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AWG Sim - Sky Environment XP Development


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  • 3 months later...

It seems that Aerosoft has purchased the rights to release this product as freeware for registered users of the Aerosoft forum:




Mathijs Kok writes in the related thread:



Aerosoft Sky Tools Free is a sky enhancement tool that allows the user to change the way the sky, clouds, sun and moon looks in X-Plane 10. It basically allows the user to tweak the sky to match the conditions. There is after all a big difference between the sky on a hot humid August day and a clear frosty January day.


Sky Tools was developed by AWG Simulations as a commercial product but we decided to buy the full rights from them


See: http://forum.aerosoft.com/index.php?/topic/77640-what-is-aerosoft-sky-tools-free/


You need to be registered there to see the thread.


I wonder if this is really identical to the AWG project discussed in this thread.

Edited by Mario Donick
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so basically Skymaxx was a waste of money :unsure:  Aerosofts free package looks amazing :o and probably stutter free with "real weather" on :D:P



Thats right Harry you and one other person wasted money......Especially when REX is released, which was confirmed BTW in an obsure post at AVSIM.


I dont know what we did to you, for you to shower discontent at any oppertunity...... 


Harry we get it and its getting old.....

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so basically Skymaxx was a waste of money :unsure:  Aerosofts free package looks amazing :o and probably stutter free with "real weather" on :D:P

No Harry Sky-MAXX isn't a waste of money but reading your redundant troll posts all over the forums are a collosal waste of time. You go right ahead and use that POS addon and keep your frame rates with clouds where they were at before Sky-MAXX. Yep in the toilet. I think my favorite cloud texture in the new addon is the Cheerio Sky and with it's hundreds of lovely little rings. You talk about SMP stuttering yet you continue to stutter and stutter and stutter. Do you really think you're going to destroy SMP with what you're doing ? Got a news flash for ya, you're actually looked at as quite a joke. Maybe you should unplug and go outside and play for a while. You know, basically just get a life dude. Have a swell day. A blee a blee that's all folks...

Edited by redpiper
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so basically Skymaxx was a waste of money


Quite the opposite, one of the best investments I've made yet in simming. And I pride myself on being a picky bugger.


Aerosofts free package looks amazing


No it doesn't. Apart from the first comparison pic of real clouds and AWG clouds, all the other pics look barely better than default, or basically the same as default. I am interested in their sky colours, but their clouds can't touch SMP's.


I only wish there was a way I could invoice you for the collective five minutes or so of my life I've wasted with your insanity on these forums.

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I thought this guy could not sell this due to the fact he was using shaders from Xplane 10? He sold it to aerosoft.................

Actually he probably can't. Some loophole in the system allowed Aerosoft to pay him for his time to uh hmm, develope. They know they can't sell it or you'd be paying for it. Just a guess but if it were anywhere remotely close to the addon Sky-MAXX provides it would be for sale. It is nothing but sky colors and cloud textures. Frame rates I'm sure are not improved.

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Quite the opposite, one of the best investments I've made yet in simming. And I pride myself on being a picky bugger.





No it doesn't. Apart from the first comparison pic of real clouds and AWG clouds, all the other pics look barely better than default, or basically the same as default. I am interested in their sky colours, but their clouds can't touch SMP's.


I only wish there was a way I could invoice you for the collective five minutes or so of my life I've wasted with your insanity on these forums.

Hahahah. Yes sort of a class action suit. I usually just read his rediculous rants when I'm feeling blue for a good laugh.

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After it being pointed out on the awesome loading system for this free addon I downloaded it to test tonight. Anyway, Love the fact that every time you want to use a different "theme" you have to backup your original texture and load the new in hahahahaha. This stuff is getting so tecnologically advanced I'm not sure my system can handle it. Can't wait to copy and paste Cherrio Sky with the burnt umbre colors, then go back and fire up X-Plane, wait for the I'm sure horrible frame rates to again haunt me and try another "theme" and start all over. I wish there was a plugin that would allow you to do all this and not have to copy and paste every time. Oh wait ! There is ! It's called Sky-MAXX Pro. I wish there was a plugin would help my frame rates, well actually increase them massively so some of my payware poly heavy aircraft and scenery would finally be able to flow. Oh wait ! There is ! It's called Sky-MAXX Pro...I'll load up a video and or review later to be sure.

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They don't admit to buying anything. I doubt it's the case but he could have traded the files for software or anything. Nobody will ever be clear on that.

"Sky Tools was developed by AWG Simulations as a commercial product but we decided to buy the full rights from them and to send it out as a free gift to the X-Plane users." - Aerosoft


I look at this statement and laugh as this stuff was all free to being with. I think they were sucked into this kid's BS.

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"Sky Tools was developed by AWG Simulations as a commercial product but we decided to buy the full rights from them and to send it out as a free gift to the X-Plane users." - Aerosoft


I look at this statement and laugh as this stuff was all free to being with. I think they were sucked into this kid's BS.

Quite possibly. Either way it's absolutely no substutute for SMP. It'll go south as this is not a serious addon.

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"Sky Tools was developed by AWG Simulations as a commercial product but we decided to buy the full rights from them and to send it out as a free gift to the X-Plane users." - Aerosoft


I look at this statement and laugh as this stuff was all free to being with. I think they were sucked into this kid's BS.



If it was so great there would be a price tag on it.  Reality is, it's probably so bad they COULDN't sell it!


Let me assume something: 


Within the limits of law, you can't sell something what isn't either yours, or you don't own permission or have a certain contract with the owner. That's how german laws are like and Aerosoft is a german company. 


The problem with AWG might be, that they use LR own shaders and modify them in order to realize different rendering and performance of cloud puffs and lighting effects. I guess Laminar has never approved it (or officially wanted to support it in some kind) and AWG was unable to develop their product on a commercial basis. 


However the work on the sky-themes, halo effects and clouds was something Aerosoft had seen worthy to invest in. They bought the rights (give the dev the money for the time he invested on this project) from the dev to use all created files for their own projects.


Aerosoft is a publisher of FlightSim products and they fight the market as all other publisher do. Releasing something as "freeware" (which was intended as payware) might look like a "wow" effect to their customers, and at the end giving Aerosoft more than they might loose. That's marketing folks... Nothing more.



Regading the quality of the product. Have a look on the shots attached, which come from my sim...


Everybody is free to decide. I like Skymaxx and Skytools as well. They are totally different products and are hardly comparable.. 




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