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ILS not working

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26 minutes ago, bobididou said:

Ok thanks then i send a ticket to xaviation for nothing:))) If i understand i must talk to you for my bug ok then how resolve the bug i have with the autopilot i wrot upside ils not working dont catch VOR  neither GS....is it because i have the last version of xplane??? the 11.10 ? because Ixeg 737 was working before with the firsts versions i have bought but with the last version 1.2 and xplane 11.10 this functions  doen t works.

Excuse my English i m french canadian:))

Test an aircraft that came with x-plane itself (e.g the 737-800) - do you have the ILS problem there as well?

No (ILS works in x-plane aircraft) => Problem with your IXEG installation, try reinstalling it and discuss things here.

Yes (problem with the x-plane aircraft as well) => Problem with your x-plane installation, try repairing/reinstalling it and contact LR http://www.x-plane.com/support/



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7 hours ago, bobididou said:

Ok thanks then i send a ticket to xaviation for nothing:))) If i understand i must talk to you for my bug ok then how resolve the bug i have with the autopilot i wrot upside ils not working dont catch VOR  neither GS....is it because i have the last version of xplane??? the 11.10 ? because Ixeg 737 was working before with the firsts versions i have bought but with the last version 1.2 and xplane 11.10 this functions  doen t works.

Excuse my English i m french canadian:))

The problem you are facing is that you don´t read or don´t understand what we wrote to you in this thread. It may be because you don´t understand english very well, or because you don´t have the necessary background in aviation or computer literacy or simply because you have a hard time reading and/or listening to people. Excuse me for being blunt, but my time is also not limitless and it is frustrating to talk (type) to people who don´t seem to read a single word I write.

At any rate - the explanation and the solution to your problem was mentioned in the thread and we can´t provide support to those facing the above mentioned barriers.

Happy landings, Jan


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Yesterday I updated my X-Plane to the final version 11.10 (previously I have not used any beta version of the 11.10), and made a flight with my favorite plane: the IXEG.
Everything developed normally with the following exceptions and assessment:
a) The VOR and ILS radios did not work.
B) The cabin lights behaved unstable with respect to the configured lighting value.
c) The taxi lights, practically do not illuminate.
Rating: I noticed that the aerodynamics of the landing was much better and more manageable.



Today I will make another flight and continue reporting.

Like you see Im not the ONE its same thing for an Advanced Member:((((

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There are many thousands of users flying version 1.2 in XP11. You and Jolmos are the only ones having problems with the VOR and ILS radios :).

Jolmos is not an advanced member, he is a member who has had many problems and complaints with the IXEG 737 :mellow:. I am not saying that our aircraft is without faults, but there are users that have only the problems that everyone has, and there are users that have "all sorts of problems" with our aircraft.



If you look at the youtube streams coming in (still), you may observe that no one seems to have problems with getting ILS or VORs to work. Here is an example, posted less than a day ago.


I would be the first one to move heaven and hell if our plane had problems receiving ILS and VORs, but in this case the evidence is strongly pointing at you (and maybe Jolmos) having something screwed up on your computers for it not to work. And we can´t patch around that.


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17 hours ago, bobididou said:


Like you see Im not the ONE its same thing for an Advanced Member:((((

Have you actually tried any of the suggestions in this thread? (test default aircraft, disable plugins, repair/reinstall)

People here are usually willing to help, but they can't just wave a magic wand and make your problem go away. 

It does not seem to be a general problem, because it works for (almost) all people, so we need to find/fix what is different/wrong on your system. And since we cannot access your system, you'll have to do the work I'm afraid. 

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  • 2 years later...

Good Day,

I went through all the replies on the thread, but could not find a solution. Since updating IEXG to ver 1.3, neither the ILS nor the VOR tuning work. I tried in many airports and compared with other Xplane default an addon aircraft. They all worked fine. I have the latest Navigraph date cycle in both xplane and IEXG. 


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Hello Faisal,

can you see the ILS on the X-Plane map (m key)? Can you click on it and choose "tune on Nav1"?

Maybe you can load the plane at an airport with an ILS serving that runway you are on, then tuning it to NAV1 and then send me two screenshots (of the Nav Radio and the artificial horizon)?

Thanks, Jan


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3 minutes ago, Litjan said:

Good to hear that. Yes, you will need electrical power for the navigational radios to work.

Cheers, Jan


Actually they aircraft had electrical power as the issue started during final approach. I might be missing something when starting the aircraft that affects the operation of the ILS and VOR radios. 



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