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Island of Oahu Released!


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  • 2 years later...

Hello Friends.  The new "Enhanced Scenery"  looks great!  Can I load this at the bottom of the Add-on list, and still get Autogen to appear over the top?  Or are there Excludes built into the scenery to prevent Roads, trees, and buildings from showing?  I really like the combo of Plausible scenery on top of the Photo-real.  -Woog

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Can I load this at the bottom of the Add-on list, and still get Autogen to appear over the top?


Unfortunately, the answer to this is no. The autogen for X-Plane is a part of X-Plane's own base scenery. It is not an overlay, and thus cannot appear on top as shipped.



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Is this because of the way you guys built it?


Hi Preston,


No, please re-read what I stated. 


More than likely SimHeaven has CREATED autogen using things like facades to run hand in hand with their product. Quite different than what we're talking about from a technical standpoint of what or how X-Plane 10 default autogen is run.

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Yeah Cameron, you lost me.  As far as I know, the autogen I see, is the stock X-plane autogen.  It all appears to be standard lego brick stuff.  -Woog


Hi there,


Yeah, this stuff can get confusing, especially if you're new. There's a lot to take in when it comes to the development world of X-Plane!


In short, SimHeaven is using custom autogen, utilizing facades rather than the standard X-Plane 10 library of autogen objects, so what you see is not what normally ships with X-Plane and is why they are able to apply autogen on top of their scenery as a separate overlay scenery file. Facades are great for custom autogen, but they are not exactly optimized for heavy use. This can often times lead to heavy FPS hits, and is why Laminar opted for a different method to generate their autogen over facades. We have developed a way to apply the more optimized method to our sceneries, but this will not show until NORCAL is released.


I hope this was somewhat (even if minimally) helpful in giving you an understanding of what's going on here, and welcome to the X-Plane world! I hope you enjoy it a bit more than what you're used to with MSFS. :)

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Hello Cameron, that clears things up quite a bit.  I am actually very excited about XpX!  Most all of my irritations from FSX are a non-issue in X-Plane.  It runs smoother, it flies better, the scenery is not repeating tiles with dead end roads everywhere.  It makes me a better pilot in general, when aircraft handle like they should.  NorCal will be a great purchase, SoCal will be even better!  ;-)  Is your whole team located in Wa State, or are you guys all over the planet like most developers?  I know great things are coming from you guys.  I can't wait to explore your world!  -Woog

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