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SkyMaxx corrupting Moon.png


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Dear Skymaxx team

i am having an occurence occasionally where it seems skymaxx is corrupting my moon.png texture. I try replacing the file with a known working version, yet when xplane is started, this file is then corrupted during the boot process and xplane crashes. I have isolated this to skymaxx, as re-installing the add-on fixes the problem for a while. Are you able to assist? My solution at the moment will be to remove skymaxx from my system, but i'm not keen to do this.





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My guess would be it's one of 3 things:

  • Your default moon.dds file somehow became corrupt, perhaps due to a crash at just the wrong time. Try running the X-Plane installer and allow it to overwrite this file with a clean version, then delete our potentially bad copy of the file by deleting the contents of Resources/plugins/SilverLining/skyColors/Default Sky Colors
  • There is some sort of file permission issue on your resources/bitmaps/world folder and/or Resources/plugins/SilverLining/skyColors folder.
  • Some other plugin is also trying to control this texture. I noticed an error in your log about an AOS Seasons extension that failed to install. I don't know what that is, but if it affects the sky at all it may be in conflict with SMP.
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Thanks for the reply Frank!

The first time i had this problem i re-installed x-plane to reset the textures back to default, however i watched the file during the boot of xplane and could actually see the file size change as it corrupted during the boot process. 

Next time i come across this i will try your solution to deleting the default sky colours and see how it goes.


AOS seasons extensions i have no idea what that is, i just found it in the log as you mentioned... it must have been installed along with some other add-on without my knowing, i will investigate further as to what this could be.


thank you again for your time



Edited by TheHorsley
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  • 1 year later...
11 hours ago, DeskPilot said:

So, should I delete all of the contents at Resources/plugins/SilverLining/skyColors/Default Sky Colors?

It is just a copy of the files of the default sky color files made when SkyMaxx Pro starts up, so it can restore them when you shut down.

If things seem to be in a bad state (and if X-Plane crashed at just the right time, I could see that happening), deleting the contents of this directory after running the X-Plane installer to ensure you have the correct default sky files in place wouldn't hurt. That would prevent SkyMaxx Pro from trying to restore a copy of the wrong files.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I can say that I have the same problem since version 5.05, the original XP files are disappeared, skycolors and moon. I tried to reinstall, now something very weird happens.

The installer obviously can't install, because of these messages: "Unable to component Skymaxx pro: Component file version does not match. Problem running post install:



Retry doesn't help, ignore and the installer tells me the install is finished, but nothing is installed!

Please help, I can't install anymore....


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1 hour ago, envey777 said:

Hi Cameron I seem to be having the same issue I have deleted and re installed the program, any other recommendations thanks joe

You need to re download it, not just re install. To be safe delete the contents of the resources/plugins/SilverLining/sky colors/ default sky colors folder first, and run the x-plane installer to repair any corrupt files.

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