1.0 INFO]: Loading module...
[NIMBUS_KORD V1.0 INFO]: [LUA]: loading    module
[NIMBUS_KORD V1.0 INFO]: [LUA]: "module"    Version 1.0
[NIMBUS_KORD V1.0 INFO]: [LUA]: loading    input_text_window
[NIMBUS_KORD V1.0 INFO]: [LUA]: loading    input_text
[NIMBUS_KORD V1.0 INFO]: [LUA]: loading    rectangle
[NIMBUS_KORD V1.0 INFO]: [LUA]: loading    popupCloseButton
[NIMBUS_KORD V1.0 INFO]: [LUA]: loading    mouseFocusedZone
[NIMBUS_KORD V1.0 INFO]: [LUA]: loading    interactive
[NIMBUS_KORD V1.0 INFO]: [LUA]: loading    popupResizeButton
[NIMBUS_KORD V1.0 INFO]: [LUA]: loading    menu_test_con_funcion
[NIMBUS_KORD V1.0 INFO]: Loading cursors...
[NIMBUS_KORD V1.0 INFO]: Module loaded
[NIMBUS_AIRPORTS    V1.0 INFO]: Enabling...
[NIMBUS_AIRPORTS    V1.0 INFO]: Sound output device: OpenAL Soft
[NIMBUS_AIRPORTS    V1.0 INFO]: Sound input device: OpenAL Soft on Microphone (Realtek High Definition Audio)
[NIMBUS_AIRPORTS    V1.0 INFO]: Initializing...
[NIMBUS_AIRPORTS    V1.0 INFO]: Path to module: I:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/Nimbus airports V1/data/modules/main.key
[NIMBUS_AIRPORTS    V1.0 INFO]: Loading module...
[NIMBUS_AIRPORTS    V1.0 INFO]: [LUA]: loading    module
[NIMBUS_AIRPORTS    V1.0 INFO]: [LUA]: "module"    Version 1.0
[NIMBUS_AIRPORTS    V1.0 INFO]: [LUA]: loading    aeropuertos
[NIMBUS_AIRPORTS    V1.0 INFO]: [LUA]: loading    popupCloseButton
[NIMBUS_AIRPORTS    V1.0 INFO]: [LUA]: loading    rectangle
[NIMBUS_AIRPORTS    V1.0 INFO]: [LUA]: loading    mouseFocusedZone
[NIMBUS_AIRPORTS    V1.0 INFO]: [LUA]: loading    interactive
[NIMBUS_AIRPORTS    V1.0 INFO]: [LUA]: loading    popupResizeButton
[NIMBUS_AIRPORTS    V1.0 INFO]: [LUA]: loading    input_text_window
[NIMBUS_AIRPORTS    V1.0 INFO]: [LUA]: loading    input_text
[NIMBUS_AIRPORTS    V1.0 INFO]: [LUA]: loading    menu_test_con_funcion
[NIMBUS_AIRPORTS    V1.0 INFO]: [LUA]: loading    menus
[NIMBUS_AIRPORTS    V1.0 INFO]: Module loaded
[AOS] [2020-01-23.14:09:34] :> Menu items loaded
[AOS] [2020-01-23.14:09:34] :> Loaded SAM
[AOS] [2020-01-23.14:09:34] :> Loading plugin windows
[AOS] [2020-01-23.14:09:34] :> AOS window loaded
[AOS] [2020-01-23.14:09:34] :> Colors and seasons window loaded
[AOS] [2020-01-23.14:09:34] :> Downloading version data from server
[AOS] [2020-01-23.14:09:35] :> License and version window loaded
[AOS] [2020-01-23.14:09:35] :> Finished loading AOS version 2.0.2
SkyMaxx Pro: SilverLining initialized OK.
[SKUNKCRAFTS UPDATER INFO]: Sound output device: OpenAL Soft
[SKUNKCRAFTS UPDATER INFO]: Sound input device: OpenAL Soft on Microphone (Realtek High Definition Audio)
[SKUNKCRAFTS UPDATER INFO]: Path to module: I:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/SkunkCraftsUpdater/data/modules/main.secured
[SKUNKCRAFTS UPDATER INFO]: [LUA]: loading    module
[SKUNKCRAFTS UPDATER INFO]: [LUA]: including    helpers.lua
[SKUNKCRAFTS UPDATER INFO]: [LUA]: "module"    I:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/SkunkCraftsUpdater/data/modules/Custom Module/helpers
[SKUNKCRAFTS UPDATER INFO]: [LUA]: including    math.lua
[SKUNKCRAFTS UPDATER INFO]: [LUA]: including    colors.lua
[SKUNKCRAFTS UPDATER INFO]: [LUA]: including    string.lua
[SKUNKCRAFTS UPDATER INFO]: [LUA]: including    class.lua
[SKUNKCRAFTS UPDATER INFO]: [LUA]: including    preferences.lua
[SKUNKCRAFTS UPDATER INFO]: [LUA]: including    properties.lua
[SKUNKCRAFTS UPDATER INFO]: [LUA]: including    datarefs.lua
[SKUNKCRAFTS UPDATER INFO]: [LUA]: including    class_queue.lua
[SKUNKCRAFTS UPDATER INFO]: [LUA]: including    class_listpart.lua
[SKUNKCRAFTS UPDATER INFO]: [LUA]: including    class_image.lua
[SKUNKCRAFTS UPDATER INFO]: [LUA]: including    class_command.lua
[SKUNKCRAFTS UPDATER INFO]: [LUA]: including    class_font.lua
[SKUNKCRAFTS UPDATER INFO]: [LUA]: including    class_spy.lua
[SKUNKCRAFTS UPDATER INFO]: [LUA]: including    utils.lua
[SKUNKCRAFTS UPDATER INFO]: [LUA]: including    class_addon.lua
[SKUNKCRAFTS UPDATER INFO]: [LUA]: "module"    Version 2.5
[SKUNKCRAFTS UPDATER INFO]: [LUA]: "module"    set opt:audio_feedback to 1
[SKUNKCRAFTS UPDATER INFO]: [LUA]: "module"    set opt:audio_startup to 1
[SKUNKCRAFTS UPDATER INFO]: [LUA]: "module"    set opt:connect_timeout to 0
[SKUNKCRAFTS UPDATER INFO]: [LUA]: "module"    set opt:custom_network to 0
[SKUNKCRAFTS UPDATER INFO]: [LUA]: "module"    set opt:operation_timeout to 0
[SKUNKCRAFTS UPDATER INFO]: [LUA]: "module"    set opt:run_at_startup to 3
[SKUNKCRAFTS UPDATER INFO]: [LUA]: "module"    set opt:scan_sceneries to 0
[SKUNKCRAFTS UPDATER INFO]: [LUA]: "module"    set opt:sound_gain to 150
[SKUNKCRAFTS UPDATER INFO]: [LUA]: "module"    set opt:verbose_logging to 0
[SKUNKCRAFTS UPDATER INFO]: [LUA]: loading    tabs
[SKUNKCRAFTS UPDATER INFO]: [LUA]: loading    report
[SKUNKCRAFTS UPDATER INFO]: [LUA]: loading    list
[SKUNKCRAFTS UPDATER INFO]: [LUA]: loading    button
[SKUNKCRAFTS UPDATER INFO]: [LUA]: loading    dummy
[SKUNKCRAFTS UPDATER INFO]: [LUA]: loading    detail
[SKUNKCRAFTS UPDATER INFO]: [LUA]: loading    checkbox
[SKUNKCRAFTS UPDATER INFO]: [LUA]: loading    options
[SKUNKCRAFTS UPDATER INFO]: [LUA]: loading    label
[SKUNKCRAFTS UPDATER INFO]: [LUA]: loading    radioarray
[SKUNKCRAFTS UPDATER INFO]: [LUA]: loading    radiobox
[SKUNKCRAFTS UPDATER INFO]: [LUA]: loading    slider
[SKUNKCRAFTS UPDATER INFO]: [LUA]: loading    about
[SKUNKCRAFTS UPDATER INFO]: [LUA]: "module"    Remote version of updater: 2.5
WebFMC: Number of clients: 1
WebFMC: Number of clients: 2
WebFMC: Client version 1.5.1
WebFMC: Client version 1.5.1
[SKUNKCRAFTS UPDATER INFO]: [LUA]: "module"    Processing I:\X-Plane 11/Aircraft/Thranda_Quest_Kodiak_v2/
[SKUNKCRAFTS UPDATER INFO]: [LUA]: "module"    Processing I:\X-Plane 11/Aircraft/JF_Hawk_T1/
[SKUNKCRAFTS UPDATER INFO]: [LUA]: "module"    Processing I:\X-Plane 11/Aircraft/JF_PA28_Turbo_Arrow/
[SKUNKCRAFTS UPDATER INFO]: [LUA]: "module"    Processing I:\X-Plane 11/Aircraft/Embraer ERJ Family/
[SKUNKCRAFTS UPDATER INFO]: [LUA]: "module"    Processing I:\X-Plane 11/Aircraft/_FJS_732_TwinJet_Pro_V3/
[SKUNKCRAFTS UPDATER INFO]: [LUA]: "module"    Processing I:\X-Plane 11/Aircraft/JF_PA28_Arrow/
[SKUNKCRAFTS UPDATER INFO]: [LUA]: "module"    Processing I:\X-Plane 11/Aircraft/727_Series_Pro_V3_-200Adv/
[SKUNKCRAFTS UPDATER INFO]: [LUA]: "module"    Processing I:\X-Plane 11/Aircraft/727_Series_Pro_V3_-200F/
[SKUNKCRAFTS UPDATER INFO]: [LUA]: "module"    Processing I:\X-Plane 11/Aircraft/JF_C152/
[SKUNKCRAFTS UPDATER INFO]: [LUA]: "module"    Processing I:\X-Plane 11/Aircraft/JF_Duchess_76/
[SKUNKCRAFTS UPDATER INFO]: [LUA]: "module"    Processing I:\X-Plane 11/Aircraft/727_Series_Pro_V3_-100/
[SKUNKCRAFTS UPDATER INFO]: [LUA]: "module"    Processing I:\X-Plane 11/Aircraft/Diamond DA62/
WebFMC: Plugin enabled
[XJet] 14:09:36,194 INFO [ProductManager] Updates checking finished. Updates available: false
[XJet] 14:13:35,620 INFO [GlobalPlugin] XJet plugin enabled.
I found the following scenery packages (prioritized in this order):
  0 I:\X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins\SAM\lib\SAM_Library/
  1 Custom Scenery/EGCN - Doncaster Sheffield - 1.0 FLY X Simulations/
  2 Custom Scenery/SAM_Library/
  3 Custom Scenery/KPDK_Scenery_Pack/
  4 Custom Scenery/a OIIE_Scenery_Pack1/
  5 Custom Scenery/EDDL_JustSim_v2.0/
  6 Custom Scenery/KBNA - Complete Package - Nashville International V1.5/
  7 Custom Scenery/KPDX - Portland International/
  8 Custom Scenery/Flightbeam - KPDX/
  9 Custom Scenery/Orbx_L52_A_Oceano_County/
 10 Custom Scenery/FSDG/
 11 Custom Scenery/FSDG-Bremen_XP/
 12 Custom Scenery/LGIR xp11  tdg/
 13 Custom Scenery/LIMJ xp11 tdg/
 14 Custom Scenery/LIRN xp11 tdg/
 15 Custom Scenery/EGAE with static AC tdg/
 16 Custom Scenery/LGKF xp11 tdg/
 17 Custom Scenery/LICJ static tdg/
 18 Custom Scenery/LIPZ xp11 tdg/
 19 Custom Scenery/DSC_Dubrovnik/
 20 Custom Scenery/LFRS - Nantes Atlantique/
 21 Custom Scenery/Aerosoft - LIRF Rom/
 22 Custom Scenery/Vidan Design - Billund XP/
 23 Custom Scenery/KSDF-Louisville-1/
 24 Custom Scenery/MMMX - Mexico City Dreamflight Studios/
 25 Custom Scenery/Flightbeam - KPDX roads/
 26 Custom Scenery/Flightbeam Library/
 27 Custom Scenery/FlyTampa_Thessaloniki_0_airport/
 28 Custom Scenery/FlyTampa_Thessaloniki_0_city/
 29 Custom Scenery/FlyTampa_Thessaloniki_0_forests/
 30 Custom Scenery/FlyTampa_Thessaloniki_1_overlays/
 31 Custom Scenery/FlyTampa_Thessaloniki_2_photoreal/
 32 Custom Scenery/FlyTampa_Corfu_Airport/
 33 Custom Scenery/FlyTampa_Corfu_Objects/
 34 Custom Scenery/EBBR_JustSim_1.1/
 35 Custom Scenery/KDEN - Denver International Airport/
 36 Custom Scenery/ENTC tdg/
 37 Custom Scenery/A_Skyline Simulations KCVG Definitive/
 38 Custom Scenery/B_Skyline Simulations_KCVG_Orthos/
 39 Custom Scenery/KDAL - Dallas Love - 3rdWatch - VS/
 40 Custom Scenery/A_Sandro_CYUL/
 41 Custom Scenery/KPHL - Philadelphia International Airport NG/
 42 Custom Scenery/Aerosoft - Bergamo/
 43 Custom Scenery/LKP_KJAX/
 44 Custom Scenery/CFXP - CYQL/
 45 Custom Scenery/LFPG_static/
 46 Custom Scenery/Aerosoft LSZH Airport Zurich V2.0 a/
 47 Custom Scenery/Aerosoft LSZH Airport Zurich V2.0 b/
 48 Custom Scenery/Aerosoft LSZH Airport Zurich V2.0 c/
 49 Custom Scenery/Aerosoft - Dublin_1_Volumetric_Grass/
 50 Custom Scenery/Aerosoft - Dublin_2_Parked_Cars/
 51 Custom Scenery/Aerosoft - Dublin_3_Street_Lights/
 52 Custom Scenery/Aerosoft - Dublin_4_Roads/
 53 Custom Scenery/Aerosoft - Dublin_5_Scenery/
 54 Custom Scenery/Aerosoft_EDDF_1_Parked_Cars/
 55 Custom Scenery/Aerosoft_EDDF_2_Roads/
 56 Custom Scenery/Aerosoft_EDDF_3_Scenery/
 57 Custom Scenery/Aerosoft - EGNT Newcastle XP/
 58 Custom Scenery/Aerosoft - Static Aircrafts/
 59 Custom Scenery/EGPA Kirkwall v3.8 dkm/
 60 Custom Scenery/Sumburgh_EGPB/
 61 Custom Scenery/EGPF - FKS - Glasgow International Airport, Scotland/
 62 Custom Scenery/ENZV tdg/
 63 Custom Scenery/KBWI_Base/
 64 Custom Scenery/KBWI_City/
 65 Custom Scenery/The Manx Project v3/
 66 Custom Scenery/EICM ogold/
 67 Custom Scenery/EICK Cork Ultimate XP10+11/
 68 Custom Scenery/EIKN Ciano35 WT3/
 69 Custom Scenery/EINN Ciano35 + Robert Byrne Ortho v1.0.2/
 70 Custom Scenery/Katchikan_PAKT/
 71 Custom Scenery/PAJN - Juneau International/
 72 Custom Scenery/Colombia_BogotaSKBO/
 73 Custom Scenery/Colombia_RionegroSKRG/
 74 Custom Scenery/SVMI Caracas 1.0/
 75 Custom Scenery/EIKY tdg/
 76 Custom Scenery/KISP - Long Island Mac Arthur - VSV1.0/
 77 Custom Scenery/a - EGGP Liverpool John Lennon/
 78 Custom Scenery/FVH_EGCN - Doncaster Sheffield Airport, England/
 79 Custom Scenery/NK_EGTRElstree/
 80 Custom Scenery/Sandro_CYHU/
 81 Custom Scenery/Aerosoft - EGCC Manchester/
 82 Custom Scenery/DD Washington XP Documents/
 83 Custom Scenery/DD Washington XP Layer1/
 84 Custom Scenery/DD Washington XP Layer2/
 85 Custom Scenery/BIKF tdg/
 86 Custom Scenery/EGGW xp11 tdg/
 87 Custom Scenery/EGNM xp11 tdg/
 88 Custom Scenery/EKVG tdg/
 89 Custom Scenery/ESSA with static tdg/
 90 Custom Scenery/LMML with ststic tdg/
 91 Custom Scenery/LROP xp11 tdg/
 92 Custom Scenery/LZKZ tdg/
 93 Custom Scenery/apt_LKPR_v2.2.3/
 94 Custom Scenery/LDZA-BS/
 95 Custom Scenery/EGBB with static. tdg/
 96 Custom Scenery/FlyAgi_Vegetation/
 97 Custom Scenery/KPSP - Palm Springs International Airport/
 98 Custom Scenery/EDDH_JustSim_v1.2/
 99 Custom Scenery/KHOU_William P Hobby-XP11_120218/
100 Custom Scenery/KMSY_New Orleans/
101 Custom Scenery/USA_TX_KIAH_Houston George Bush Intercontinental Airport 4.1/
102 Custom Scenery/LCLK_JustSim_v1.0/
103 Custom Scenery/LGAV xp11 with static tdg/
104 Custom Scenery/ShortFinal - EDDM - Munich Airport/
105 Custom Scenery/People_LIB/
106 Custom Scenery/RescueX_Lib/
107 Custom Scenery/E CYVR Vancouver Int_l/
108 Custom Scenery/DD Seattle Airports XP/
109 Custom Scenery/DD Seattle Airports XP Documents/ (disabled)
110 Custom Scenery/DD Seattle Airports ARoads/ (disabled)
111 Custom Scenery/KCMA/
112 Custom Scenery/1 KGEU Glendale Muni/
113 Custom Scenery/EDDT Berlin-Tegel_V1.1/
114 Custom Scenery/LHBP tdg/
115 Custom Scenery/Aerodrome LFML MarseilleProvence XPFR/
116 Custom Scenery/Aerosoft - LFBO Airport Toulouse/
117 Custom Scenery/Aerosoft - EDDF Frankfurt/ (disabled)
118 Custom Scenery/Aerosoft - EDLP Paderborn-Lippstadt/
119 Custom Scenery/Aerosoft - EGLL Heathrow/
120 Custom Scenery/Aerosoft - ENBR Bergen - Airport/
121 Custom Scenery/Aerosoft - ENGM Gardermoen/
122 Custom Scenery/Aerosoft - ENGM Gardermoen - Roads/
123 Custom Scenery/Aerosoft - LFMN Nice Cote d Azur X/
124 Custom Scenery/Aerosoft - LFPO Paris Orly/
125 Custom Scenery/Aerosoft - LPFR Faro/
126 Custom Scenery/Aerosoft_KDFW_1_Parked_Cars/
127 Custom Scenery/Aerosoft_KDFW_2_Street_Lights/
128 Custom Scenery/Aerosoft_KDFW_3_Terminal_Interiors/
129 Custom Scenery/Aerosoft_KDFW_4_Roads/
130 Custom Scenery/Aerosoft_KDFW_5_Scenery/
131 Custom Scenery/Airport Environment HD/
132 Custom Scenery/Airport_ELLX-Luxembourg-Findel/
133 Custom Scenery/B_EBLG_Liege_Airport 2.1/
134 Custom Scenery/BS2001 Object Library/
135 Custom Scenery/BS2001_Objects/
136 Custom Scenery/CA-CYYZ-B-Toronto Airport Pearson v1.0/
137 Custom Scenery/CFXP - CYCG/
138 Custom Scenery/CFXP - CYKA/
139 Custom Scenery/CFXP - CYYC/
140 Custom Scenery/CFXP - CYYC Calgary Heliports/
141 Custom Scenery/CFXP - CYYC City Center/
142 Custom Scenery/CFXP - CYQR/
143 Custom Scenery/CFXP - Static Aircraft Library/
144 Custom Scenery/DD Chicago Airports XP/
145 Custom Scenery/DD Chicago Airports XP Documents/
146 Custom Scenery/DD EPWA Warsaw Chopin Airport XP V2/
147 Custom Scenery/DD EPWA Warsaw Chopin Airport XP V2 Documents/
148 Custom Scenery/DD Polish Airports vol.1 Documents/
149 Custom Scenery/DD Polish Airports vol.1 Layer1/
150 Custom Scenery/DD Polish Airports vol.1 Layer2/
151 Custom Scenery/DD Polish Airports vol.1 Layer3/
152 Custom Scenery/DD Polish Airports vol.3/
153 Custom Scenery/DD Polish Airports vol.3 Documents/
154 Custom Scenery/DD_NY_Airports_v2_XP Documents/
155 Custom Scenery/DD_NY_Airports_v2_XP_1KEWR-KCDW-KLDJ_Roads/
156 Custom Scenery/DD_NY_Airports_v2_XP_KEWR-KCDW-KLDJ/
157 Custom Scenery/DD_NY_Airports_v2_XP_1KJFK-KLGA-KTEB_Roads/
158 Custom Scenery/DD_NY_Airports_v2_XP_KJFK-KLGA-KTEB/
159 Custom Scenery/EGAC Belfast New/
160 Custom Scenery/EGJB with static tdg/
161 Custom Scenery/EGJJ xp11 tdg/
162 Custom Scenery/EGSS tdg/
163 Custom Scenery/EHAM/
164 Custom Scenery/ENAL xp11 tdg/
165 Custom Scenery/ENCN/
166 Custom Scenery/ENML tdg/
167 Custom Scenery/ENTO tdg/
168 Custom Scenery/ENVA tdg/
169 Custom Scenery/EVRA_JustSim_v1.1/
170 Custom Scenery/EYVI tdg/
171 Custom Scenery/Four Stacks KWHP & KBUR/
172 Custom Scenery/HP_PHMK_20/
173 Custom Scenery/HP_PHNY_20/
174 Custom Scenery/KABQ - Albuquerque International Sunport/
175 Custom Scenery/KASE - Aspen/
176 Custom Scenery/KAVX - Catalina Airport/
177 Custom Scenery/KBOS - Boston Logan International/
178 Custom Scenery/KBOS - Boston Logan International Orthophotos/
179 Custom Scenery/KBOS - GroundTraffic City/
180 Custom Scenery/KBUR Bob Hope Airport/
181 Custom Scenery/KCUB - Jim Hamilton-L.B. Owens Airport/
182 Custom Scenery/KDAL_1.00 Dallas Love Field/
183 Custom Scenery/KLAS Las Vegas Mc Carran/
184 Custom Scenery/KLAX - Los Angeles International HD/
185 Custom Scenery/KMEM - Memphis International Airport XP11.1+/
186 Custom Scenery/KOAK - Metropolitan Oakland International Airport/
187 Custom Scenery/KONT Ontario International Airport/
188 Custom Scenery/KPHX - Phoenix Sky Harbor Intl/
189 Custom Scenery/KRDM_Scenery_Pack/
190 Custom Scenery/KSAN - San Diego International/
191 Custom Scenery/KSFO - San Francisco Cable Cars/
192 Custom Scenery/KSFO - San Francisco V2/
193 Custom Scenery/KSFO - Traffic Golden Gate Bridge/
194 Custom Scenery/KSFO - Traffic Oakland Bay Bridge/
195 Custom Scenery/KSLC - Salt Lake City International/
196 Custom Scenery/KSNA John Wayne V1.0/
197 Custom Scenery/KSQL San Carlos-SSUSA-1.0.1/
198 Custom Scenery/LEAL-Alicante_Intl_Airport_And_Alicante-Port_v1.1/
199 Custom Scenery/LEVC_Valencia/
200 Custom Scenery/LEVC_Valencia_Orthophotos/
201 Custom Scenery/houston_downtown/
202 Custom Scenery/Nashville Skyline/
203 Custom Scenery/Nimbus Simulation - KATL V2 - Atlanta/
204 Custom Scenery/Nimbus Simulation - KATL V2 - Atlanta - Roads/
205 Custom Scenery/Nimbus Simulation -Z- KATL V2 - Atlanta/
206 Custom Scenery/Nimbus Simulation - KMCO - Orlando/
207 Custom Scenery/CDB-Library/
208 Custom Scenery/pm_library/
209 Custom Scenery/JB_Library/
210 Custom Scenery/OpenSceneryX/
211 Custom Scenery/PPlibrary/
212 Custom Scenery/cemetery/
213 Custom Scenery/Europe_RoadTraffic1_1/
214 Custom Scenery/Europe_RoadTraffic1_11/
215 Custom Scenery/Flyby_Planes/
216 Custom Scenery/german_traffic_library/
217 Custom Scenery/MBA_110/
218 Custom Scenery/Sea_Life/
219 Custom Scenery/Serviced Aircraft North America Part 1/
220 Custom Scenery/Serviced Aircraft North America Part 2/
221 Custom Scenery/Serviced Aircraft North America Part 3/
222 Custom Scenery/Static_GA_Aircraft_NZ/
223 Custom Scenery/TM Library - Billboards HD vol 1 XP11/
224 Custom Scenery/Vehicle Library Extension/
225 Custom Scenery/Waves_Library/
226 Custom Scenery/Project_JFK 2.2/
227 Custom Scenery/R2_Library/
228 Custom Scenery/RA_Library/
229 Custom Scenery/RD_Library/
230 Custom Scenery/RE_Library/
231 Custom Scenery/3D_people_library/
232 Custom Scenery/ADSparks_Library/
233 Custom Scenery/CCVA022_Object_Library/
234 Custom Scenery/DepartureDesigns_Library/
235 Custom Scenery/ruscenery/
236 Custom Scenery/gt_library/
237 Custom Scenery/european_vehicles_library_uwespeed/
238 Custom Scenery/ff_library/
239 Custom Scenery/ff_library_extended_LOD/
240 Custom Scenery/FJS_Scenery_Library_v1.7/
241 Custom Scenery/flags_of_the_world/
242 Custom Scenery/flags_of_USA_states/
243 Custom Scenery/MisterX_Library/
244 Custom Scenery/NAPS_library/
245 Custom Scenery/THE-FAIB Aircraft Library/
246 Custom Scenery/THE-FRUIT-STAND Aircraft Library v3.0/
247 Custom Scenery/The_Handy_Objects_Library/
248 Custom Scenery/SFD Global 1 Urban Textures/
249 Custom Scenery/SFD Global 2 Terrain Textures/
250 Custom Scenery/SFD Global Autogen/
251 Custom Scenery/SFD Global Forests/
252 Custom Scenery/SFD Global Landmarks/
253 Custom Scenery/US-CA-KTVL - South Lake Tahoe/
254 Custom Scenery/US-CA-KTVL - South Lake Tahoe - Ortho/
255 Custom Scenery/USA_HI_HAWAII_PHTO Hilo Intl 3.0/
256 Custom Scenery/USA_HI_KAUAI_PHLI Lihue Airport 4.0/
257 Custom Scenery/USA_HI_OAHU_PHNL Honolulu Intl 5.1/
258 Custom Scenery/world-models/
259 Custom Scenery/KSEA Demo Area/ (disabled)
260 Custom Scenery/LOWI Demo Area/ (disabled)
261 Custom Scenery/UK2000 Bristol2019HD/
262 Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_EGPH_Edinburgh/
263 Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_LOWI_Innsbruck/
264 Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_LOWI_LOJT/
265 Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_EGNX_East_Midlands/
266 Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_EGLC_LondonCity/
267 Custom Scenery/Global Airports/
268 Custom Scenery/X-Plane Landmarks - New York/
269 Custom Scenery/X-Plane Landmarks - Washington DC/
270 Custom Scenery/X-Plane Landmarks - Dubai/
271 Custom Scenery/X-Plane Landmarks - Chicago/
272 Custom Scenery/X-Plane Landmarks - Las Vegas/
273 Custom Scenery/X-Plane Landmarks - London/
274 Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_US_Washington_TE_Custom/
275 Custom Scenery/Orbx_B_US_Washington_TE_Overlay/
276 Custom Scenery/Orbx_C_US_Washington_TE_Orthos/
277 Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_GB_Central_TrueEarth_Custom/
278 Custom Scenery/Orbx_B_GB_Central_TrueEarth_Overlay/
279 Custom Scenery/Orbx_C_GB_Central_TrueEarth_Orthos/
280 Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_US_Oregon_TE_Custom/
281 Custom Scenery/Orbx_B_US_Oregon_TE_Overlay/
282 Custom Scenery/Orbx_C_US_Oregon_TE_Orthos/
283 Custom Scenery/Orbx_KCGX_A_Merrill_C_Meigs_Field/
284 Custom Scenery/Orbx_EGHI_A_Southampton/
285 Custom Scenery/Orbx_B_LOWI_Overlay/
286 Custom Scenery/Orbx_C_LOWI_DrapedOrthos/
287 Custom Scenery/Orbx_D_LOWI_Orthos/
288 Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_EGLH_Needles/
289 Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_GB_South_TrueEarth_Custom/
290 Custom Scenery/Orbx_B_GB_South_TrueEarth_Overlay/
291 Custom Scenery/Orbx_C_GB_South_TrueEarth_Orthos/
292 Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_GB_North_TrueEarth_Custom/
293 Custom Scenery/Orbx_B_GB_North_TrueEarth_Overlay/
294 Custom Scenery/Orbx_C_GB_North_TrueEarth_Overlay/
295 Custom Scenery/Orbx_D_GB_North_TrueEarth_Orthos/
296 Custom Scenery/ZZ_DF-Hard_Surface/
297 Custom Scenery/X-Plane Landmarks - Sydney/
298 Custom Scenery/XAirportScenery/
299 Custom Scenery/z - ShortFinal - EDDM - Mesh/
300 Custom Scenery/Orbx_KCGX_C_Overlay/
301 Custom Scenery/YYY_KCVG_Overlays/
302 Custom Scenery/yOrtho4XP_Overlays/
303 Custom Scenery/Y KDEN Overlay/
304 Custom Scenery/Y MMMX Overlay/
305 Custom Scenery/FlyTampa_Corfu_zMesh/
306 Custom Scenery/Z KDEN Mesh/
307 Custom Scenery/zHawaiiPhotoreal_+21-161/
308 Custom Scenery/zHawaiiPhotoreal_+22-161/
309 Custom Scenery/zHP_+18-156/
310 Custom Scenery/zHP_+19-155/
311 Custom Scenery/zHP_+19-156/
312 Custom Scenery/zHP_+19-157/
313 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+20-156/
314 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+20-157/
315 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+20-158/
316 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+21-157/
317 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+21-158/
318 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+21-159/
319 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+21-160/
320 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+22-160/
321 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+23-078/
322 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+24-078/
323 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+24-079/
324 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+24-081/
325 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+24-082/
326 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+25-078/
327 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+25-079/
328 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+25-080/
329 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+25-081/
330 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+26-078/
331 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+26-079/
332 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+26-080/
333 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+26-081/
334 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+27-081/
335 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+27-082/
336 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+28-082/
337 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+30-082/
338 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+30-087/
339 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+30-088/
340 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+31-082/
341 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+32-097/
342 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+32-098/
343 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+32-112/
344 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+32-113/
345 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+32-114/
346 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+32-115/
347 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+32-116/
348 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+32-117/
349 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+32-118/
350 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+33-081/
351 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+33-082/
352 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+33-097/
353 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+33-098/
354 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+33-112/
355 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+33-113/
356 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+33-114/
357 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+33-115/
358 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+33-116/
359 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+33-117/
360 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+33-118/
361 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+33-119/
362 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+34-081/
363 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+34-082/
364 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+34-084/
365 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+34-085/
366 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+34-086/
367 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+34-087/
368 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+34-107/
369 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+34-108/
370 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+34-109/
371 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+34-110/
372 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+34-111/
373 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+34-112/
374 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+34-113/
375 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+34-114/
376 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+34-115/
377 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+34-116/
378 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+34-117/
379 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+34-118/
380 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+34-119/
381 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+34-120/
382 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+34-121/
383 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+35-083/
384 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+35-084/
385 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+35-085/
386 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+35-086/
387 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+35-087/
388 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+35-088/
389 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+35-106/
390 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+35-107/
391 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+35-108/
392 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+35-109/
393 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+35-110/
394 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+35-111/
395 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+35-112/
396 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+35-113/
397 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+35-114/
398 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+35-115/
399 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+35-116/
400 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+35-117/
401 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+35-118/
402 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+35-119/
403 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+35-120/
404 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+35-121/
405 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+35-122/
406 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+36-083/
407 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+36-084/
408 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+36-085/
409 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+36-087/
410 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+36-088/
411 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+36-089/
412 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+36-106/
413 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+36-107/
414 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+36-108/
415 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+36-109/
416 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+36-110/
417 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+36-111/
418 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+36-112/
419 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+36-113/
420 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+36-114/
421 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+36-115/
422 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+36-116/
423 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+36-117/
424 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+36-118/
425 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+36-119/
426 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+36-120/
427 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+36-121/
428 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+36-122/
429 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+37+013/
430 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+37+014/
431 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+37+021/
432 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+37+022/
433 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+37-084/
434 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+37-085/
435 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+37-086/
436 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+37-087/
437 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+37-089/
438 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+37-106/
439 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+37-107/
440 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+37-108/
441 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+37-109/
442 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+37-110/
443 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+37-111/
444 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+37-112/
445 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+37-113/
446 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+37-114/
447 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+37-115/
448 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+37-116/
449 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+37-117/
450 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+37-118/
451 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+37-119/
452 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+37-120/
453 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+37-121/
454 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+37-122/
455 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+37-123/
456 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+38-001/
457 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+38-002/
458 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+38+013/
459 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+38-076/
460 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+38-077/
461 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+38-078/
462 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+38-084/
463 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+38-085/
464 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+38-091/
465 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+38-105/
466 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+38-106/
467 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+38-107/
468 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+38-108/
469 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+38-109/
470 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+38-110/
471 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+38-111/
472 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+38-112/
473 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+38-113/
474 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+38-114/
475 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+38-115/
476 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+38-117/
477 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+38-118/
478 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+38-119/
479 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+38-120/
480 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+38-121/
481 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+38-122/
482 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+38-123/
483 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+39+022/
484 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+39+023/
485 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+39-001/
486 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+39-002/
487 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+39-076/
488 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+39-078/
489 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+39-086/
490 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+39-105/
491 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+39-106/
492 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+39-107/
493 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+39-108/
494 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+39-109/
495 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+39-110/
496 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+39-111/
497 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+39-112/
498 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+39-113/
499 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+39-114/
500 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+39-115/
501 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+39-120/
502 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+39-121/
503 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+39-122/
504 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+39-123/
505 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+40-001/
506 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+40-087/
507 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+40-088/
508 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+40-089/
509 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+40-090/
510 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+40-105/
511 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+40-106/
512 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+40-107/
513 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+40-108/
514 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+40-109/
515 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+40-110/
516 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+40-111/
517 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+40-112/
518 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+40-113/
519 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+40-114/
520 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+40-123/
521 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+41+000/
522 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+41+001/
523 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+41+020/
524 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+41+021/
525 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+41-087/
526 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+41-088/
527 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+41-089/
528 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+41-096/
529 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+41-097/
530 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+41-112/
531 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+41-113/
532 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+41-114/
533 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+41-123/
534 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+41-124/
535 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+42+000/
536 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+42+001/
537 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+42+002/
538 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+43+004/
539 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+42-089/
540 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+42-114/
541 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+42-123/
542 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+42-124/
543 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+43-116/
544 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+43-117/
545 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+43-122/ (disabled)
546 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+43-123/ (disabled)
547 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+43-124/ (disabled)
548 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+44-121/ (disabled)
549 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+44-122/ (disabled)
550 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+44-123/ (disabled)
551 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+44-124/ (disabled)
552 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+45+007/
553 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+45+008/
554 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+45+009/
555 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+45+010/
556 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+45-114/
557 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+45-115/
558 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+45-116/
559 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+45-117/
560 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+45-118/
561 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+45-121/ (disabled)
562 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+45-122/ (disabled)
563 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+45-123/ (disabled)
564 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+46+007/
565 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+46+008/
566 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+46+009/
567 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+46+010/
568 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+46+011/
569 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+46+012/
570 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+46+015/
571 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+46-122/ (disabled)
572 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+46-123/ (disabled)
573 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+46-124/ (disabled)
574 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+47+010/
575 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+47+011/
576 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+47+012/
577 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+47+013/
578 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+47+014/
579 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+47+015/
580 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+49-002/
581 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+49-003/
582 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+49-116/
583 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+49-117/
584 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+49-118/
585 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+49-119/
586 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+49-120/
587 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+49-121/
588 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+50+005/
589 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+53-007/
590 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+43+005/
591 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+43+006/
592 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+43+007/
593 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+44+005/
594 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+44+006/
595 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+44+007/
596 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+45+006/
597 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+46+006/
598 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+44+008/
599 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+44+009/
600 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+46+013/
601 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+46+014/
602 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+47+008/
603 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+47+009/
604 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+44+010/
605 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+44+011/
606 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+45+011/
607 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+36-081/
608 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+36-082/
609 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+37-079/
610 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+37-080/
611 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+37-081/
612 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+37-082/
613 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+37-083/
614 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+38-079/
615 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+38-080/
616 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+38-081/
617 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+38-082/
618 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+38-083/
619 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+37-088/
620 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+38-086/
621 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+38-087/
622 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+38-088/
623 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+39-079/
624 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+39-080/
625 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+39-085/
626 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+50+004/
627 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+40+000/
628 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+39-081/
629 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+39-082/
630 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+48+010/
631 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+48+011/
632 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+34+032/
633 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+34+033/
634 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+37+023/
635 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+38+023/
636 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+35+014/
637 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+35+023/
638 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+35+024/
639 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+35+025/
640 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+35+026/
641 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+35+032/
642 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+35+033/
643 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+35+034/
644 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+36+021/
645 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+36+022/
646 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+37+024/
647 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+38+024/
648 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+53+008/
649 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+53+009/
650 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+53+010/
651 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+33-084/
652 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+33-085/
653 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+40-074/
654 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+40-075/
655 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+40-091/
656 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+41-090/
657 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+50+018/
658 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+50+019/
659 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+42+017/
660 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+42+018/
661 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+43+016/
662 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+43+017/
663 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+43+015/
664 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+44+015/
665 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+44+016/
666 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+45+015/
667 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+45+016/
668 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+46+016/
669 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+47+016/
670 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+43+018/
671 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+44+017/
672 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+44+018/
673 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+45+017/
674 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+45+018/
675 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+47+018/
676 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+47+019/
677 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+46+017/
678 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+47+017/
679 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+48+012/
680 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+48+013/
681 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+48+014/
682 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+49+014/
683 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+50+014/
684 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+52+008/
685 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+52+009/
686 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+52+020/
687 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+52+021/
688 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+54+008/
689 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+54+009/
690 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+54+010/
691 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+55+008/
692 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+55+009/
693 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+54+018/
694 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+54+019/
695 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+63-021/
696 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+63-022/
697 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+63-023/
698 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+64-021/
699 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+64-022/
700 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+64-023/
701 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+52-009/
702 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+52-010/
703 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+51-009/
704 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+52-007/
705 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+52-008/
706 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+51-008/
707 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+51-010/
708 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+53-008/
709 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+53-009/
710 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+53-010/
711 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+54-006/
712 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+54-007/
713 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+54-008/
714 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+54-009/
715 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+54-010/
716 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+55-007/
717 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+31-083/
718 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+32-080/
719 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+32-081/
720 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+32-082/
721 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+32-083/
722 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+32-084/
723 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+33-080/
724 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+33-083/
725 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+29-082/
726 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+29-083/
727 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+31-084/
728 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+32-085/
729 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+39-084/
730 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+50+016/
731 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+50+017/
732 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+51+016/
733 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+51+017/
734 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+39-083/
735 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+50+015/
736 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+51+015/
737 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+52+004/
738 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+52+005/
739 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+28-083/
740 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+30-084/
741 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+39-077/
742 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+30-085/
743 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+31-085/
744 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+31-086/
745 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+31-087/
746 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+32-086/
747 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+32-087/
748 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+33-086/
749 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+33-087/
750 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+38-095/
751 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+39-095/
752 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+35-081/
753 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+35-082/
754 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+30-086/
755 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+32-088/
756 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+33-088/
757 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+33-089/
758 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+34-088/
759 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+34-089/
760 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+35-089/
761 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+36-086/
762 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+31-088/
763 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+40-073/
764 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+41-072/
765 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+39+020/
766 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+39+021/
767 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+40+019/
768 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+40+020/
769 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+40+023/
770 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+42+013/
771 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+43+013/
772 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+41+014/
773 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+42+014/
774 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+41+019/
775 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+42+019/
776 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+42+012/
777 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+43+012/
778 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+46+018/
779 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+46+019/
780 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+40+014/
781 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+41+012/
782 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+41+013/
783 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+42+011/
784 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+43+010/
785 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+43+011/
786 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+44+012/
787 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+45+012/
788 Custom Scenery/ZZOrtho4XP_+19-099/
789 Custom Scenery/ZZOrtho4XP_+19-100/
790 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+39+018/
791 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+40+016/
792 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+40+017/
793 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+40+018/
794 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+41+016/
795 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+42+010/
796 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+38+015/
797 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+38+016/
798 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+38+021/
799 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+38+022/
800 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+39+015/
801 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+39+016/
802 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+39+017/
803 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+41+017/
804 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+40+015/
805 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+40+021/
806 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+40+022/
807 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+41+015/
808 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+45+013/
809 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+45+014/
810 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+43+001/
811 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+43+002/
812 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+43+003/
813 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+44+003/
814 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+44+004/
815 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+45+004/
816 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+51+018/
817 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+39-087/
818 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+39-088/
819 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+36+014/
820 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+36+015/
821 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+37+012/
822 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+38+012/
823 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+37+015/
824 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+38+014/
825 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+30-083/
826 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+34-083/
827 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+38-089/
828 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+39-089/
829 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+46-002/
830 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+47-002/ (disabled)
831 Custom Scenery/ZZZ_Orbx_KCGX_Merrill_C_Meigs_Field/
832 Custom Scenery/ZZZ DD Washington XP Terrain/
833 Custom Scenery/ZZZ DD Polish Airports vol.1 Terrain/
834 Custom Scenery/CA-CYYZ-E-Toronto Mesh/
835 Custom Scenery/zzz_hd_global_scenery4/
836 Custom Scenery/ZZZ_Skyline Simulations_KCVG_Mesh/
837 Custom Scenery/Aerosoft - ENBR Bergen - Mesh/
838 Custom Scenery/FlyTampa_Thessaloniki_3_mesh/
839 Custom Scenery/z_KLAX_HD_Mesh/
840 Custom Scenery/zzz_Aerosoft - ENGM Gardermoen - Mesh/
841 Custom Scenery/ZZZ DD Seattle Airports XP Terrain/ (disabled)
842 Custom Scenery/RescueX_Terrain/
843 Custom Scenery/Orbx_OrbxlibsXP/
844 Global Scenery/X-Plane 11 Demo Areas/
845 Global Scenery/X-Plane 11 Global Scenery/
846 Resources/default scenery/1000 autogen/
847 Resources/default scenery/1000 decals/
848 Resources/default scenery/1000 forests/
849 Resources/default scenery/1000 roads/
850 Resources/default scenery/1000 urban terrain/
851 Resources/default scenery/1000 world terrain/
852 Resources/default scenery/700 roads/
853 Resources/default scenery/900 beaches/
854 Resources/default scenery/900 europe objects/
855 Resources/default scenery/900 forests/
856 Resources/default scenery/900 roads/
857 Resources/default scenery/900 us objects/
858 Resources/default scenery/900 world object placeholders/
859 Resources/default scenery/airport decals/
860 Resources/default scenery/airport scenery/
861 Resources/default scenery/default apt dat/
862 Resources/default scenery/default atc dat/
863 Resources/default scenery/sim objects/
864 Resources/tutorials/tutorials_Alaska/
865 Resources/tutorials/tutorials_Hawaii/
866 Resources/tutorials/tutorials_Seattle/

0:00:00.162 D/HID: HID Bridge Running
0:05:07.494 I/NAVT: Airspaces are done loading async...
Fetching plugins for Custom Scenery/EDDL_JustSim_v2.0/plugins

Loaded: Custom Scenery/EDDL_JustSim_v2.0/plugins/GroundTraffic/64/win.xpl (Marginal.GroundTraffic.EDDL_JustSim_v2.0).

Fetching plugins for Custom Scenery/KPDX - Portland International/plugins

Loaded: Custom Scenery/KPDX - Portland International/plugins/GroundTraffic/64/win.xpl (Marginal.GroundTraffic.KPDX - Portland International).

Fetching plugins for Custom Scenery/Flightbeam - KPDX/plugins

Loaded: Custom Scenery/Flightbeam - KPDX/plugins/GroundTraffic/64/win.xpl (Marginal.GroundTraffic.Flightbeam - KPDX).

SAM 1.0.8 loaded
Loaded: Custom Scenery/Flightbeam - KPDX/plugins/SAM/win_x64/SAM.xpl (com.stairport-sceneries.sam).

Fetching plugins for Custom Scenery/FSDG-Bremen_XP/plugins

Loaded: Custom Scenery/FSDG-Bremen_XP/plugins/GroundTraffic/64/win.xpl (Marginal.GroundTraffic.FSDG-Bremen_XP).

Fetching plugins for Custom Scenery/FlyTampa_Thessaloniki_0_airport/plugins

Loaded: Custom Scenery/FlyTampa_Thessaloniki_0_airport/plugins/GroundTraffic/64/win.xpl (Marginal.GroundTraffic.FlyTampa_Thessaloniki_0_airport).

Fetching plugins for Custom Scenery/FlyTampa_Thessaloniki_1_overlays/plugins

Loaded: Custom Scenery/FlyTampa_Thessaloniki_1_overlays/plugins/GroundTraffic/64/win.xpl (Marginal.GroundTraffic.FlyTampa_Thessaloniki_1_overlays).

Fetching plugins for Custom Scenery/FlyTampa_Corfu_Airport/plugins

Loaded: Custom Scenery/FlyTampa_Corfu_Airport/plugins/GroundTraffic/64/win.xpl (Marginal.GroundTraffic.FlyTampa_Corfu_Airport).

Fetching plugins for Custom Scenery/KDEN - Denver International Airport/plugins

Loaded: Custom Scenery/KDEN - Denver International Airport/plugins/GroundTraffic/64/win.xpl (Marginal.GroundTraffic.KDEN - Denver International Airport).

X-Codr Designs SoundXP.KDEN: Scenery folder found, plugin will now be initialized when in range
Loaded: Custom Scenery/KDEN - Denver International Airport/plugins/XCD_SoundXP/64/win.xpl (XCD.SoundXP.KDEN).

X-Codr Designs SoundXP.KDEN: No longer in range, plugin will now be deinitialized.

Sound callback should be stopped

X-Codr Designs SoundXP.KDEN: Plugin deinitialized
Fetching plugins for Custom Scenery/Aerosoft - Bergamo/plugins

Loaded: Custom Scenery/Aerosoft - Bergamo/plugins/GroundTraffic/64/win.xpl (Marginal.GroundTraffic.Aerosoft - Bergamo).

Fetching plugins for Custom Scenery/Aerosoft LSZH Airport Zurich V2.0 a/plugins

Loaded: Custom Scenery/Aerosoft LSZH Airport Zurich V2.0 a/plugins/GroundTraffic/64/win.xpl (Marginal.GroundTraffic.Aerosoft LSZH Airport Zurich V2.0 a).

Custom Scenery/Aerosoft LSZH Airport Zurich V2.0 a/plugins/xdatarefs/X-DataRefs_Config.txt
Custom Scenery/Aerosoft LSZH Airport Zurich V2.0 a/plugins/xdatarefs/X-DataRefs_License_Key.txt

LicenseFile found

License found
0:0.100000:0.000000:1.000000:VFR Entry Points (show/hide)
0:10.000000:0.000000:10.000000:REGA Helicopter Hanger (open/close):
Loaded: Custom Scenery/Aerosoft LSZH Airport Zurich V2.0 a/plugins/xdatarefs/64/win.xpl (barbarossa.X-DataRefs_3.0a4.Aerosoft LSZH Airport Zurich V2.0 a).

GroundTraffic: Note: Ignoring duplicate waypoint at line 1837
GroundTraffic: Note: Ignoring duplicate waypoint at line 2107
Fetching plugins for Custom Scenery/Aerosoft - EGNT Newcastle XP/plugins

Loaded: Custom Scenery/Aerosoft - EGNT Newcastle XP/plugins/GroundTraffic/64/win.xpl (Marginal.GroundTraffic.Aerosoft - EGNT Newcastle XP).

Fetching plugins for Custom Scenery/EGPF - FKS - Glasgow International Airport, Scotland/plugins

Loaded: Custom Scenery/EGPF - FKS - Glasgow International Airport, Scotland/plugins/GroundTraffic/64/win.xpl (Marginal.GroundTraffic.EGPF - FKS - Glasgow International Airport, Scotland).

Fetching plugins for Custom Scenery/KBWI_Base/plugins

Loaded: Custom Scenery/KBWI_Base/plugins/GroundTraffic/64/win.xpl (Marginal.GroundTraffic.KBWI_Base).

Fetching plugins for Custom Scenery/PAJN - Juneau International/plugins

Loaded: Custom Scenery/PAJN - Juneau International/plugins/GroundTraffic/64/win.xpl (Marginal.GroundTraffic.PAJN - Juneau International).

Fetching plugins for Custom Scenery/KISP - Long Island Mac Arthur - VSV1.0/plugins

Loaded: Custom Scenery/KISP - Long Island Mac Arthur - VSV1.0/plugins/GroundTraffic/64/win.xpl (Marginal.GroundTraffic.KISP - Long Island Mac Arthur - VSV1.0).

Fetching plugins for Custom Scenery/FVH_EGCN - Doncaster Sheffield Airport, England/plugins

Loaded: Custom Scenery/FVH_EGCN - Doncaster Sheffield Airport, England/plugins/GroundTraffic/64/win.xpl (Marginal.GroundTraffic.FVH_EGCN - Doncaster Sheffield Airport, England).

Fetching plugins for Custom Scenery/Aerosoft - EGCC Manchester/plugins

Loaded: Custom Scenery/Aerosoft - EGCC Manchester/plugins/GroundTraffic/64/win.xpl (Marginal.GroundTraffic.Aerosoft - EGCC Manchester).

GroundTraffic: Note: Ignoring duplicate waypoint at line 756
GroundTraffic: Note: Ignoring duplicate waypoint at line 783
Fetching plugins for Custom Scenery/KHOU_William P Hobby-XP11_120218/plugins

Loaded: Custom Scenery/KHOU_William P Hobby-XP11_120218/plugins/GroundTraffic/64/win.xpl (Marginal.GroundTraffic.KHOU_William P Hobby-XP11_120218).

Fetching plugins for Custom Scenery/ShortFinal - EDDM - Munich Airport/plugins

Loaded: Custom Scenery/ShortFinal - EDDM - Munich Airport/plugins/GroundTraffic/64/win.xpl (Marginal.GroundTraffic.ShortFinal - EDDM - Munich Airport).

Fetching plugins for Custom Scenery/DD Seattle Airports XP/plugins

Warning: Custom Scenery/DD Seattle Airports XP/plugins/AutoGate/64/win.xpl Signature: Marginal.AutoGate. (A version of this plugin is already loaded.)
Custom Scenery/DD Seattle Airports XP/plugins/AutoGate/win.xpl : Error Code = 193 : %1 is not a valid Win32 application.
Loaded: Custom Scenery/DD Seattle Airports XP/plugins/GroundTraffic/64/win.xpl (Marginal.GroundTraffic.DD Seattle Airports XP).

Fetching plugins for Custom Scenery/Aerosoft - ENBR Bergen - Airport/plugins

Loaded: Custom Scenery/Aerosoft - ENBR Bergen - Airport/plugins/GroundTraffic/64/win.xpl (Marginal.GroundTraffic.Aerosoft - ENBR Bergen - Airport).

Fetching plugins for Custom Scenery/Airport_ELLX-Luxembourg-Findel/plugins

Loaded: Custom Scenery/Airport_ELLX-Luxembourg-Findel/plugins/GroundTraffic/64/win.xpl (Marginal.GroundTraffic.Airport_ELLX-Luxembourg-Findel).

Fetching plugins for Custom Scenery/CA-CYYZ-B-Toronto Airport Pearson v1.0/plugins

Loaded: Custom Scenery/CA-CYYZ-B-Toronto Airport Pearson v1.0/plugins/GroundTraffic/64/win.xpl (Marginal.GroundTraffic.CA-CYYZ-B-Toronto Airport Pearson v1.0).

Fetching plugins for Custom Scenery/CFXP - CYCG/plugins

Loaded: Custom Scenery/CFXP - CYCG/plugins/GroundTraffic/64/win.xpl (Marginal.GroundTraffic.CFXP - CYCG).

Fetching plugins for Custom Scenery/CFXP - CYYC/plugins

Loaded: Custom Scenery/CFXP - CYYC/plugins/GroundTraffic/64/win.xpl (Marginal.GroundTraffic.CFXP - CYYC).

Fetching plugins for Custom Scenery/DD Chicago Airports XP/plugins

Loaded: Custom Scenery/DD Chicago Airports XP/plugins/GroundTraffic/64/win.xpl (Marginal.GroundTraffic.DD Chicago Airports XP).

Fetching plugins for Custom Scenery/DD EPWA Warsaw Chopin Airport XP V2/plugins

Loaded: Custom Scenery/DD EPWA Warsaw Chopin Airport XP V2/plugins/GroundTraffic/64/win.xpl (Marginal.GroundTraffic.DD EPWA Warsaw Chopin Airport XP V2).

Fetching plugins for Custom Scenery/DD Polish Airports vol.1 Layer1/plugins

Warning: Custom Scenery/DD Polish Airports vol.1 Layer1/plugins/AutoGate/64/win.xpl Signature: Marginal.AutoGate. (A version of this plugin is already loaded.)
Custom Scenery/DD Polish Airports vol.1 Layer1/plugins/AutoGate/win.xpl : Error Code = 193 : %1 is not a valid Win32 application.
Loaded: Custom Scenery/DD Polish Airports vol.1 Layer1/plugins/GroundTraffic/64/win.xpl (Marginal.GroundTraffic.DD Polish Airports vol.1 Layer1).

GroundTraffic: Note: Ignoring duplicate waypoint at line 9
Fetching plugins for Custom Scenery/DD Polish Airports vol.3/plugins

Loaded: Custom Scenery/DD Polish Airports vol.3/plugins/GroundTraffic/64/win.xpl (Marginal.GroundTraffic.DD Polish Airports vol.3).

Fetching plugins for Custom Scenery/KABQ - Albuquerque International Sunport/plugins

Loaded: Custom Scenery/KABQ - Albuquerque International Sunport/plugins/GroundTraffic/64/win.xpl (Marginal.GroundTraffic.KABQ - Albuquerque International Sunport).

Fetching plugins for Custom Scenery/KASE - Aspen/plugins

CustomSBDatarefs004 - parsing setup file
CustomSBDatarefs004 - No CustomSBDatarefs004.ini file found, will use defaults
Loaded: Custom Scenery/KASE - Aspen/plugins/CustomSBDatarefs004/64/win.xpl (sandybarbour.projects.customsbdatarefs004).

Loaded: Custom Scenery/KASE - Aspen/plugins/GroundTraffic/64/win.xpl (Marginal.GroundTraffic.KASE - Aspen).

Fetching plugins for Custom Scenery/KAVX - Catalina Airport/plugins

Loaded: Custom Scenery/KAVX - Catalina Airport/plugins/GroundTraffic/64/win.xpl (Marginal.GroundTraffic.KAVX - Catalina Airport).

Fetching plugins for Custom Scenery/KBOS - Boston Logan International/plugins

Loaded: Custom Scenery/KBOS - Boston Logan International/plugins/GroundTraffic/64/win.xpl (Marginal.GroundTraffic.KBOS - Boston Logan International).

Fetching plugins for Custom Scenery/KBOS - GroundTraffic City/plugins

Loaded: Custom Scenery/KBOS - GroundTraffic City/plugins/GroundTraffic/64/win.xpl (Marginal.GroundTraffic.KBOS - GroundTraffic City).

Fetching plugins for Custom Scenery/KBUR Bob Hope Airport/plugins

Loaded: Custom Scenery/KBUR Bob Hope Airport/plugins/GroundTraffic/64/win.xpl (Marginal.GroundTraffic.KBUR Bob Hope Airport).

Fetching plugins for Custom Scenery/KCUB - Jim Hamilton-L.B. Owens Airport/plugins

Loaded: Custom Scenery/KCUB - Jim Hamilton-L.B. Owens Airport/plugins/GroundTraffic/64/win.xpl (Marginal.GroundTraffic.KCUB - Jim Hamilton-L.B. Owens Airport).

Fetching plugins for Custom Scenery/KLAX - Los Angeles International HD/plugins

Loaded: Custom Scenery/KLAX - Los Angeles International HD/plugins/GroundTraffic/64/win.xpl (Marginal.GroundTraffic.KLAX - Los Angeles International HD).

Fetching plugins for Custom Scenery/KONT Ontario International Airport/plugins

Loaded: Custom Scenery/KONT Ontario International Airport/plugins/GroundTraffic/64/win.xpl (Marginal.GroundTraffic.KONT Ontario International Airport).

Fetching plugins for Custom Scenery/KPHX - Phoenix Sky Harbor Intl/plugins

Loaded: Custom Scenery/KPHX - Phoenix Sky Harbor Intl/plugins/GroundTraffic/64/win.xpl (Marginal.GroundTraffic.KPHX - Phoenix Sky Harbor Intl).

Fetching plugins for Custom Scenery/KSAN - San Diego International/plugins

Loaded: Custom Scenery/KSAN - San Diego International/plugins/GroundTraffic/64/win.xpl (Marginal.GroundTraffic.KSAN - San Diego International).

Fetching plugins for Custom Scenery/KSFO - San Francisco Cable Cars/plugins

Loaded: Custom Scenery/KSFO - San Francisco Cable Cars/plugins/GroundTraffic/64/win.xpl (Marginal.GroundTraffic.KSFO - San Francisco Cable Cars).

Fetching plugins for Custom Scenery/KSFO - San Francisco V2/plugins

0:05:07.494 I/NAVT: NavData is done loading async...
Loaded: Custom Scenery/KSFO - San Francisco V2/plugins/GroundTraffic/64/win.xpl (Marginal.GroundTraffic.KSFO - San Francisco V2).

Fetching plugins for Custom Scenery/KSFO - Traffic Golden Gate Bridge/plugins

Loaded: Custom Scenery/KSFO - Traffic Golden Gate Bridge/plugins/GroundTraffic/64/win.xpl (Marginal.GroundTraffic.KSFO - Traffic Golden Gate Bridge).

Fetching plugins for Custom Scenery/KSFO - Traffic Oakland Bay Bridge/plugins

Loaded: Custom Scenery/KSFO - Traffic Oakland Bay Bridge/plugins/GroundTraffic/64/win.xpl (Marginal.GroundTraffic.KSFO - Traffic Oakland Bay Bridge).

Fetching plugins for Custom Scenery/KSLC - Salt Lake City International/plugins

Loaded: Custom Scenery/KSLC - Salt Lake City International/plugins/GroundTraffic/64/win.xpl (Marginal.GroundTraffic.KSLC - Salt Lake City International).

Fetching plugins for Custom Scenery/KSNA John Wayne V1.0/plugins

Loaded: Custom Scenery/KSNA John Wayne V1.0/plugins/GroundTraffic/64/win.xpl (Marginal.GroundTraffic.KSNA John Wayne V1.0).

GroundTraffic: Can't find groundtraffic.txt in I:\X-Plane 11\Custom Scenery\KSNA John Wayne V1.0
Fetching plugins for Custom Scenery/LEAL-Alicante_Intl_Airport_And_Alicante-Port_v1.1/plugins

Loaded: Custom Scenery/LEAL-Alicante_Intl_Airport_And_Alicante-Port_v1.1/plugins/GroundTraffic/64/win.xpl (Marginal.GroundTraffic.LEAL-Alicante_Intl_Airport_And_Alicante-Port_v1.1).

Fetching plugins for Custom Scenery/Nimbus Simulation - KATL V2 - Atlanta/plugins

Loaded: Custom Scenery/Nimbus Simulation - KATL V2 - Atlanta/plugins/GroundTraffic/64/win.xpl (Marginal.GroundTraffic.Nimbus Simulation - KATL V2 - Atlanta).

Fetching plugins for Custom Scenery/Nimbus Simulation - KMCO - Orlando/plugins

0:05:07.494 I/NAVT: Fixes are done loading async...
Loaded: Custom Scenery/Nimbus Simulation - KMCO - Orlando/plugins/GroundTraffic/64/win.xpl (Marginal.GroundTraffic.Nimbus Simulation - KMCO - Orlando).

Fetching plugins for Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_EGPH_Edinburgh/plugins

Loaded: Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_EGPH_Edinburgh/plugins/GroundTraffic/64/win.xpl (Marginal.GroundTraffic.Orbx_A_EGPH_Edinburgh).

GroundTraffic: Note: Ignoring duplicate waypoint at line 3274
GroundTraffic: Note: Ignoring duplicate waypoint at line 3355
Fetching plugins for Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_LOWI_Innsbruck/plugins

Loaded: Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_LOWI_Innsbruck/plugins/GroundTraffic/64/win.xpl (Marginal.GroundTraffic.Orbx_A_LOWI_Innsbruck).

Fetching plugins for Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_EGNX_East_Midlands/plugins

Loaded: Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_EGNX_East_Midlands/plugins/GroundTraffic/64/win.xpl (Marginal.GroundTraffic.Orbx_A_EGNX_East_Midlands).

Fetching plugins for Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_EGLC_LondonCity/plugins

Loaded: Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_EGLC_LondonCity/plugins/groundtraffic/64/win.xpl (Marginal.GroundTraffic.Orbx_A_EGLC_LondonCity).

Fetching plugins for Custom Scenery/Orbx_EGHI_A_Southampton/plugins

Loaded: Custom Scenery/Orbx_EGHI_A_Southampton/plugins/GroundTraffic/64/win.xpl (Marginal.GroundTraffic.Orbx_EGHI_A_Southampton).

Fetching plugins for Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_GB_South_TrueEarth_Custom/plugins

Loaded: Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_GB_South_TrueEarth_Custom/plugins/GroundTraffic/64/win.xpl (Marginal.GroundTraffic.Orbx_A_GB_South_TrueEarth_Custom).

GroundTraffic: Can't find groundtraffic.txt in I:\X-Plane 11\Custom Scenery\Orbx_A_GB_South_TrueEarth_Custom
Syntax error - unknown glyph at ^R}
Parse error: no closing brace.
 (in sign '{@Y}GA{^R}' from airport ENTO:Custom Scenery/ENTO tdg/Earth nav data/apt.dat)
Initializing off screen memory.
Initializing off screen memory complete.
WARNING: the named light apt_beacon_white_mil_glow does not exist.
ERROR: object Resources/default scenery/sim objects/apt_beacons/beacon_mil.obj has a bad light name: apt_beacon_white_mil_glow
WARNING: the named light apt_beacon_white_mil_axial does not exist.
ERROR: object Resources/default scenery/sim objects/apt_beacons/beacon_mil.obj has a bad light name: apt_beacon_white_mil_axial
WARNING: the named light apt_beacon_white_mil_axial does not exist.
ERROR: object Resources/default scenery/sim objects/apt_beacons/beacon_mil.obj has a bad light name: apt_beacon_white_mil_axial
WARNING: the named light apt_beacon_white_mil_glow does not exist.
ERROR: object Resources/default scenery/sim objects/apt_beacons/beacon_mil.obj has a bad light name: apt_beacon_white_mil_glow
WARNING: the named light apt_beacon_white_mil_glow does not exist.
ERROR: object Resources/default scenery/sim objects/apt_beacons/beacon_mil.obj has a bad light name: apt_beacon_white_mil_glow
WARNING: the named light apt_beacon_white_mil_axial does not exist.
ERROR: object Resources/default scenery/sim objects/apt_beacons/beacon_mil.obj has a bad light name: apt_beacon_white_mil_axial
WARNING: the named light apt_beacon_white_mil_axial does not exist.
ERROR: object Resources/default scenery/sim objects/apt_beacons/beacon_mil.obj has a bad light name: apt_beacon_white_mil_axial
WARNING: the named light apt_beacon_white_mil_glow does not exist.
ERROR: object Resources/default scenery/sim objects/apt_beacons/beacon_mil.obj has a bad light name: apt_beacon_white_mil_glow
WARNING: the named light apt_beacon_yellow_glow does not exist.
ERROR: object Resources/default scenery/sim objects/apt_beacons/beacon_heliport.obj has a bad light name: apt_beacon_yellow_glow
WARNING: the named light apt_beacon_yellow_axial does not exist.
ERROR: object Resources/default scenery/sim objects/apt_beacons/beacon_heliport.obj has a bad light name: apt_beacon_yellow_axial
WARNING: the named light apt_beacon_yellow_axial does not exist.
ERROR: object Resources/default scenery/sim objects/apt_beacons/beacon_heliport.obj has a bad light name: apt_beacon_yellow_axial
WARNING: the named light apt_beacon_yellow_glow does not exist.
ERROR: object Resources/default scenery/sim objects/apt_beacons/beacon_heliport.obj has a bad light name: apt_beacon_yellow_glow
WARNING: the named light apt_beacon_yellow_glow does not exist.
ERROR: object Resources/default scenery/sim objects/apt_beacons/beacon_seaport.obj has a bad light name: apt_beacon_yellow_glow
WARNING: the named light apt_beacon_yellow_axial does not exist.
ERROR: object Resources/default scenery/sim objects/apt_beacons/beacon_seaport.obj has a bad light name: apt_beacon_yellow_axial
WARNING: the named light apt_beacon_yellow_axial does not exist.
ERROR: object Resources/default scenery/sim objects/apt_beacons/beacon_seaport.obj has a bad light name: apt_beacon_yellow_axial
WARNING: the named light apt_beacon_yellow_glow does not exist.
ERROR: object Resources/default scenery/sim objects/apt_beacons/beacon_seaport.obj has a bad light name: apt_beacon_yellow_glow
0:05:13.775 E/APT: Ramp start "Unispital 1" is located too far away (more than 6 km) from the airport LSZH
0:05:13.775 E/APT: Ramp start "Unispital 2" is located too far away (more than 6 km) from the airport LSZH
0:05:13.775 E/APT: Ramp start "Kinderspital 1" is located too far away (more than 6 km) from the airport LSZH
0:05:13.775 E/APT: Ramp start "Kinderspital 2" is located too far away (more than 6 km) from the airport LSZH
0:05:13.775 E/APT: Found a bad frequency for the Tower controller at LEZG: 139.300. It should be between 118.000 and 136.990.
0:05:13.775 E/APT: The airport LEZG (Zaragoza) has lost some controllers due to bad frequencies.  Each controller needs at least one frequency in the range of 118.00 to 136.990 mhz.
0:05:13.775 E/APT: We found a solitary GND controller at LEZG (Zaragoza). Where's his tower controller?
0:05:13.775 E/APT: Found a bad frequency for the Tower controller at 6K4: 115.400. It should be between 118.000 and 136.990.
0:05:13.775 E/APT: The airport 6K4 (FAIRVIEW MUNI) has lost some controllers due to bad frequencies.  Each controller needs at least one frequency in the range of 118.00 to 136.990 mhz.
0:05:13.775 E/APT: Found a bad frequency for the CTAF controller at VOTV: 112.850. It should be between 118.000 and 136.990.
0:05:13.775 E/APT: Found a bad frequency for the Center controller at RJAW: 138.300. It should be between 118.000 and 136.990.
0:05:13.775 E/APT: Found a bad frequency for the Approach controller at RJAW: 138.300. It should be between 118.000 and 136.990.
0:05:13.775 E/APT: Found a bad frequency for the CTAF controller at LSXG: 159.670. It should be between 118.000 and 136.990.
0:05:13.775 E/APT: Found a bad frequency for the CTAF controller at LSXG: 159.200. It should be between 118.000 and 136.990.
0:05:13.775 E/APT: Found a bad frequency for the CTAF controller at LFBG: 142.450. It should be between 118.000 and 136.990.
0:05:13.775 E/APT: Ramp start "Default" is located too far away (more than 6 km) from the airport NFMO
0:05:13.775 E/APT: Found a bad frequency for the Approach controller at PAUN: 137.500. It should be between 118.000 and 136.990.
0:05:13.775 E/APT: Found a bad frequency for the CTAF controller at KMGJ: 116.100. It should be between 118.000 and 136.990.
0:05:13.775 E/APT: Found a bad frequency for the CTAF controller at YSHR: 114.400. It should be between 118.000 and 136.990.
0:05:13.775 E/APT: Found a bad frequency for the Center controller at MMLP: 112.300. It should be between 118.000 and 136.990.
0:05:13.775 E/APT: Found a bad frequency for the CTAF controller at XCAW4: 158.760. It should be between 118.000 and 136.990.
0:05:13.775 E/APT: Found a bad frequency for the CTAF controller at YSPI: 116.900. It should be between 118.000 and 136.990.
0:05:13.775 E/APT: Found a bad frequency for the CTAF controller at YMVM: 113.200. It should be between 118.000 and 136.990.
0:05:13.775 E/APT: Found a bad frequency for the Approach controller at KSAV: 109.900. It should be between 118.000 and 136.990.
0:05:13.775 E/APT: Found a bad frequency for the Approach controller at KSAV: 111.900. It should be between 118.000 and 136.990.
0:05:13.775 E/APT: Found a bad frequency for the Tower controller at LEBZ: 139.300. It should be between 118.000 and 136.990.
0:05:13.775 E/APT: The airport LEBZ (Badajoz- Talavera La Real) has lost some controllers due to bad frequencies.  Each controller needs at least one frequency in the range of 118.00 to 136.990 mhz.
0:05:13.775 E/APT: Found a bad frequency for the CTAF controller at YGFN: 112.400. It should be between 118.000 and 136.990.
0:05:13.775 E/APT: Found a bad frequency for the Tower controller at LELC: 139.300. It should be between 118.000 and 136.990.
0:05:13.775 E/APT: The airport LELC (Murcia San Javier) has lost some controllers due to bad frequencies.  Each controller needs at least one frequency in the range of 118.00 to 136.990 mhz.
0:05:13.775 E/APT: We found a solitary GND controller at LELC (Murcia San Javier). Where's his tower controller?
0:05:13.775 E/APT: Found a bad frequency for the Approach controller at LPOT: 144.000. It should be between 118.000 and 136.990.
0:05:13.775 E/APT: Found a bad frequency for the Tower controller at KTCM: 109.600. It should be between 118.000 and 136.990.
0:05:13.775 E/APT: Ramp start "Default" is located too far away (more than 6 km) from the airport NFFR
0:05:13.775 E/APT: Found a bad frequency for the Tower controller at SBFL: 112.800. It should be between 118.000 and 136.990.
0:05:13.775 I/REN: Setting texture resolution read from prefs as 4
0:05:13.775 I/NAVT: Navaids are done loading async...
0:05:13.775 I/NAVT: Airways are done loading async...
0:05:13.775 I/NAVT: All navt data is done loading async...
0:05:13.775 I/REN: Setting |draw view indicator read from prefs as 1.
0:05:13.775 I/REN: Setting |dim under high G-load or hypoxia read from prefs as 1.
0:05:13.775 I/REN: Setting |draw hi-res planet textures from orbit read from prefs as 1.
0:05:13.775 I/REN: Setting |draw forest fires and balloons read from prefs as 0.
0:05:13.775 I/REN: Setting |draw birds and deer in nice weather read from prefs as 1.
0:05:13.775 I/REN: Setting |draw aircraft carriers and frigates read from prefs as 1.
0:05:13.775 I/REN: Setting |draw Aurora Borealis read from prefs as 0.
0:05:13.775 I/REN: Setting |runways follow terrain contours read from prefs as 1.
0:05:13.775 I/REN: Setting |3-d drawing detail read from prefs as 3.
0:05:13.775 I/REN: Setting |water reflection detail read from prefs as 0.
0:05:13.775 I/REN: Setting |draw parked aircraft at airports read from prefs as 1.
0:05:13.775 I/REN: Setting compress textures to save VRAM read from prefs as 1.
0:05:13.775 I/REN: Setting |Effects read from prefs as 3.
0:05:13.775 I/REN: Setting |3-d shadows read from prefs as 0.
0:05:13.775 I/REN: Setting |HDR anti-aliasing read from prefs as 4.
0:05:13.775 I/REN: Setting |draw volumetric fog read from prefs as 1.
0:05:13.775 I/REN: Setting |draw per pixel lighting read from prefs as 1.
0:05:13.775 I/REN: Setting |atmospheric scattering read from prefs as 1.
0:05:20.205 I/NET: OS has RFC 4941 Privacy Extensions for IPv6 *disabled*, using PERMANENT IPv6 addresses
0:05:20.205 I/NET: Ethernet (Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (2) I219-V)
0:05:20.205 I/NET: Ethernet (Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (2) I219-V) fe80::2ce2:c3a8:27fd:766a
0:05:20.205 I/NET: (RakNet) Init: Successful!
0:05:20.546 D/HID: Hardware ADDED(06a3, 0bac) - Saitek Pro Flight Yoke at path \\?\hid#vid_06a3&pid_0bac#7&199dfcf&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}
0:05:20.546 I/JOY: REGISTER Joystick device: Saitek Pro Flight Yoke - VID:1699PID:2988, this is a familiar device.
0:05:20.546 D/HID:     BUTTON Added Index: 0 (HID_Page_Button/01) for handle: 00000132D33508A0
0:05:20.546 D/HID:     BUTTON Added Index: 1 (HID_Page_Button/02) for handle: 00000132D33508A0
0:05:20.546 D/HID:     BUTTON Added Index: 2 (HID_Page_Button/03) for handle: 00000132D33508A0
0:05:20.546 D/HID:     BUTTON Added Index: 3 (HID_Page_Button/04) for handle: 00000132D33508A0
0:05:20.546 D/HID:     BUTTON Added Index: 4 (HID_Page_Button/05) for handle: 00000132D33508A0
0:05:20.546 D/HID:     BUTTON Added Index: 5 (HID_Page_Button/06) for handle: 00000132D33508A0
0:05:20.546 D/HID:     BUTTON Added Index: 6 (HID_Page_Button/07) for handle: 00000132D33508A0
0:05:20.546 D/HID:     BUTTON Added Index: 7 (HID_Page_Button/08) for handle: 00000132D33508A0
0:05:20.546 D/HID:     BUTTON Added Index: 8 (HID_Page_Button/09) for handle: 00000132D33508A0
0:05:20.546 D/HID:     BUTTON Added Index: 9 (HID_Page_Button/0a) for handle: 00000132D33508A0
0:05:20.546 D/HID:     BUTTON Added Index: 10 (HID_Page_Button/0b) for handle: 00000132D33508A0
0:05:20.546 D/HID:     BUTTON Added Index: 11 (HID_Page_Button/0c) for handle: 00000132D33508A0
0:05:20.546 D/HID:     BUTTON Added Index: 12 (HID_Page_Button/0d) for handle: 00000132D33508A0
0:05:20.546 D/HID:     BUTTON Added Index: 13 (HID_Page_Button/0e) for handle: 00000132D33508A0
0:05:20.546 D/HID:     BUTTON Added Index: 14 (HID_Page_Button/0f) for handle: 00000132D33508A0
0:05:20.546 D/HID:     BUTTON Added Index: 15 (HID_Page_Button/10) for handle: 00000132D33508A0
0:05:20.546 D/HID:     BUTTON Added Index: 16 (HID_Page_Button/11) for handle: 00000132D33508A0
0:05:20.546 D/HID:     BUTTON Added Index: 17 (HID_Page_Button/12) for handle: 00000132D33508A0
0:05:20.546 D/HID:     BUTTON Added Index: 18 (HID_Page_Button/13) for handle: 00000132D33508A0
0:05:20.546 D/HID:     BUTTON Added Index: 19 (HID_Page_Button/14) for handle: 00000132D33508A0
0:05:20.546 D/HID:     BUTTON Added Index: 20 (HID_Page_Button/15) for handle: 00000132D33508A0
0:05:20.546 D/HID:     BUTTON Added Index: 21 (HID_Page_Button/16) for handle: 00000132D33508A0
0:05:20.546 D/HID:     BUTTON Added Index: 22 (HID_Page_Button/17) for handle: 00000132D33508A0
0:05:20.546 D/HID:     AXIS Added Index: 0 (HID_Page_GenericDesktop/HID_Usage_GD_Y) for handle: 00000132D33508A0. Min/Max 0 - 1023
0:05:20.546 D/HID:     AXIS Added Index: 1 (HID_Page_GenericDesktop/HID_Usage_GD_X) for handle: 00000132D33508A0. Min/Max 0 - 1023
0:05:20.546 D/HID:     AXIS Added Index: 2 (HID_Page_GenericDesktop/HID_Usage_GD_Ry) for handle: 00000132D33508A0. Min/Max 0 - 255
0:05:20.546 D/HID:     AXIS Added Index: 3 (HID_Page_GenericDesktop/HID_Usage_GD_Rx) for handle: 00000132D33508A0. Min/Max 0 - 255
0:05:20.546 D/HID:     AXIS Added Index: 4 (HID_Page_GenericDesktop/HID_Usage_GD_Z) for handle: 00000132D33508A0. Min/Max 0 - 255
0:05:20.546 D/HID:     HATSWITCH Added Index: 0 (HID_Page_GenericDesktop/HID_Usage_GD_Hatswitch) for handle: 00000132D33508A0. It has 8 positions.
0:05:20.546 D/HID: END HARDWARE
0:05:20.546 D/HID: Hardware ADDED(06a3, 0c2d) - Saitek Pro Flight Quadrant at path \\?\hid#vid_06a3&pid_0c2d#7&172be18f&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}
0:05:20.546 I/JOY: REGISTER Joystick device: Saitek Pro Flight Quadrant - VID:1699PID:3117, this is a familiar device.
0:05:20.546 D/HID:     BUTTON Added Index: 0 (HID_Page_Button/01) for handle: 00000132D3350960
0:05:20.546 D/HID:     BUTTON Added Index: 1 (HID_Page_Button/02) for handle: 00000132D3350960
0:05:20.546 D/HID:     BUTTON Added Index: 2 (HID_Page_Button/03) for handle: 00000132D3350960
0:05:20.546 D/HID:     BUTTON Added Index: 3 (HID_Page_Button/04) for handle: 00000132D3350960
0:05:20.546 D/HID:     BUTTON Added Index: 4 (HID_Page_Button/05) for handle: 00000132D3350960
0:05:20.546 D/HID:     BUTTON Added Index: 5 (HID_Page_Button/06) for handle: 00000132D3350960
0:05:20.546 D/HID:     BUTTON Added Index: 6 (HID_Page_Button/07) for handle: 00000132D3350960
0:05:20.546 D/HID:     BUTTON Added Index: 7 (HID_Page_Button/08) for handle: 00000132D3350960
0:05:20.546 D/HID:     BUTTON Added Index: 8 (HID_Page_Button/09) for handle: 00000132D3350960
0:05:20.546 D/HID:     AXIS Added Index: 0 (HID_Page_GenericDesktop/HID_Usage_GD_Z) for handle: 00000132D3350960. Min/Max 0 - 255
0:05:20.546 D/HID:     AXIS Added Index: 1 (HID_Page_GenericDesktop/HID_Usage_GD_Y) for handle: 00000132D3350960. Min/Max 0 - 255
0:05:20.546 D/HID:     AXIS Added Index: 2 (HID_Page_GenericDesktop/HID_Usage_GD_X) for handle: 00000132D3350960. Min/Max 0 - 255
0:05:20.546 D/HID: END HARDWARE
0:05:20.546 D/HID: Hardware ADDED(06a3, 0764) - Saitek Pro Flight Combat Rudder Pedals at path \\?\hid#vid_06a3&pid_0764#7&c97572c&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}
0:05:20.546 I/JOY: REGISTER Joystick device: Saitek Pro Flight Combat Rudder Pedals - VID:1699PID:1892, this is a familiar device.
0:05:20.546 D/HID:     AXIS Added Index: 0 (HID_Page_GenericDesktop/HID_Usage_GD_Y) for handle: 00000132D3350AE0. Min/Max 0 - 127
0:05:20.546 D/HID:     AXIS Added Index: 1 (HID_Page_GenericDesktop/HID_Usage_GD_X) for handle: 00000132D3350AE0. Min/Max 0 - 127
0:05:20.546 D/HID:     AXIS Added Index: 2 (HID_Page_GenericDesktop/HID_Usage_GD_Rz) for handle: 00000132D3350AE0. Min/Max 0 - 1023
0:05:20.546 D/HID: END HARDWARE
0:05:20.546 D/STM: Transitioning from state state_InitialLoading to state_QuickFlightWizard
0:05:20.546 I/WIN: Showing subscreen Main Menu
0:05:20.546 I/OVR: User is entering the holodeck.
0:05:20.546 I/WIN: Opened window Primary V11 UI
0:05:26.604 I/WIN: Showing subscreen Freeflight
0:06:20.348 I/WIN: Showing subscreen FreeFlight Location Controller (Advanced)
0:07:41.365 I/FCG: Applying changes from Flight Configuration screen
0:07:41.365 I/FCG: Starting new flight in Aircraft/X-Aviation/IXEG 737 Classic/B733.acf at Stand 16L
0:07:41.386 W/ATC: Found overlapping airports with overlapping controller freqs at EGHI and EGHI!
0:07:41.386 W/ATC: Found overlapping airports with overlapping controller freqs at EGHI and EGHI!
0:07:41.386 W/ATC: Found overlapping airports with overlapping controller freqs at KCEA and KIAB!
0:07:41.386 W/ATC: Found overlapping airports with overlapping controller freqs at WSAC and WSSS!
0:07:41.386 W/ATC: Found overlapping airports with overlapping controller freqs at RJCJ and RJCC!
0:07:41.386 W/ATC: Found overlapping airports with overlapping controller freqs at WIPT and WIEE!
0:07:41.386 W/ATC: Found overlapping airports with overlapping controller freqs at KNSE and KNDZ!
0:07:41.386 W/ATC: Rewrote EGHI atc_ControllerRole_Gnd's freq: 121775 to 118000 for being in conflict!
0:07:41.386 W/ATC: Rewrote EGHI atc_ControllerRole_Twr's freq: 118200 to 118025 for being in conflict!
0:07:41.386 W/ATC: Rewrote KAHN atc_ControllerRole_Del's freq: 133950 to 118000 for being in conflict!
0:07:41.386 W/ATC: Rewrote KCEA atc_ControllerRole_Twr's freq: 127250 to 118025 for being in conflict!
0:07:41.386 W/ATC: Rewrote WSAC atc_ControllerRole_Twr's freq: 118250 to 118000 for being in conflict!
0:07:41.386 W/ATC: Rewrote RJCJ atc_ControllerRole_Del's freq: 121900 to 118000 for being in conflict!
0:07:41.386 W/ATC: Rewrote WIPT atc_ControllerRole_Twr's freq: 118300 to 118000 for being in conflict!
0:07:41.386 W/ATC: Rewrote KNSE atc_ControllerRole_Twr's freq: 121400 to 118000 for being in conflict!
0:07:42.975 D/STM: Transitioning from state state_QuickFlightWizard to state_NormalLoading
WebFMC: Plane unloaded: 0
0:07:42.975 I/ACF: Loading airplane number 0 with Aircraft/X-Aviation/IXEG 737 Classic/B733.acf
G64: 463.543:  Aircraft File: (Aircraft/X-Aviation/IXEG 737 Classic/B733.acf)
G64: 463.546:       MD5 Hash: (a419532d2e405d68e1cfd73ab1b7ae99)
G64: 463.546:    Description: (Boeing 737-300 Published by X-Aviation)
G64: 463.546:         Author: (IXEG International X-Plane Development Group)
G64: 463.546: Plugin Mode: Retail
G64: 463.549: Boot Count: 2
G64: 464.168: Run: OnKickStart..
G64: 468.134: dref.get full dref name: (sim/weather/cloud_type[0])
G64: 468.134: dref.get check name: (sim/weather/)
G64: 468.134: dreg.get: dref is wx - part numbers acceptable. breaking loop..
G64: 468.134: dref.get full dref name: (sim/weather/cloud_base_msl_m[0])
G64: 468.134: dref.get check name: (sim/weather/)
G64: 468.134: dreg.get: dref is wx - part numbers acceptable. breaking loop..
G64: 468.134: dref.get full dref name: (sim/weather/cloud_tops_msl_m[0])
G64: 468.134: dref.get check name: (sim/weather/)
G64: 468.134: dreg.get: dref is wx - part numbers acceptable. breaking loop..
[AOS] [2020-01-23.14:16:19] :> Weather data loaded successfully
Terrain radar plugin: read settings
Terrain radar plugin: aircraft description is "Boeing 737-300 Published by X-Aviation"
Terrain radar plugin: found unsupported aircraft "Boeing 737-300 Published by X-Aviation", switched to window mode
Terrain radar plugin: menuApplySettings ---------------------------
WebFMC: Plane loaded: 0
WebFMC: Determining plane type
WebFMC: acf_ICAO: 'B733', acf_author: 'IXEG International X-Plane Development Group', acf_descrip: 'Boeing 737-300 Published by X-Aviation'
WebFMC: Detected IXEG 733
WebFMC: WebFMC main loop enabled
G64: 478.477: Livery Changed:(CAT)  Folder:(Aircraft/X-Aviation/IXEG 737 Classic/liveries/CAT/)
ERROR: object Custom Scenery/Aerosoft - EGCC Manchester/objects/part_2_LOD_100_3.obj has illegal param light spot_params_bbwwew
ERROR: object Custom Scenery/Aerosoft - EGCC Manchester/objects/part_2_LOD_100_3.obj has illegal param light spot_params_bbwwew
ERROR: object Custom Scenery/Aerosoft - EGCC Manchester/objects/part_2_LOD_100_3.obj has illegal param light spot_params_bbwwew
0:07:44.619 I/FLT: Init dat_p0 type:loc_ram apt:EGCN start at:Stand 16L
0:08:05.382 I/SCN: DSF load time: 4902781 for file Custom Scenery/Global Airports/Earth nav data/+50-010/+54-001.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:08:05.382 I/SCN: DSF load time: 5943240 for file Custom Scenery/Global Airports/Earth nav data/+50-010/+54-003.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:08:05.382 I/SCN: DSF load time: 1402312 for file Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_GB_Central_TrueEarth_Custom/Earth nav data/+50-010/+54-001.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:08:05.382 I/SCN: DSF load time: 2628866 for file Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_GB_Central_TrueEarth_Custom/Earth nav data/+50-010/+54-003.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:08:05.382 I/SCN: DSF load time: 13863624 for file Custom Scenery/Global Airports/Earth nav data/+50-010/+52-001.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:08:05.382 I/SCN: DSF load time: 660894 for file Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_GB_South_TrueEarth_Custom/Earth nav data/+50-010/+52-001.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:08:05.382 I/SCN: DSF load time: 15997590 for file Custom Scenery/Global Airports/Earth nav data/+50-010/+52-003.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:08:05.382 I/SCN: DSF load time: 1052108 for file Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_GB_South_TrueEarth_Custom/Earth nav data/+50-010/+52-003.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:08:05.382 I/SCN: DSF load time: 18463873 for file Custom Scenery/Orbx_B_GB_Central_TrueEarth_Overlay/Earth nav data/+50-010/+54-001.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:08:05.382 I/SCN: DSF load time: 10661274 for file Custom Scenery/Orbx_B_GB_South_TrueEarth_Overlay/Earth nav data/+50-010/+52-001.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:08:05.382 I/SCN: DSF load time: 16650248 for file Custom Scenery/Orbx_B_GB_Central_TrueEarth_Overlay/Earth nav data/+50-010/+54-003.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:08:05.382 I/SCN: DSF load time: 8286283 for file Custom Scenery/Orbx_B_GB_South_TrueEarth_Overlay/Earth nav data/+50-010/+52-003.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:08:05.382 I/SCN: DSF load time: 1915257 for file Custom Scenery/Orbx_C_GB_South_TrueEarth_Orthos/Earth nav data/+50-010/+52-003.dsf (332072 tris, 2 skipped for -0.2 m^2)
0:08:05.382 I/SCN: DSF load time: 2667163 for file Custom Scenery/Orbx_C_GB_Central_TrueEarth_Orthos/Earth nav data/+50-010/+54-001.dsf (475211 tris, 17 skipped for -2.3 m^2)
0:08:05.382 I/SCN: DSF load time: 2400761 for file Custom Scenery/Orbx_C_GB_South_TrueEarth_Orthos/Earth nav data/+50-010/+52-001.dsf (633874 tris, 15 skipped for -3.9 m^2)
0:08:05.382 I/SCN: DSF load time: 2628612 for file Custom Scenery/Orbx_C_GB_Central_TrueEarth_Orthos/Earth nav data/+50-010/+54-003.dsf (819502 tris, 22 skipped for -5.1 m^2)
0:08:05.382 I/DSF: Warning for missing scenery file: +54+000
0:08:05.382 E/OBJ: The object Custom Scenery/CDB-Library/buildings/Fiji/building_tower1.obj has a problem with its LOD: there are commands before the first LOD.
0:08:05.382 I/SCN: DSF load time: 3420796 for file Custom Scenery/Global Airports/Earth nav data/+50+000/+52+000.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:08:05.382 I/SCN: DSF load time: 520060 for file Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_GB_South_TrueEarth_Custom/Earth nav data/+50+000/+52+000.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:08:05.382 I/SCN: DSF load time: 9526233 for file Custom Scenery/Global Airports/Earth nav data/+50-010/+54-002.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:08:05.382 I/SCN: DSF load time: 6824806 for file Custom Scenery/Orbx_B_GB_South_TrueEarth_Overlay/Earth nav data/+50+000/+52+000.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:08:05.382 I/SCN: DSF load time: 2839856 for file Custom Scenery/Orbx_C_GB_South_TrueEarth_Orthos/Earth nav data/+50+000/+52+000.dsf (369248 tris, 14 skipped for -1.8 m^2)
0:08:05.382 I/SCN: DSF load time: 4573161 for file Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_GB_Central_TrueEarth_Custom/Earth nav data/+50-010/+54-002.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:08:05.382 I/SCN: DSF load time: 8704006 for file Custom Scenery/Orbx_B_GB_Central_TrueEarth_Overlay/Earth nav data/+50-010/+54-002.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:08:05.382 I/SCN: DSF load time: 618593 for file Custom Scenery/Global Airports/Earth nav data/+50+000/+53+000.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:08:05.382 I/SCN: DSF load time: 303043 for file Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_GB_Central_TrueEarth_Custom/Earth nav data/+50+000/+53+000.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:08:05.382 I/SCN: DSF load time: 26067807 for file Custom Scenery/EGBB with static. tdg/Earth nav data/+50-010/+52-002.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:08:05.382 I/SCN: DSF load time: 1197990 for file Custom Scenery/Orbx_B_GB_Central_TrueEarth_Overlay/Earth nav data/+50+000/+53+000.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:08:05.382 I/SCN: DSF load time: 2386131 for file Custom Scenery/Orbx_C_GB_Central_TrueEarth_Orthos/Earth nav data/+50+000/+53+000.dsf (211753 tris, 85 skipped for -8.3 m^2)
0:08:05.382 I/SCN: DSF load time: 6273663 for file Custom Scenery/Orbx_C_GB_Central_TrueEarth_Orthos/Earth nav data/+50-010/+54-002.dsf (682960 tris, 178 skipped for -11.9 m^2)
0:08:05.382 I/SCN: DSF load time: 13500229 for file Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_EGNX_East_Midlands/Earth nav data/+50-010/+52-002.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:08:05.382 I/SCN: DSF load time: 17833942 for file Custom Scenery/Global Airports/Earth nav data/+50-010/+52-002.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:08:05.382 I/SCN: DSF load time: 1825014 for file Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_GB_South_TrueEarth_Custom/Earth nav data/+50-010/+52-002.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:08:05.382 I/SCN: DSF load time: 2844354 for file Custom Scenery/Orbx_B_GB_South_TrueEarth_Overlay/Earth nav data/+50-010/+52-002.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:08:05.382 I/SCN: DSF load time: 1708134 for file Custom Scenery/Orbx_C_GB_South_TrueEarth_Orthos/Earth nav data/+50-010/+52-002.dsf (879416 tris, 124 skipped for -14.9 m^2)
0:08:05.382 W/OBJ: The object Custom Scenery/EGCN - Doncaster Sheffield - 1.0 FLY X Simulations/Markings/runwayTireMarks.obj has a first LOD near distance of 1000.000000 but it should start at 0!
0:08:05.382 I/SCN: DSF load time: 31428 for file Custom Scenery/EGCN - Doncaster Sheffield - 1.0 FLY X Simulations/Earth nav data/+50-010/+53-001.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:08:05.382 I/SCN: DSF load time: 238764 for file Custom Scenery/FVH_EGCN - Doncaster Sheffield Airport, England/Earth nav data/+50-010/+53-001.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:08:05.382 I/SCN: DSF load time: 1561921 for file Custom Scenery/Global Airports/Earth nav data/+50-010/+53-001.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:08:05.382 E/SCN: Failed to find resource '../Castles/TE_GB_POI_RG_Wressle_Castle.png', referenced from file 'Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_GB_Central_TrueEarth_Custom/objects/Landmarks/'.
0:08:05.382 I/SCN: DSF load time: 1701517 for file Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_GB_Central_TrueEarth_Custom/Earth nav data/+50-010/+53-001.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:08:05.382 I/SCN: DSF load time: 4971083 for file Custom Scenery/a - EGGP Liverpool John Lennon/Earth nav data/+50-010/+53-003.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:08:05.382 I/SCN: DSF load time: 4327784 for file Custom Scenery/Orbx_B_GB_Central_TrueEarth_Overlay/Earth nav data/+50-010/+53-001.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:08:05.382 I/SCN: DSF load time: 10508641 for file Custom Scenery/Orbx_C_GB_Central_TrueEarth_Orthos/Earth nav data/+50-010/+53-001.dsf (820386 tris, 99 skipped for -144.0 m^2)
0:08:05.382 E/SCN: Failed to find resource 'apt_asphalt', referenced from file 'Custom Scenery/Aerosoft - EGCC Manchester/ground/'.
0:08:05.382 E/SCN: Failed to find resource 'texture/AGP_blank.png', referenced from file 'Custom Scenery/Aerosoft - EGCC Manchester/objects/'.
0:08:05.382 I/SCN: DSF load time: 14949466 for file Custom Scenery/Aerosoft - EGCC Manchester/Earth nav data/+50-010/+53-003.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:08:05.382 I/SCN: DSF load time: 1236397 for file Custom Scenery/Global Airports/Earth nav data/+50-010/+53-003.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:08:05.382 I/SCN: DSF load time: 3289212 for file Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_GB_Central_TrueEarth_Custom/Earth nav data/+50-010/+53-003.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:08:05.382 I/SCN: DSF load time: 7094037 for file Custom Scenery/Orbx_B_GB_Central_TrueEarth_Overlay/Earth nav data/+50-010/+53-003.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:08:05.382 I/SCN: DSF load time: 5365512 for file Custom Scenery/Orbx_C_GB_Central_TrueEarth_Orthos/Earth nav data/+50-010/+53-003.dsf (541707 tris, 30 skipped for -4.9 m^2)
0:08:05.382 I/SCN: DSF load time: 3879321 for file Custom Scenery/EGCN - Doncaster Sheffield - 1.0 FLY X Simulations/Earth nav data/+50-010/+53-002.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:08:05.382 I/SCN: DSF load time: 2604663 for file Custom Scenery/FVH_EGCN - Doncaster Sheffield Airport, England/Earth nav data/+50-010/+53-002.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:08:05.382 I/SCN: DSF load time: 6916050 for file Custom Scenery/EGNM xp11 tdg/Earth nav data/+50-010/+53-002.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:08:05.382 I/SCN: DSF load time: 3118133 for file Custom Scenery/Global Airports/Earth nav data/+50-010/+53-002.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:08:05.382 I/SCN: DSF load time: 7898502 for file Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_GB_Central_TrueEarth_Custom/Earth nav data/+50-010/+53-002.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:08:05.382 I/SCN: DSF load time: 4723978 for file Custom Scenery/Orbx_B_GB_Central_TrueEarth_Overlay/Earth nav data/+50-010/+53-002.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:08:05.382 I/SCN: DSF load time: 6210744 for file Custom Scenery/Orbx_C_GB_Central_TrueEarth_Orthos/Earth nav data/+50-010/+53-002.dsf (2619657 tris, 264 skipped for -2988.0 m^2)
FlyWithLua: User switched to a new airport (or changed the plane). Script files have to be reloaded.
FlyWithLua: Found fwl_prefs.ini in the FlyWithLua plugin path and it is
FlyWithLua Info: Lua engine (re)started. LUA_RUN =1, SDK_VERSION = 301, XPLANE_VERSION = 11410, XPLANE_LANGUAGE = English and XPLANE_HOSTID = 1
FlyWithLua Info: HID access initialized.
FlyWithLua Info: FlyWithLua.ini full path 
I:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua/Internals/FlyWithLua.ini
FlyWithLua Info: Discovered 20 HID devices.
FlyWithLua Info: Initial assignments successfully saved.
FlyWithLua Info: Load ini file.
FlyWithLua Info: Searching for Lua script files
FlyWithLua Info: Sorting Lua script files
FlyWithLua Info: Start loading script file I:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua/Scripts/PassengersFX.lua
FlyWithLua: Loaded sound file "I:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua/Scripts/PassengersFX/safety_video.wav".
FlyWithLua: Loaded sound file "I:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua/Scripts/PassengersFX/chime_single.wav".
FlyWithLua: Loaded sound file "I:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua/Scripts/PassengersFX/on_ground.wav".
FlyWithLua: Loaded sound file "I:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua/Scripts/PassengersFX/taxi_music.wav".
FlyWithLua: Loaded sound file "I:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua/Scripts/PassengersFX/after_landing_at_gate.wav".
FlyWithLua: Loaded sound file "I:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua/Scripts/PassengersFX/crz_announcement.wav".
FlyWithLua: Loaded sound file "I:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua/Scripts/PassengersFX/tenthousandfeet.wav".
FlyWithLua: Loaded sound file "I:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua/Scripts/PassengersFX/lavatory_flush_01.wav".
FlyWithLua: Loaded sound file "I:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua/Scripts/PassengersFX/lavatory_flush_02.wav".
FlyWithLua: Loaded sound file "I:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua/Scripts/PassengersFX/baby_cry.wav".
FlyWithLua: Loaded sound file "I:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua/Scripts/PassengersFX/cabin_turbulence_shake_light.wav".
FlyWithLua: Loaded sound file "I:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua/Scripts/PassengersFX/cabin_turbulence_shake_hard.wav".
FlyWithLua: Loaded sound file "I:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua/Scripts/PassengersFX/passenger_footsteps.wav".
FlyWithLua: Loaded sound file "I:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua/Scripts/PassengersFX/Special Announcements/claustrophobic_passenger.wav".
FlyWithLua: Loaded sound file "I:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua/Scripts/PassengersFX/food_cart.wav".
FlyWithLua: Loaded sound file "I:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua/Scripts/PassengersFX/Special Announcements/paging_mr_hunter.wav".
FlyWithLua: Loaded sound file "I:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua/Scripts/PassengersFX/Special Announcements/missing_watch.wav".
FlyWithLua: Loaded sound file "I:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua/Scripts/PassengersFX/galley_ambience.wav".
FlyWithLua: Loaded sound file "I:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua/Scripts/PassengersFX/seatbeltsoff.wav".
FlyWithLua: Loaded sound file "I:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua/Scripts/PassengersFX/seatbeltson.wav".
FlyWithLua: Loaded sound file "I:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua/Scripts/PassengersFX/emergency.wav".
FlyWithLua: Loaded sound file "I:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua/Scripts/PassengersFX/turb_warn.wav".
FlyWithLua: Loaded sound file "I:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua/Scripts/PassengersFX/turbulencescream.wav".
FlyWithLua: Loaded sound file "I:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua/Scripts/PassengersFX/passengers_cough.wav".
FlyWithLua: Loaded sound file "I:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua/Scripts/PassengersFX/boarding_ambience.wav".
FlyWithLua: Loaded sound file "I:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua/Scripts/PassengersFX/clbdes_ambience.wav".
FlyWithLua: Loaded sound file "I:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua/Scripts/PassengersFX/welcome_to_dest.wav".
FlyWithLua: Loaded sound file "I:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua/Scripts/PassengersFX/goodlanding.wav".
FlyWithLua: Loaded sound file "I:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua/Scripts/PassengersFX/cruise_ambience.wav".
FlyWithLua: Loaded sound file "I:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua/Scripts/PassengersFX/takeoff_prep.wav".
FlyWithLua: Loaded sound file "I:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua/Scripts/PassengersFX/meal_selection.wav".
FlyWithLua: Loaded sound file "I:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua/Scripts/PassengersFX/descent_announcement.wav".
FlyWithLua: Loaded sound file "I:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua/Scripts/PassengersFX/inflight_ent.wav".
FlyWithLua: Loaded sound file "I:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua/Scripts/PassengersFX/drinks_snacks_selection.wav".
PassengersFX version 1.0.4 by mcpcfanc for X-Plane loaded successfully.
FlyWithLua Info: Finished loading script file I:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua/Scripts/PassengersFX.lua
FlyWithLua Info: Start loading script file I:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua/Scripts/QNH_helper.lua
FlyWithLua Info: Finished loading script file I:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua/Scripts/QNH_helper.lua
FlyWithLua Info: Start loading script file I:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua/Scripts/XPRealistic.lua
FlyWithLua Info: Finished loading script file I:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua/Scripts/XPRealistic.lua
FlyWithLua Info: Start loading script file I:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua/Scripts/spdbrk-axis-detent.lua
FlyWithLua Info: Finished loading script file I:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua/Scripts/spdbrk-axis-detent.lua
FlyWithLua Info: Start loading script file I:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua/Scripts/water_fix_choppySea.lua
FlyWithLua Info: Finished loading script file I:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua/Scripts/water_fix_choppySea.lua
FlyWithLua Info: All script files loaded successfully.
FlyWithLua Info: Loading time for all scripts is 2.269 sec.
[AOS] [2020-01-23.14:20:29] :> Weather data loaded successfully
GroundTraffic: Can't find groundtraffic.txt in I:\X-Plane 11\Custom Scenery\KSNA John Wayne V1.0
GroundTraffic: Can't find groundtraffic.txt in I:\X-Plane 11\Custom Scenery\Orbx_A_GB_South_TrueEarth_Custom
0:11:58.489 I/OVR: Reading VR conf file: Aircraft/X-Aviation/IXEG 737 Classic/B733_vrconfig.txt
0:11:58.489 W/VRCONFIG: Could not find vr config file: Aircraft/X-Aviation/IXEG 737 Classic/B733_vrconfig.txt
0:11:58.489 W/VRCONFIG: VR Config data file for Aircraft/X-Aviation/IXEG 737 Classic/B733_vrconfig.txt is not valid!
0:11:58.489 W/MANIPS: Could not find vr config file: Aircraft/X-Aviation/IXEG 737 Classic/B733_vrconfig.txt
0:11:58.489 W/MANIPS: VR Manips file for Aircraft/X-Aviation/IXEG 737 Classic/B733_vrconfig.txt is not valid!
0:11:58.489 D/STM: Transitioning from state state_NormalLoading to state_Normal
0:11:58.489 I/FCG: Loading AI aircraft Aircraft/Laminar Research/Stinson L5/L5_Sentinel.acf
0:11:58.489 I/ACF: Loading airplane number 1 with Aircraft/Laminar Research/Stinson L5/L5_Sentinel.acf
[AOS] [2020-01-23.14:20:30] :> Weather data loaded successfully
WebFMC: Plane loaded: 1
0:12:01.226 I/FLT: Init dat_p1 type:loc_general_area lat:54.086769 lon:-1.134642 ele(ft):8493.331213 psi:203.451019 spd(kts):70.213453
0:12:01.226 I/FCG: Loading AI aircraft Aircraft/Laminar Research/KingAir C90B/C90B.acf
0:12:01.226 I/ACF: Loading airplane number 2 with Aircraft/Laminar Research/KingAir C90B/C90B.acf
[AOS] [2020-01-23.14:20:32] :> Weather data loaded successfully
WebFMC: Plane loaded: 2
0:12:02.594 I/SND: This aircraft is using FMOD in FULL mode.
0:12:02.594 I/FLT: Init dat_p2 type:loc_general_area lat:52.863629 lon:-0.982126 ele(ft):12416.758394 psi:154.835037 spd(kts):138.420953
0:12:02.594 I/FCG: Loading AI aircraft Aircraft/Laminar Research/Cessna 172SP/Cessna_172SP.acf
0:12:02.594 I/ACF: Loading airplane number 3 with Aircraft/Laminar Research/Cessna 172SP/Cessna_172SP.acf
[AOS] [2020-01-23.14:20:35] :> Weather data loaded successfully
WebFMC: Plane loaded: 3
0:12:05.642 I/SND: This aircraft is using FMOD in PARTIAL mode.
0:12:05.642 I/FLT: Init dat_p3 type:loc_general_area lat:53.680094 lon:-2.035502 ele(ft):1591.075399 psi:175.577866 spd(kts):120.224128
0:12:05.642 I/OVR: User is leaving the holodeck.
WebFMC: Setup start
WebFMC: Setup end
SkyMaxx Pro: METAR parser enabled
SMPMetarBridge: METAR activation fired.
PropWash 2 COM ports found
PropWash rebuilding panel menu 0
PropWash - built panel menu
PropWash panel 0 opened COM5
PropWash rebuilding panel menu 0
PropWash - built panel menu
0:12:08.788 I/WIN: Opened window menu bar
SkyMaxx Pro: Changing cloud conditions.
SkyMaxx Pro: Created cirrus layer alt 9120.933594 thickness 0.000000
SkyMaxx Pro: Cloud conditions changed. Current target visibility is 48280.320313
PropWash rebuilding panel menu 0
PropWash - built panel menu
FlyWithLua Info: Searching for Lua quarantined script files
FlyWithLua Info: The folder /Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua/Scripts (Quarantine)/ does not exist or it is empty.
0:12:19.309 I/ATC: p=1 (299186) Popup FP filed to EGCC at 6000 via 5325N00122W , type=2
0:12:19.309 D/ATC: Routing is currently: 
0:12:19.309 D/ATC: 
  raw view: start=000001356493FF70 end = 000001356493FC70, can_edit=false edit_count=0
0:12:19.309 D/ATC: 0: 000001356493FF70 ('Popup Pos') 
0:12:19.309 D/ATC: lon=-0.217568,lat=53.547314 
0:12:19.309 D/ATC:  Nav type = NONE
0:12:19.309 D/ATC: 
0:12:19.309 D/ATC:     0: 000001352CA97540 ('Pilot Nav Departure') 
0:12:19.309 D/ATC: IFR/pilot nav
0:12:19.309 D/ATC:     Heading 260 77357.4 meters
0:12:19.309 D/ATC: 1: 000001356493F3F0 ('FAKE') 
0:12:19.309 D/ATC: lon=-1.366667,lat=53.416668 
0:12:19.309 D/ATC:  Nav type = NONE
0:12:19.309 D/ATC: 
0:12:19.309 D/ATC:     1: 000001352CA95560 ('Vector to airport') 
0:12:19.309 D/ATC: veczone = -1 
0:12:19.309 D/ATC: Vector/normal
0:12:19.309 D/ATC:     Heading 263 61967.7 meters
0:12:19.309 D/ATC: 2: 000001356493FC70 ('EGCC') 
0:12:19.309 D/ATC: lon=-2.292793,lat=53.340602 
0:12:19.309 D/ATC:  Nav type = APT
0:12:19.309 D/ATC: 
0:12:19.309 D/ATC: Validating altitude for p=1 (299186): filed: 6000 usable_rte_dist: 60.183617 maxDescent: 15000 maxAlt: 15000 minAlt: 6000 chosen_alt: 6000
0:12:19.309 D/ATC: p=1 (299186): Cleared IFR @ 1829FT
0:12:19.309 I/FLT: Init dat_p1 type:loc_specify_lle lat:53.547314 lon:-0.217568 ele(ft):6000.000206 psi:260.711426 spd(kts):110.794484
0:12:19.309 D/ATC: p=1 (299186): Fly Heading: 203
0:12:19.309 D/ATC: p=1 (299186): Maintain 5997ft
0:12:19.309 I/ATC: Aircraft p=1 (299186) started airborne as an overflight at 53.547314, -0.217568, 1828.800049
0:12:19.474 I/ATC: p=2 (N43XS) Popup FP filed to EGNO at 12000 via 5333N00100W , type=2
0:12:19.474 D/ATC: Routing is currently: 
0:12:19.474 D/ATC: 
  raw view: start=000001357EC3E510 end = 000001357EC3D910, can_edit=false edit_count=0
0:12:19.474 D/ATC: 0: 000001357EC3E510 ('Popup Pos') 
0:12:19.474 D/ATC: lon=-0.212409,lat=53.462418 
0:12:19.474 D/ATC:  Nav type = NONE
0:12:19.474 D/ATC: 
0:12:19.474 D/ATC:     0: 00000134608AD640 ('Pilot Nav Departure') 
0:12:19.474 D/ATC: IFR/pilot nav
0:12:19.474 D/ATC:     Heading 281 52951.3 meters
0:12:19.474 D/ATC: 1: 000001357EC3E790 ('FAKE') 
0:12:19.474 D/ATC: lon=-1.000000,lat=53.549999 
0:12:19.474 D/ATC:  Nav type = NONE
0:12:19.474 D/ATC: 
0:12:19.474 D/ATC:     1: 00000134608ADB40 ('Vector to airport') 
0:12:19.474 D/ATC: veczone = -1 
0:12:19.474 D/ATC: Vector/normal
0:12:19.474 D/ATC:     Heading 281 125954.3 meters
0:12:19.474 D/ATC: 2: 000001357EC3D910 ('EGNO') 
0:12:19.474 D/ATC: lon=-2.883833,lat=53.744939 
0:12:19.474 D/ATC:  Nav type = APT
0:12:19.474 D/ATC: 
0:12:19.474 D/ATC: Validating altitude for p=2 (N43XS): filed: 12000 usable_rte_dist: 77.281029 maxDescent: 19000 maxAlt: 19000 minAlt: 12000 chosen_alt: 12000
0:12:19.474 D/ATC: p=2 (N43XS): Cleared IFR @ 3658FT
0:12:19.474 I/FLT: Init dat_p2 type:loc_specify_lle lat:53.462418 lon:-0.212409 ele(ft):12000.000412 psi:280.545624 spd(kts):169.500011
0:12:19.474 D/ATC: p=2 (N43XS): Fly Heading: 153
0:12:19.474 D/ATC: p=2 (N43XS): Maintain 11998ft
0:12:19.474 I/ATC: Aircraft p=2 (N43XS) started airborne as an overflight at 53.462418, -0.212409, 3657.600098
0:12:19.517 I/ATC: p=3 (N172SP) Popup FP filed to EGBO at 8000 via 5336N00116W , type=2
0:12:19.517 D/ATC: Routing is currently: 
0:12:19.517 D/ATC: 
  raw view: start=000001357EC3DB10 end = 000001357EC3CF10, can_edit=false edit_count=0
0:12:19.517 D/ATC: 0: 000001357EC3DB10 ('Popup Pos') 
0:12:19.517 D/ATC: lon=-0.945240,lat=53.957859 
0:12:19.517 D/ATC:  Nav type = NONE
0:12:19.517 D/ATC: 
0:12:19.517 D/ATC:     0: 0000013460886220 ('Pilot Nav Departure') 
0:12:19.517 D/ATC: IFR/pilot nav
0:12:19.517 D/ATC:     Heading 208 45019.0 meters
0:12:19.517 D/ATC: 1: 000001357EC3D110 ('FAKE') 
0:12:19.517 D/ATC: lon=-1.266667,lat=53.599998 
0:12:19.517 D/ATC:  Nav type = NONE
0:12:19.517 D/ATC: 
0:12:19.517 D/ATC:     1: 0000013460885E60 ('Vector to airport') 
0:12:19.517 D/ATC: veczone = -1 
0:12:19.517 D/ATC: Vector/normal
0:12:19.517 D/ATC:     Heading 209 137352.9 meters
0:12:19.517 D/ATC: 2: 000001357EC3CF10 ('EGBO') 
0:12:19.517 D/ATC: lon=-2.259633,lat=52.517489 
0:12:19.517 D/ATC:  Nav type = APT
0:12:19.517 D/ATC: 
0:12:19.517 D/ATC: Validating altitude for p=3 (N172SP): filed: 8000 usable_rte_dist: 78.778351 maxDescent: 19000 maxAlt: 19000 minAlt: 8000 chosen_alt: 8000
0:12:19.517 D/ATC: p=3 (N172SP): Cleared IFR @ 2438FT
0:12:19.517 I/FLT: Init dat_p3 type:loc_specify_lle lat:53.957859 lon:-0.945240 ele(ft):8000.000542 psi:209.123047 spd(kts):122.249999
0:12:19.517 D/ATC: p=3 (N172SP): Fly Heading: 175
0:12:19.517 D/ATC: p=3 (N172SP): Maintain 7998ft
0:12:19.517 I/ATC: Aircraft p=3 (N172SP) started airborne as an overflight at 53.957859, -0.945240, 2438.400146
G64: 738.397: utils.newFolder(I:/X-Plane 11/X-Aviation/)
G64: 739.073: Boot Count: 3
G64: 739.717: Run: OnKickStart..
G64: 740.030: dref.get full dref name: (sim/weather/cloud_type[0])
G64: 740.030: dref.get check name: (sim/weather/)
G64: 740.030: dreg.get: dref is wx - part numbers acceptable. breaking loop..
G64: 740.030: dref.get full dref name: (sim/weather/cloud_base_msl_m[0])
G64: 740.030: dref.get check name: (sim/weather/)
G64: 740.030: dreg.get: dref is wx - part numbers acceptable. breaking loop..
G64: 740.030: dref.get full dref name: (sim/weather/cloud_tops_msl_m[0])
G64: 740.030: dref.get check name: (sim/weather/)
G64: 740.030: dreg.get: dref is wx - part numbers acceptable. breaking loop..
PassengersFX will now be disabled for this flight. (if an announcement is playing, it will not sound again after this)
0:13:27.849 I/OVR: User is entering the holodeck.
0:13:27.849 I/WIN: Opened window Settings
0:13:45.881 I/OVR: User is leaving the holodeck.

Preferences Where Written
G64: 926.046: Boot Count: 4
G64: 926.723: Run: OnKickStart..
G64: 927.051: dref.get full dref name: (sim/weather/cloud_type[0])
G64: 927.051: dref.get check name: (sim/weather/)
G64: 927.051: dreg.get: dref is wx - part numbers acceptable. breaking loop..
G64: 927.051: dref.get full dref name: (sim/weather/cloud_base_msl_m[0])
G64: 927.051: dref.get check name: (sim/weather/)
G64: 927.051: dreg.get: dref is wx - part numbers acceptable. breaking loop..
G64: 927.051: dref.get full dref name: (sim/weather/cloud_tops_msl_m[0])
G64: 927.051: dref.get check name: (sim/weather/)
G64: 927.051: dreg.get: dref is wx - part numbers acceptable. breaking loop..
G64:1049.664: Boot Count: 5
G64:1050.343: Run: OnKickStart..
G64:1050.670: dref.get full dref name: (sim/weather/cloud_type[0])
G64:1050.670: dref.get check name: (sim/weather/)
G64:1050.670: dreg.get: dref is wx - part numbers acceptable. breaking loop..
G64:1050.670: dref.get full dref name: (sim/weather/cloud_base_msl_m[0])
G64:1050.670: dref.get check name: (sim/weather/)
G64:1050.670: dreg.get: dref is wx - part numbers acceptable. breaking loop..
G64:1050.670: dref.get full dref name: (sim/weather/cloud_tops_msl_m[0])
G64:1050.670: dref.get check name: (sim/weather/)
G64:1050.670: dreg.get: dref is wx - part numbers acceptable. breaking loop..
0:18:38.790 I/WIN: Showing subscreen Freeflight
0:18:38.790 I/OVR: User is entering the holodeck.
0:18:38.790 I/WIN: Opened window Primary V11 UI
0:18:44.328 I/WIN: Showing subscreen FreeFlight Weather Controller (Advanced)
0:18:59.107 I/FCG: Applying changes from Flight Configuration screen
0:18:59.107 I/OVR: User is leaving the holodeck.
SkyMaxx Pro: Activating METAR parsing.
SkyMaxx Pro: Found new METAR.rwx file
SkyMaxx Pro: Parsing METAR data
SkyMaxx Pro: METAR parsing took 1103 ms.

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It amazes me how much people can pile into their X-Plane installation and STILL have it running...without their computer imploding and turning into a black hole :lol:.

Honestly, I can´t even begin to start speculating which of your hundreds of plugins and scenery add-ons may interfere with another one.

You will have to try for yourself.

Cheers, Jan


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I'd start with WebFMC.

From the looks of this it's not following the thread-safe guidelines for the X-Plane SDK.


WebFMC: Plugin version 1.5.1
WebFMC: WebFMC Pro starting up
WebFMC: Expecting backend binary in "I:\X-Plane 11/Resources\plugins\WebFMC\webfmc-win.bin"
WebFMC: IO Thread run
WebFMC: WebFMC started
Loaded: I:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/WebFMC/win_x64/WebFMC.xpl (com.greenarcstudios.webfmc).

2020-01-23 14:08:38 librain[plugin.c:590]: This is librain (v0.10) libacfutils-3babedf
WebFMC: Server version 1.5.1
Loaded: I:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/librain.plugin/win_x64/librain.plugin.xpl (skiselkov.librain).

planecommand opened log: I:\X-Plane 11/planecommand.log
WebFMC: WebFMC network address(es):
Loaded: I:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/planecommand/64/win.xpl (com.leecbaker.planecommand).


Notice how the WebFMC entries are interrupting the other plugins log entries? That should NOT be happening. Ever.

Edited by Ben Russell
Red highlights added for clarity.
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It is amazing but everthing else runs fine. I even thought about the WebFMC and pulled it and ran without it. Wish you had a FMC that would pop up as a window. It still crashed though. I am pulling out some other plugins to see if it makes a difference. Long process though. Cant wait for your next update. Thanks for looking though.

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So I removed WEB FMC which has been working forever prior to XP11 update. Still crashed. Seems to be more time specific now at about 12-15 minutes. Was wondering if any of the VR stuff  or the terrain radar mentioned on here matters. I highlited the lines.


FlyWithLua Info: Searching for Lua quarantined script files
FlyWithLua Info: The folder /Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua/Scripts (Quarantine)/ does not exist or it is empty.
0:08:16.483 I/WIN: Showing subscreen Freeflight
0:08:16.483 I/OVR: User is entering the holodeck.
0:08:16.483 I/WIN: Opened window Primary V11 UI
0:08:35.849 I/FCG: Applying changes from Flight Configuration screen
0:08:35.849 I/FCG: Starting new flight in Aircraft/X-Aviation/IXEG 737 Classic/B733.acf at A8
0:08:35.849 D/STM: Transitioning from state state_Normal to state_NormalLoading
G64: 515.558: Calling OnAircraftUnload:(Aircraft/Laminar Research/Cessna 172SP/)
0:08:35.849 I/ACF: Loading airplane number 0 with Aircraft/X-Aviation/IXEG 737 Classic/B733.acf
G64: 515.875:  Aircraft File: (Aircraft/X-Aviation/IXEG 737 Classic/B733.acf)
G64: 515.875:       MD5 Hash: (9b578c91088727c6692f766fa74aa6e2)
G64: 515.875:    Description: (Boeing 737-300 Published by X-Aviation)
G64: 515.875:         Author: (IXEG International X-Plane Development Group)
G64: 515.875: Plugin Mode: Community Edition
G64: 515.877: Boot Count: 4
[AOS] [2020-01-24.16:39:19] :> Weather data loaded successfully
Terrain radar plugin: read settings
Terrain radar plugin: aircraft description is "Boeing 737-300 Published by X-Aviation"
Terrain radar plugin: found unsupported aircraft "Boeing 737-300 Published by X-Aviation", switched to window mode

Terrain radar plugin: menuApplySettings ---------------------------
G64: 523.749: Livery Changed:(Delta Retro)  Folder:(Aircraft/X-Aviation/IXEG 737 Classic/liveries/Delta Retro/)
0:08:36.018 I/FLT: Init dat_p0 type:loc_ram apt:KSDF start at:A8
FlyWithLua: User switched to a new airport (or changed the plane). Script files have to be reloaded.
FlyWithLua: Found fwl_prefs.ini in the FlyWithLua plugin path and it is
FlyWithLua Info: Load exit file.
FlyWithLua Info: Lua engine (re)started. LUA_RUN =2, SDK_VERSION = 301, XPLANE_VERSION = 11410, XPLANE_LANGUAGE = English and XPLANE_HOSTID = 1
FlyWithLua Info: HID access initialized.
FlyWithLua Info: FlyWithLua.ini full path 
I:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua/Internals/FlyWithLua.ini
FlyWithLua Info: Discovered 20 HID devices.
FlyWithLua Info: Load ini file.
FlyWithLua Info: Searching for Lua script files
FlyWithLua Info: Sorting Lua script files
FlyWithLua Info: Start loading script file I:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua/Scripts/QNH_helper.lua
FlyWithLua Info: Finished loading script file I:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua/Scripts/QNH_helper.lua
FlyWithLua Info: Start loading script file I:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua/Scripts/spdbrk-axis-detent.lua
FlyWithLua Info: Finished loading script file I:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua/Scripts/spdbrk-axis-detent.lua
FlyWithLua Info: Start loading script file I:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua/Scripts/water_fix_choppySea.lua
FlyWithLua Info: Finished loading script file I:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua/Scripts/water_fix_choppySea.lua
FlyWithLua Info: All script files loaded successfully.
FlyWithLua Info: Loading time for all scripts is 0.06 sec.
[AOS] [2020-01-24.16:39:35] :> Weather data loaded successfully
GroundTraffic: Can't find groundtraffic.txt in I:\X-Plane 11\Custom Scenery\KSNA John Wayne V1.0
GroundTraffic: Can't find groundtraffic.txt in I:\X-Plane 11\Custom Scenery\Orbx_A_GB_South_TrueEarth_Custom
0:08:52.374 I/OVR: Reading VR conf file: Aircraft/X-Aviation/IXEG 737 Classic/B733_vrconfig.txt
0:08:52.374 W/VRCONFIG: Could not find vr config file: Aircraft/X-Aviation/IXEG 737 Classic/B733_vrconfig.txt
0:08:52.374 W/VRCONFIG: VR Config data file for Aircraft/X-Aviation/IXEG 737 Classic/B733_vrconfig.txt is not valid!
0:08:52.374 W/MANIPS: Could not find vr config file: Aircraft/X-Aviation/IXEG 737 Classic/B733_vrconfig.txt
0:08:52.374 W/MANIPS: VR Manips file for Aircraft/X-Aviation/IXEG 737 Classic/B733_vrconfig.txt is not valid!
0:08:52.374 D/STM: Transitioning from state state_NormalLoading to state_Normal

0:08:52.374 I/OVR: User is leaving the holodeck.
G64: 550.387: Boot Count: 5
G64: 573.792: utils.newFolder(I:/X-Plane 11/X-Aviation/)
G64: 573.857: Boot Count: 6
0:10:45.273 D/STM: Transitioning from state state_Normal to state_NormalLoading
G64: 644.917: Calling OnAircraftUnload:(Aircraft/X-Aviation/IXEG 737 Classic/)
0:10:45.273 I/ACF: Loading airplane number 0 with Aircraft/X-Aviation/IXEG 737 Classic/B733.acf
G64: 645.182:  Aircraft File: (Aircraft/X-Aviation/IXEG 737 Classic/B733.acf)
G64: 645.182:       MD5 Hash: (a419532d2e405d68e1cfd73ab1b7ae99)
G64: 645.182:    Description: (Boeing 737-300 Published by X-Aviation)
G64: 645.182:         Author: (IXEG International X-Plane Development Group)
G64: 645.182: Plugin Mode: Retail
G64: 645.185: Boot Count: 7
[AOS] [2020-01-24.16:41:34] :> Weather data loaded successfully
Terrain radar plugin: read settings
Terrain radar plugin: aircraft description is "Boeing 737-300 Published by X-Aviation"
Terrain radar plugin: found unsupported aircraft "Boeing 737-300 Published by X-Aviation", switched to window mode

Terrain radar plugin: menuApplySettings ---------------------------
G64: 653.010: Livery Changed:(Delta Retro)  Folder:(Aircraft/X-Aviation/IXEG 737 Classic/liveries/Delta Retro/)
0:10:45.273 I/FLT: Init dat_p0 type:loc_specify_lle lat:38.183144 lon:-85.739485 ele(ft):483.441726 psi:37.082211 spd(kts):0.000000
FlyWithLua: User switched to a new airport (or changed the plane). Script files have to be reloaded.
FlyWithLua: Found fwl_prefs.ini in the FlyWithLua plugin path and it is
FlyWithLua Info: Load exit file.
FlyWithLua Info: Lua engine (re)started. LUA_RUN =3, SDK_VERSION = 301, XPLANE_VERSION = 11410, XPLANE_LANGUAGE = English and XPLANE_HOSTID = 1
FlyWithLua Info: HID access initialized.
FlyWithLua Info: FlyWithLua.ini full path 
I:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua/Internals/FlyWithLua.ini
FlyWithLua Info: Discovered 20 HID devices.
FlyWithLua Info: Load ini file.
FlyWithLua Info: Searching for Lua script files
FlyWithLua Info: Sorting Lua script files
FlyWithLua Info: Start loading script file I:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua/Scripts/QNH_helper.lua
FlyWithLua Info: Finished loading script file I:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua/Scripts/QNH_helper.lua
FlyWithLua Info: Start loading script file I:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua/Scripts/spdbrk-axis-detent.lua
FlyWithLua Info: Finished loading script file I:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua/Scripts/spdbrk-axis-detent.lua
FlyWithLua Info: Start loading script file I:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua/Scripts/water_fix_choppySea.lua
FlyWithLua Info: Finished loading script file I:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua/Scripts/water_fix_choppySea.lua
FlyWithLua Info: All script files loaded successfully.
FlyWithLua Info: Loading time for all scripts is 0.055 sec.
[AOS] [2020-01-24.16:41:45] :> Weather data loaded successfully
GroundTraffic: Can't find groundtraffic.txt in I:\X-Plane 11\Custom Scenery\KSNA John Wayne V1.0
GroundTraffic: Can't find groundtraffic.txt in I:\X-Plane 11\Custom Scenery\Orbx_A_GB_South_TrueEarth_Custom
0:11:01.845 I/OVR: Reading VR conf file: Aircraft/X-Aviation/IXEG 737 Classic/B733_vrconfig.txt
0:11:01.845 W/VRCONFIG: Could not find vr config file: Aircraft/X-Aviation/IXEG 737 Classic/B733_vrconfig.txt
0:11:01.845 W/VRCONFIG: VR Config data file for Aircraft/X-Aviation/IXEG 737 Classic/B733_vrconfig.txt is not valid!
0:11:01.845 W/MANIPS: Could not find vr config file: Aircraft/X-Aviation/IXEG 737 Classic/B733_vrconfig.txt
0:11:01.845 W/MANIPS: VR Manips file for Aircraft/X-Aviation/IXEG 737 Classic/B733_vrconfig.txt is not valid!
0:11:01.845 D/STM: Transitioning from state state_NormalLoading to state_Normal

G64: 728.973: Boot Count: 8

New Text Document.txt

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Okay, this time I loaded up AC on runway and took off without touching FMC since that seems to cause issues more often. After about 8-10 minutes boom crash to desktop. Pulled up log text and saw this...  The bottom states xs_sound _engine: not enough memory. Wondering if that would be the problem but didnt see in prior log after crash?


SkyMaxx Pro license check failed. Clouds will be disabled.0:02:29.264 I/ATC: p=1 (299186) Popup FP filed to KFFT at 5000 via 3809N08543W , type=2
0:02:29.264 D/ATC: Routing is currently: 
0:02:29.264 D/ATC: 
  raw view: start=000001972C0E3170 end = 000001972C0E3D70, can_edit=false edit_count=0
0:02:29.264 D/ATC: 0: 000001972C0E3170 ('Popup Pos') 
0:02:29.264 D/ATC: lon=-86.326515,lat=38.153431 
0:02:29.264 D/ATC:  Nav type = NONE
0:02:29.264 D/ATC: 
0:02:29.264 D/ATC:     0: 0000019769BFF5E0 ('Pilot Nav Departure') 
0:02:29.264 D/ATC: IFR/pilot nav
0:02:29.264 D/ATC:     Heading 90 53291.2 meters
0:02:29.264 D/ATC: 1: 000001972C0E2BF0 ('FAKE') 
0:02:29.264 D/ATC: lon=-85.716667,lat=38.150002 
0:02:29.264 D/ATC:  Nav type = NONE
0:02:29.264 D/ATC: 
0:02:29.264 D/ATC:     1: 0000019769C00D00 ('Vector to airport') 
0:02:29.264 D/ATC: veczone = -1 
0:02:29.264 D/ATC: Vector/normal
0:02:29.264 D/ATC:     Heading 87 70844.8 meters
0:02:29.264 D/ATC: 2: 000001972C0E3D70 ('KFFT') 
0:02:29.264 D/ATC: lon=-84.906767,lat=38.181736 
0:02:29.264 D/ATC:  Nav type = APT
0:02:29.264 D/ATC: 
0:02:29.264 D/ATC: Validating altitude for p=1 (299186): filed: 5000 usable_rte_dist: 53.622437 maxDescent: 13000 maxAlt: 14000 minAlt: 5000 chosen_alt: 5000
0:02:29.264 D/ATC: p=1 (299186): Cleared IFR @ 1524FT
0:02:29.264 I/FLT: Init dat_p1 type:loc_specify_lle lat:38.153431 lon:-86.326515 ele(ft):5000.000038 psi:88.308167 spd(kts):110.794484
0:02:29.264 D/ATC: p=1 (299186): Fly Heading: 249
0:02:29.264 D/ATC: p=1 (299186): Maintain 5000ft
0:02:29.264 I/ATC: Aircraft p=1 (299186) started airborne as an overflight at 38.153431, -86.326515, 1524.000000
0:02:32.424 I/ATC: p=2 (N43XS) Popup FP filed to KFFO at 19000 via 3807N08539W FFO , type=2
0:02:32.424 D/ATC: Routing is currently: 
0:02:32.424 D/ATC: 
  raw view: start=000001972C063A70 end = 000001972C0630F0, can_edit=false edit_count=0
0:02:32.424 D/ATC: 0: 000001972C063A70 ('Popup Pos') 
0:02:32.424 D/ATC: lon=-86.008041,lat=37.747154 
0:02:32.424 D/ATC:  Nav type = NONE
0:02:32.424 D/ATC: 
0:02:32.424 D/ATC:     0: 0000019707D02F40 ('Pilot Nav Departure') 
0:02:32.424 D/ATC: IFR/pilot nav
0:02:32.424 D/ATC:     Heading 37 51678.3 meters
0:02:32.424 D/ATC: 1: 000001972C0631F0 ('FAKE') 
0:02:32.424 D/ATC: lon=-85.650002,lat=38.116665 
0:02:32.424 D/ATC:  Nav type = NONE
0:02:32.424 D/ATC: 
0:02:32.424 D/ATC:     1: 0000019707D01640 ('Vector to airport') 
0:02:32.424 D/ATC: veczone = -1 
0:02:32.424 D/ATC: Vector/normal
0:02:32.424 D/ATC:     Heading 36 235015.5 meters
0:02:32.424 D/ATC: 2: 000001972C0630F0 ('KFFO') 
0:02:32.424 D/ATC: lon=-84.048239,lat=39.826255 
0:02:32.424 D/ATC:  Nav type = APT
0:02:32.424 D/ATC: 
0:02:32.424 D/ATC: Validating altitude for p=2 (N43XS): filed: 19000 usable_rte_dist: 123.841820 maxDescent: 30000 maxAlt: 31000 minAlt: 19000 chosen_alt: 19000
0:02:32.424 D/ATC: p=2 (N43XS): Cleared IFR @ 5791FT
0:02:32.424 I/FLT: Init dat_p2 type:loc_specify_lle lat:37.747154 lon:-86.008041 ele(ft):19000.000786 psi:35.691059 spd(kts):169.500011
0:02:32.424 D/ATC: p=2 (N43XS): Fly Heading: 74
0:02:32.424 D/ATC: p=2 (N43XS): Maintain FL18999
0:02:32.424 I/ATC: Aircraft p=2 (N43XS) started airborne as an overflight at 37.747154, -86.008041, 5791.200195
0:02:32.488 I/ATC: p=3 (N172SP) Popup FP filed to KLUK at 9000 via 3756N08540W , type=2
0:02:32.488 D/ATC: Routing is currently: 
0:02:32.488 D/ATC: 
  raw view: start=000001972C063270 end = 000001972C062BF0, can_edit=false edit_count=0
0:02:32.488 D/ATC: 0: 000001972C063270 ('Popup Pos') 
0:02:32.488 D/ATC: lon=-85.931229,lat=37.719944 
0:02:32.488 D/ATC:  Nav type = NONE
0:02:32.488 D/ATC: 
0:02:32.488 D/ATC:     0: 0000019707D00CE0 ('Pilot Nav Departure') 
0:02:32.488 D/ATC: IFR/pilot nav
0:02:32.488 D/ATC:     Heading 44 33188.3 meters
0:02:32.488 D/ATC: 1: 000001972C0627F0 ('FAKE') 
0:02:32.488 D/ATC: lon=-85.666664,lat=37.933334 
0:02:32.488 D/ATC:  Nav type = NONE
0:02:32.488 D/ATC: 
0:02:32.488 D/ATC:     1: 0000019707D027C0 ('Vector to airport') 
0:02:32.488 D/ATC: veczone = -1 
0:02:32.488 D/ATC: Vector/normal
0:02:32.488 D/ATC:     Heading 40 169266.3 meters
0:02:32.488 D/ATC: 2: 000001972C062BF0 ('KLUK') 
0:02:32.488 D/ATC: lon=-84.415639,lat=39.100538 
0:02:32.488 D/ATC:  Nav type = APT
0:02:32.488 D/ATC: 
0:02:32.488 D/ATC: Validating altitude for p=3 (N172SP): filed: 9000 usable_rte_dist: 87.453407 maxDescent: 21000 maxAlt: 21000 minAlt: 9000 chosen_alt: 9000
0:02:32.488 D/ATC: p=3 (N172SP): Cleared IFR @ 2743FT
0:02:32.488 I/FLT: Init dat_p3 type:loc_specify_lle lat:37.719944 lon:-85.931229 ele(ft):8999.999908 psi:40.183590 spd(kts):122.249999
0:02:32.488 D/ATC: p=3 (N172SP): Fly Heading: 51
0:02:32.488 D/ATC: p=3 (N172SP): Maintain 8999ft
0:02:32.488 I/ATC: Aircraft p=3 (N172SP) started airborne as an overflight at 37.719944, -85.931229, 2743.199951
G64: 153.491: utils.newFolder(I:/X-Plane 11/X-Aviation/)
G64: 153.653: Boot Count: 3
FlyWithLua Info: Searching for Lua quarantined script files
FlyWithLua Info: The folder /Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua/Scripts (Quarantine)/ does not exist or it is empty.
G64: 194.332: Boot Count: 4
G64: 530.248: Memory Allocation Error: Run(timer): xs_sound_engine: not enough memory


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Cant deny that fact. I can run ActiveSKy though without any issue. I have ditched some plugins though like xprealistic and some passenger thing. Lots of addons but they dont all run at once. UK is busy with orbx true earth. I am currently flying the ixeg in cargo plane from Doncaster EGCN to EDDF in some cloudy weather without a hitch. This is one of my favorites and cant live without it. Waiting on the updates to this wonderful plane. Appreciate your quick responses. My cockpit setup with 2 FMC running in the picture


Edited by t4murphy
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  • 8 months later...
On 1/24/2020 at 5:58 PM, Ben Russell said:

I'd start with WebFMC.

From the looks of this it's not following the thread-safe guidelines for the X-Plane SDK.

Notice how the WebFMC entries are interrupting the other plugins log entries? That should NOT be happening. Ever.

WebFMC dev here. This is a single instance where we call XPLMDebugString() from a background thread during early startup. No other calls to XP API are made from threads ever. If this log access was ever an issue, I'm sure we would have known already after ~3 years of the plugin existence (plus, it would crash very early, even before aircraft is loaded). Anyway, since Laminar's guidance on threading-safety is pretty clear, I'll eliminate this case in the next update of WebFMC, to be on the safe side.

Anyway, I'm glad the issue has apparently been resolved. And the cockpit with 2 FMC displays looks absolutely gorgeous :)


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5 hours ago, stolowski said:

WebFMC dev here. This is a single instance where we call XPLMDebugString() from a background thread during early startup. No other calls to XP API are made from threads ever. If this log access was ever an issue, I'm sure we would have known already after ~3 years of the plugin existence (plus, it would crash very early, even before aircraft is loaded). Anyway, since Laminar's guidance on threading-safety is pretty clear, I'll eliminate this case in the next update of WebFMC, to be on the safe side.

Anyway, I'm glad the issue has apparently been resolved. And the cockpit with 2 FMC displays looks absolutely gorgeous :)


If only threading bugs were so clear cut.

Just recently I spent three days debugging a threading bug where an entire copy of a plugin image was being copied into the Lua reserved RAM pool.

The RAM pool that X-Plane reserves with the Operating System _BEFORE_ it loads any plugins.

What should be entirely impossible was happening.

Do not underestimate the damage and difficulty that wrong use of threads can achieve.

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