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How to check out as a guest


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8 minutes ago, westcliffeco said:

Wait a minute.  Are you implying that I am or have attempted piracy???

What would be your basis for that?   If I am checking out as a guest using PayPal, I am obviously NOT committing piracy!

Sorry, Ben  Your insult is WAY off base here and uncalled for.

Nobody is implying anything of the sort.....

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15 minutes ago, westcliffeco said:

From the horse's mouth:

"..so is the amount of piracy, sharing and credit charge backs that we have to deal with. "

Interpret that any way you want.

I'm STATING that we require a complete set of profile information for purchase verification and product life cycle.


How can you possibly be a pirate when you haven't purchased anything and made a simple enquiry as to why you cannot purchase while keeping your PII to yourself.


Why do I bother even trying to share info? So I can get kicked in the teeth? Thanks.

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Wow, Ben.  Pretty paranoid and immature response.

You are exactly correct.  How could you possibly imply piracy?  But, that is just what you did in that quoted statement.  You implied that by requesting information on how to check out without creating an account was suspect.  It was a simple, straightforward question.

Lots of sites allow for guest checkouts.  The fact that your site doesn't is your choice.  But, your implication that anyone who wants to check out as a guest must have some nefarious goal is, as I said, pretty paranoid.

Enough said.

Edited by westcliffeco
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4 minutes ago, westcliffeco said:

Wow, Ben.  Pretty paranoid and immature response.

You are exactly correct.  How could you possibly imply piracy?  But, that is just what you did in that quoted statement.  You implied that by requesting information on how to check out without creating an account was suspect.  It was a simple, straightforward question.

Lots of sites allow for guest checkouts.  The fact that your site doesn't is your choice.  But, your implication that anyone who wants to check out as a guest must have some nefarious goal is, as I said, pretty paranoid.

Enough said.

I'm paranoid because you're the one that thinks you've been accused of something?

I'm making a simple statement of facts. Nothing more.

You're the one that wants to read between the lines "interpreting things".

This business is hard. I thought I'd offer you some insight into why we don't allow guests. I'm sorry that my offer of information offended you.


Now, go to the bank and see if they'll let you open a guest account.

I'm sure they'll ask you for 150 points of verifiable cross referenced ID to fight exactly the same problems we have.


Go away.

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9 minutes ago, westcliffeco said:

You are exactly correct.  How could you possibly imply piracy?  But, that is just what you did in that quoted statement.  You implied that by requesting information on how to check out without creating an account was suspect.  It was a simple, straightforward question.

No, he gave you insight as to why it's required. It has nothing to do with what you've ever done personally.

Come on, dude. Sheesh.

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