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Everything posted by breadwild

  1. It's not on the instrument panel. Its a slider switch on the console just to the right of the captain's seat. It's coupled with the Yaw Damper, so you really need to slide both forwards and hold for a second to engage. To disengage, slide them back or press the red button on the left handle of the yoke (you'll need to press it again to silence the disengage calvary march alert) Brad
  2. Gotcha! Thanks for your quick response. I'll have to listen more carefully
  3. I absolutely love the sounds in this aircraft, but I was wondering if the flaps got overlooked. Maybe they don't make a sound in the real plane, if so then I'll concede the point. Sorry to be picky, but this plane brings in it out in me. Brad
  4. Bingo! Guys, that did it! Thanks (helped to pull up the popup gauge to make sure). This plane just gets better
  5. Sometimes during my take off roll and climb I do not get full torque. I have my CTOT at 80% and switches on and CL at MAX. Upon application of power, I'll get 100% but then it falls off to about 40% during the initial climb (climb rate falls to zero and understandably have a hard time holding altitude). If I pull the CLs back to a mid position, torque returns and the climb rate returns. The only thing I've noticed is a yellow light on the panel that says AUTOCOARS ARM, which according to the Systems manual means the system is armed in the low or high power mode. Not sure what that means. I believe I have been following all the checklists to a "T" but I might be missing something. If someone could shed some light on this issue, I'd be grateful. Brad
  6. Fair enough. Thanks. I usually do the hot start so I've been missing that Before Engine Start, which is not necessarily a good thing.
  7. There are some items* mentioned in the Quick Start guide, e.g., Bleed Valve reset, that might be nice to have on the Gizmo checklist. Otherwise I'm looking at the Gizmo and one I wrote out. Be lovely to have everything in one place. Just saying... BTW, had my first couple of full flights (VOR nav and ILS approaches) where everything went textbook. I love this aircraft. And, oh, the sounds—the best on any plane I've flown in X-Plane. Looking forward to the better radio tuning UI and having the Garmin (able to do real SIDs and STARs) Brad *Bleed value reset, Main Inv to "on", Standby Pitot on, RMI set
  8. so much clearer than my tip. In many cases, and this is one of them, flying a simulator is harder than the real aircraft. When flying an actual airplane, I'd just reach down without having to look. In the simulator I have to pan down to actually look for the control, which can be dangerous.
  9. You have to roll over it quite a distance and then stop and wait for numbers on the EADI to respond (like the NAV radios)
  10. I just purchased the Saab 340 and after just a few flights was thinking, "wish it had scroll wheel articulators and pop ups." Voila! Can hardly wait for this.
  11. Forget it. Found it by more Googling. UPDATE: After getting down voted, I realized I should be more helpful and share what I learned and how I put it into practice: 1. After takeoff and reaching a suitable altitude (usually in the 500 ft route, partly because by then I can have the airplane somewhat stable), I tap the quick-view key I have setup for the center console and slide forward and momentarily hold the YD and AP tab switches. Once I know they are engaged (will stay in the forward position), I tap the W-key to get back to the normal cockpit view. Then I can automate whatever navigation help I need (heading or VOR, and climb) 2. On approach when I'm ready to take over, especially on a visual or non-precision approach, I click the A/P button on the left "handle" of the control yoke once, and then a second time. The first produces the aforementioned "chirping" or "calvary charge" alert, and the second click silences it, all while keeping the AP disengaged (in other aircraft I've flown, pressing a second time would re-engage the AP). Now, on to grasping the CTOT (fortunately lots of good resources on this forum)
  12. Thanks, p123 is helpful, but I think the Systems manual is more the more seasoned 340 pilot. I'm on the hunt for some more fundamental tutorials. I'm determined to be competent in this beautiful aircraft.
  13. Okay, found it in the Systems manual (lots of helpful stuff in there!), but it doesn't say where the button is actually located. In which of the manuals can I find that? BTW, as a seasoned pilot of the JAR a320, I'm no stranger to manuals and rather enjoy reading them. Thanks!
  14. Sorry, what is the AP disco button? I'm familiar with the YD/AP flip-forward switch on the central console.
  15. I've searched, even Google, but can't figure out what the Friction lever does (far left of the power quadrant). I thought it might be spoilers, but then it should say that (are there even spoilers on this aircraft?). Sorry for the dumb questions, but there is no operators manual with this aircraft that I could find. Thanks, Brad
  16. A newbie question again. How do I turn off the annoying chirping and flashing [AP] on the EFIS when I disengage the auto-pilot? It goes until I turn off the battery. JAR's a320 has a button that silences the warning. Thanks, Brad
  17. JGregory, Thanks. No worries then. Brad
  18. Brand new to this aircraft and will be curious about many things. Right off the bat, what is that occasional whining sound (like the flaps or gear moving) that lasts a few second? I was afraid I had brushed a switch or something. Thanks. Brad
  19. This a great video. I relearned some old VOR tricks from my real piloting days, the JS32 demo notwithstanding. Question about the video itself. What were your initial settings? How did you save it out? How big was the file? Thanks. Breadwild
  20. Per Cameron I'm going to ask a question about the iPad (yes, I have the desktop version, but my wife doesn't want my whole computer in our bed...that's an attempt at humor). Anyway, when in the latest X-Plane for iPad, when I try to adjust to the OBS knob on the CDI to line up the needle, my plane goes in to a death spiral. What am I missing? Thanks! {B}
  21. First post here at X-Pilot. I have questions about X-Plane mobile on my iPad, but before asking, I want to make sure this is the place. Thanks Brad
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