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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/01/2019 in all areas

  1. Hi, it's not a bug, it's a feature ;-) The option button at the bottom is a new feature in the version 5.0. If you are a developper, it can be hidden, so that you then will only be able to toggle the options menu via the FlyWihLua menu. For that, you have to open the code, scroll to the end (GUI) and locate the "Options" window frame. You can adjust to your desired size and position (for instance outside of your screen). But that's for developpers only, people who know the Lua code, as it is not documented in the PDF. For people who master FlyWithLua : From : function OPTION_BUTTON(OPTION_WINDOW, x, y) -- THE BUTTON imgui.SetWindowFontScale(1) imgui.Bullet() imgui.TextUnformatted(Current_title) if imgui.Button("[Options]",250,27) or IXEG_FWL_MenuCall then IXEG_FWL_MenuCall = false app_is_active = true float_wnd_set_geometry(OPTION_WINDOW, 200, 820, 900, 200) float_wnd_set_imgui_builder(OPTION_WINDOW, "OPTION_MENU") end end Change that line to your liking : float_wnd_set_geometry(OPTION_WINDOW, 200, 820, 900, 200) But I won't provide more support because of other projects. Hope that helps.
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