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With Windows 10 officially broken, Question!


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Hello from a very happy customer for Skymaxx Pro and Real Weather Connector :) First of all, love the products. But sadly with Windows 10 now broken (and unable to fix it with all the fixes out there of disabling features, uninstalling updates that break OpenGL etc.) I am finally considering the move to Linux (already a linux user for more than 10 years just stuck with windows for specific applications.) But then realized the only addons I own for X-Plane that do not offer Linux versions are X-Aviations stuff, all my other stuff supports linux. Any plans in the future to support Linux? I just find it a bit disappointing when Mac OS is supported but Linux is not, when from my experience I know much less people who use Mac than use Linux. And Linux being a very big OS for Laminar Research (with their Android version running on Linux).

Just hoping that maybe in the future this could be a thing :) would make the perfect X-Plane considering Linux gives improved performance over Windows for X-Plane with it's more refined OpenGL support.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 10/3/2016 at 6:33 AM, Ben Russell said:


Some other Linux useless internet trolls ruined the party for everyone.

Details here:


Without being rude that seems very small minded, any developer who would let what some people rant about online decide what they do should really have read into running a business before hand. Linux is a very popular OS for X-Plane users, just a quick browse on X-Plane.org and you can find so many of it's users use Linux as their OS for XP. And I agree, it gives much better performance for XP than Windows, I get an easy 10fps increase on heavy planes like FF767 which is very large in size. Imagine if Microsoft said "We won't offer any hardware support for gigabyte products because someone kept ranting at us about them." That would just be dumb.

I can only hope that your mind changes in the future hopefully with XP11. As of right now I'm not a SMP or RWC user as I'm on Linux atm. Also always had a little dissapointment with SMP, never does heavy clouds or overcast conditions. Always gaps in clouds and very small amount compared to real world data, Rendering settings slider makes no difference.

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36 minutes ago, Schnuupi said:

Always gaps in clouds and very small amount compared to real world data, Rendering settings slider makes no difference.

Then you had settings wrong somewhere.


37 minutes ago, Schnuupi said:

Linux is a very popular OS for X-Plane users, just a quick browse on X-Plane.org and you can find so many of it's users use Linux as their OS for XP.

It is 3% of the X-Plane market. Not exactly what I'd call "very popular".

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52 minutes ago, Schnuupi said:

Without being rude that seems very small minded, any developer who would let what some people rant about online decide what they do should really have read into running a business before hand. Linux is a very popular OS for X-Plane users, just a quick browse on X-Plane.org and you can find so many of it's users use Linux as their OS for XP. And I agree, it gives much better performance for XP than Windows, I get an easy 10fps increase on heavy planes like FF767 which is very large in size. Imagine if Microsoft said "We won't offer any hardware support for gigabyte products because someone kept ranting at us about them." That would just be dumb.

I can only hope that your mind changes in the future hopefully with XP11. As of right now I'm not a SMP or RWC user as I'm on Linux atm. Also always had a little dissapointment with SMP, never does heavy clouds or overcast conditions. Always gaps in clouds and very small amount compared to real world data, Rendering settings slider makes no difference.

I'm really not sure how much clearer I can possibly be...

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