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Volumetric clouds??/RANT


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Where are they? Have not flown through one yet, all I've seen are 2d sprites that rotates as you fly through them. I'm sorry to say but I think the defualt xp 11 clouds do a better job at this. As a paying customer I am disappointed, I thought this would be an at least an improvement of some sort. Are there any plans on adding this feature even know you the product is advertised with this, "  3D volumetric cloud layers adjustable up to 320KM wide " And I've read the thread about the performance issue this guy had with a "state of the art system" and he can't run this with good FPS.... really? Something tells me a coder has messed up down the line. By all means I'm not a computer Wiz with coding and things but I have played a fair amount of un-optimized games/products to know something is not right just for some bitmap images for clouds.

I don't mean to get off on the wrong foot here but these are things that concern me and maybe other potential customers. I would love to recommend this to other Simmers out there but as of right now I can't.

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I have messed with all the settings but haven't noticed all too much of a difference with the crisp fast soft settings other than the  texture quality. Please elaborate, because I might have missed interpreted  something in the manual.

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Well I purchased the pack with RWC to try to get rid of the clouds vanishing every 2 second with NOAA when you fly over a new weather station, fixed that problem but now this is a new one. If only RWC could be used separately as a weather engine in conjunction with NOAA without SKYMAXX PRO

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Regarding the volumetric clouds I also have this question: What is the difference between the SMP4 volumetric clouds and non volumetric clouds? It seems as this has nothing to do with three dimensional cloud modelling so the term is missunderstood somehow. So, what is this about?

Don't get me wrong, I really like SMP and I don't think the new XP11 default clouds are better in any way. Performance is not an issue for me, SMP4 clouds run faster for me even since the default clouds got their performance improvement - SMP4 clouds are still a bit faster. I am looking forward to the 4.5 update, the screenshots are very promising.

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I can't speak for the Devs product definition, but the real definition is a measure of volume. Meaning when you fly through a cloud like a cumulus you will actually not be able to see your wing to a certain point depending on how thick the cloud would be. That would give the cloud more depth in other words. Currently I have not had this experience with SMP4 but with the default XP11 clouds I have to some extent. Take a night flight for example. With the default XP11 cloud like a cumulus, the white strobe would blind the heck out of you when you fly through it as they flash, but in SMP4 it does not. At least as far as I can tell it don't.

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So... a working wing fade effect is the difference between volumetric and non volumetric clouds? I did never look out for fading parts of the aircraft I fly so I would not notice if clouds where volumetric based on this definition. 

Anyway... the main problem skymaxx pro has, in my opinion, is the cloud diversity. As most cloud formations are based on cumulus textures it looks somewhat similar under most conditions. It looks beautiful all the time but there could be more diversity in cloud styles. I think this is a reason why many people prefer the new default clouds or xEnviro over SMP4 - both don't look as good as SMP4 but people consider their visuals more realistic and natural. 

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2 hours ago, FlyAgi said:

Regarding the volumetric clouds I also have this question: What is the difference between the SMP4 volumetric clouds and non volumetric clouds? It seems as this has nothing to do with three dimensional cloud modelling so the term is missunderstood somehow. So, what is this about?

Volumetric is the measurement of volume for how many puffs are applied to a cloud. SkyMaxx Pro dynamically creates clouds based on puffs (unlike X-Plane, which uses 2D billboarding). Our clouds are truly volumetric and each one unique in it's own way.

1 hour ago, [Knight] said:

I can't speak for the Devs product definition, but the real definition is a measure of volume. Meaning when you fly through a cloud like a cumulus you will actually not be able to see your wing to a certain point depending on how thick the cloud would be. That would give the cloud more depth in other words. Currently I have not had this experience with SMP4 but with the default XP11 clouds I have to some extent. Take a night flight for example. With the default XP11 cloud like a cumulus, the white strobe would blind the heck out of you when you fly through it as they flash, but in SMP4 it does not. At least as far as I can tell it don't.

This is a horrible description of what volumetric is, and is not accurate at all.

X-Plane's strobe light effect has nothing to do with the volume of a cloud, let alone a wing disappearing into one (if it ever did).

1 hour ago, FlyAgi said:

So... a working wing fade effect is the difference between volumetric and non volumetric clouds?


1 hour ago, FlyAgi said:

Anyway... the main problem skymaxx pro has, in my opinion, is the cloud diversity. As most cloud formations are based on cumulus textures it looks somewhat similar under most conditions. It looks beautiful all the time but there could be more diversity in cloud styles. I think this is a reason why many people prefer the new default clouds or xEnviro over SMP4 - both don't look as good as SMP4 but people consider their visuals more realistic and natural. 

Stay tuned for what's to come. :)

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Once again do you care to elaborate and explain what volumetric is or are you gonna play the secret game, other than shooting what I say down. And I meant by the fading wing effect thing, as the cloud would engulf the plane as like vapor effects, you can literally see the cloud roll over the nose/windscreen and over the wing. Just like IRL,

And when you speak in terms of clouds volumetric has a lot to do with the density because you are measuring the amount vapor particles in the cloud.


Volumetric has everything to do with the strobe lights flash XP11 because the default clouds are volumetric, If your not in the cloud then the effect don't happen. And flying through 2d sprites and watching them rotate around like it on an axis is not volumetric. 


I applaud what the Devs are doing because i can't do what they do. I'm just a paying customer that is disappointed in the product because it fails to deliver as advertised. And flying through volumetric clouds may not sound like a big deal but, I love my immersion and flying through clouds is what planes do all the time, 24/7  and if you can't get that right then lest fly CAVOK all the time.....boring.

This is not a pissing contest, I'm quit concerned that that I'm getting cheated out off some of my money and I need my money. Being a disabled Vet only pays so much a month you know.

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I feel as if your expectations are outside what SMP provides....

Very simply we offer what we say we do, which given all the reviews and user videos out there representing the product, you somehow expect something else.....

Cameron is not dismissing your concerns, he's describing our product very accurately.....

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I agree with @[Knight], RWC as a standalone weather engine would be great! As for now, weather smoothness and randomness is what I think many people is searching for. Sudden reload of winds and clouds is immersive-breaking, and therefore I have turned to use XEnviro despite some flaws of it (as it seems with RWC there was still weather popups, I confess I still am not sure what RWC does, as I thought it would remove the popups and getting a smooth experience).

I think SMP would benefit great with a similar system like this, weather smoothness. I'm not sure if this is doable with the NOAA- or FSGRW- plugins or default XP11 metar weather.

The last I want is clouds that pops up or disappears suddenly (close or far away), I think this is very important for cloud/weather engines to master (hence as a pilot it is very important to see what you will expect while climbing or descending, or flying towards at).

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11 hours ago, [Knight] said:

Once again do you care to elaborate and explain what volumetric is or are you gonna play the secret game

I started my post explaining exactly what it was. You're grasping for straws at this point.

Your definition of volumetric from a game development standpoint is inaccurate. You continue to fight this. The clouds in default X-Plane, by proper and technical definition, are not volumetric, and they are not 3D. Even the effect of entering a cloud in default X-Plane is achieved by rotating the billboard toward the plane at a rapid rate.

I think it's evident with your lack of understanding that this thread is going to continue going nowhere. It's okay to dislike the product. I'm sorry if you do.

There will never be a release of RWC without SkyMaxx Pro. There is also no need for such considering how insanely well SkyMaxx Pro sells.

End of story!

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