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Tom Knudsen

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Tom Knudsen last won the day on April 28 2017

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About Tom Knudsen

  • Birthday 03/21/1973

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  1. Hei Tom, kan du være så snill å oppdatere eller lage nut "liveries/skin" for Eurocopter EC-135 v4? Jeg elsker at du gjør så bra jobb, men jeg får ikke brukt de for det er fra x-plane 10 Eurocopter EC-135 v3.. Og der står jeg fast og får ikke brukt norsk luftambulanse eller politi.. Jeg flyger hele verden men mest i Norge og i Møre Og Romsdal. Kan man få mere naturtro i stedene hvor jeg bor, Hareid, Ulstein, Ørsta, Volda, og Fosnavåg, etc.

    Lag mere "liveries/skin" jeg kunne betalt deg men de må virke på:

    Eurocopter EC-135 v4 for X-Plane 11





  2. Do someone actually use this anymore? How will you now compete? Sent fra min SM-P900 via Tapatalk
  3. To me it sounds like you had a friendly mutual chat, kinda ironic from my point of view after talking to him. But that is aside the point, glad you figure it out. Now you only need to battle GitHub
  4. Point taken, personally I would not even bother making things like this. Love the colors and tones just the way they are naively, but that's me. However, If you John were to make i.e. WaterMAXX with some magenta ocean coloring going on, heck I might be considered to look at it
  5. Not sure who is crying now, but isn't this program and programs like it, just a simple tweak of X-Planes dataref values? Basically something anybody can make and utilize of?
  6. Already notified Nicolas about the file
  7. Check this out, kinda looks the same to me https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/44805-plugins-blu_fx/
  8. Here is a new image, included also now in the first post is gizmo log, cannot connect to internet is says, but it is connected just fine.
  9. No way to activate licence product in X-Plane 11.10b1 - Need to uninstall to use XP Seems it just freezes upon load GizmoLog.txt
  10. Update: Managed to do a flight from A to B without much hickup, except for some Gizmo issues. A Windows popped up, but did not see what it was except some error regarding autoland. So I got this from the log which by the way is included for this flight debug: 0.160: Firmware v16.09.27.0342 debug: 0.162: Machine ID: 8af258dcd479a718c049fed5542fd857 warng: 0.165: GUI Read Key Protection Applied. debug: 0.170: X-Plugins OBJ8 Loader v15.01.11 debug: 0.329: * gxt.refresh().. debug: 0.333: gxt: AutoLoading.. debug: 0.335: gxt.load: Console debug: 0.337: gxt.load: ToolTray debug: 0.339: gxt.load: HotFix debug: 0.341: gxt.load: Mute debug: 0.343: gxt.load: Preferences debug: 0.345: gxt.load: RebootButton debug: 0.347: gxt.load: GateKeeper debug: 0.349: X-Aviation Licensing: Load license.. debug: 0.354: X-Aviation Licensing: License is valid. debug: 0.356: gxt.load: MAXX_RWC warng: 0.358: gxt.load: ErrorReport: FAILED: ext_info is nil, bad link? debug: 0.359: gxt.load: Shell debug: 0.361: gxt: Completed AutoLoad. GizmoLog.txt
  11. First crash I went into the preferences and changed to start cold and dark, then it crashed to desktop Then I reinstalled the airplane for a fresh install in X-Plane 11, updated the Navdata via Navigraph, loaded up X-Plane and started to reconfigure. Got to pushback and engine start. Just after selecting No.2 to GND while pushing back with nose right Then without any warning, desktop!! Included are both crash reports, log files and other files. Hoping you can see if it is IXEG or X-Plane related but GizmoLog.txt Log.txt 25c36b49-d56a-49f6-bdd8-51ccc01b4fcb.dmp Time 1342 crash_report_08_04_2017_13_32_45.rpt fc701626-17d3-467f-a159-f7d0b1a7c4d9.dmp Time 14:32
  12. No Sent from my SM-G928F using Tapatalk
  13. As an update to this post, we are now looking for one particular person that knows this? 1. Blender - Animation 2. Plane Maker /with emphasis on multi-copter 3. Plugin knowledge or knowledge with data refs.
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