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Simmo W

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Everything posted by Simmo W

  1. Well, I'm up to page 18 in the tute, I'm gobsmacked how realistic everything feels. I've never enjoyed having my head down in the flight deck so much! I've never bothered to use an FMC before, this one seems very easy to use! Congrats to all! Here's my last silly vid, to prove my screens work, allowing me to judge airspeed better, before I do more serious ones. Javier will find the music handy when his partner drops her landing gear, so to speak!
  2. GREAT NEWS!- After removing all my plugins other than Vascore, Gizmo and SW, I have been able to reboot my pc THREE times and still see the working screens humming along at 35fps at 16AA and generally high graphics settings. I'll gradually migrate plugins back across to tell you the culprit. Move a couple over, fly for a few days, till I get the same issue. I will hunt it down forever. I think we'll all remember the release of this plane for a very long time! S
  3. Thanks Cameron and Team, a good message. I know I'm one of the affected ones, but can I say with all my heart, I know you guys mean the best for xplane and your customers. It's just that we were so used to XA's perfectionism, this was a bit of a shock. The hours spent by many of us have been frustrating, let's just say that. You could have done better, but I'm aware that's easy for me to say. Hehe, next time you WILL seek more beta testers! Despite all this, you guys have still been way more responsive than the org and probably put some msfs co's to shame. DO FEEL PROUD! Mistakes are only made by those who TRY in life. By pushing xplane to it's limits, you've hit some hurdles but will keep running till you win! Look at the Fonts issue, it just took time and Philipp's genius to nut it out. By releasing such a complex craft, you have exposed some issues within xplane, like plugin management/compatibility. That'll help in the long run. So thanks for everyone's continued efforts. Remember we are all human and many of us are just little boys wanting to play with our toys..NOW! S
  4. Hi Tom. It's just a free improvement to the DCS A-10c sim, google it. Sheesh, even this only uses 2 of my i7 cores, but it runs ok on my system- however the shading is starting to push things a bit, so a 570 is looking very attractive right now! Yours will eat it up nicely. Online is very easy to use, but hard to stay alive :-)
  5. Hey Tom, check your AI plane no's, sometimes if it's over 3 or so, it can slow things down. I agree, you have a beast of a CPU, so at LESA you should wipe the floor, probably over 100fps! With my ancient 275 getit 30, with 8 Times AA AND extreme res.
  6. Thanks Javier. Similar to TOBS I've wasted alot of time on this, but like all good geeks will periodically try to beat it! It gets me down, ESP. When I realize the time spent. In 12 hrs I'll finish off cleansing all my plugins, except for beloved Giz and Vascore and SW. Just wait till everyone sees what Arnaud has done with Gizm for his T28!! He has certainly mastered gizmo, thats all I can say. If plugins cleanout fails, I won't try anything else - reinstalls, trying other 'alien' OS that make my Rexplane incompatible, or dummy installs are far too time consuming when all my other planes still work. The bulk of a10c patch is enhancements, not fixes. Only 3 patches since the long Beta public release. Massive no. of tweaks. I updated today, flawless and quick, and managed this quick vid- gorgeous shading inside cockpit! Even the switches are shaded.
  7. Ha, not as smart as u guys. Even I can make mistakes, surprisingly. Am doing one final cull of all plugins after a backup, what should I keep at a minimum? Gizmo only (of course)?
  8. Simon, The instructions are to uninstall and then reinstall in succession to figure out the exact culprit. You've quite clearly misunderstood this. Yes, I have. It's my fault for not understanding, very sorry. Getting too technical for this user.
  9. Just a word of caution re. instructions to delete 2005/2008 Redistributables...I've now found that my A10-C sim needs 2008 to work, so really, I'd say none of these should be deleted if you want to keep your other windows programs working. Well, that's my situation anyway. This might help to narrow down the strategy to fix.
  10. Yes Cameron, I do feel unfortunate, especially since you guys have refused the refund. I feel dudded, a loyal customer who's spent hours trying to get it to work, with thousands of Youtube views of all your products that I've bought. You are one tough cookie Cameron. Now I am double-sad. :'( :'( Re: C++ redistributable still causing plane to be unflyable - refund request « Reply #1 on: Today at 15:37:33 » Reply coming soon, Simon. Unfortunate that you're the only one with this problem. Report to moderator Logged "no, we need a refcon actually..." Join us on Twitter! X-Aviation - High Quality Add-Ons for X-Plane! http://forums.x-pilot.com/index.php?topic=2395.msg22877#msg22877
  11. Hi guys, I sent Cameron a refund request yesterday, still havent received a reply. Unfortunately the update hasn't made things any better, I can't enjoy without the screens and..give up, reluctantly. I know you guys are busy, but even a confirmation that it's coming would be appreciated. I've checked my spam folder too. Thanks Below is the link to the issue raised in V1 http://forums.x-pilot.com/index.php?topic=2198.0
  12. Good pics Steven. But the on-ground model's gear shafts still appear too thin to me, and don't look compressed, they look as if in-air, unsprung.
  13. So nice of NASA to schedule the de-orbit burn and landing right now, wednesday afternoon Oz time. Due to land at 2:35 am eastern, add 2 hrs and reverse the am for Oz time!
  14. Very nice! Good to see the roof problem solved.
  15. Ooh yeah guys! Love that seat already. But God, are all those dc3 interiors that phlegm-green? I really hope not. Would keep the pilots awake I suppose.
  16. Yeah well done, all that disciplined training in xplane paid off :-)
  17. Looks great Goran, with authentic sounds (splutter, wheeze!) it'll do well. Nice to hear some non-CRJ news too :-) I'll already request an ultra-worn texture version please, to reflect the age of some of the ones still flying!
  18. Nice Oliver, me jealous, lots of flying in there! Those night approach shots were pretty. Are those Garmins as distracting as they look at night?! Yeah, and your fast fwd taxiing looks like my real-time Xplane taxiing - until AI is implemented, it's NASCAR time on the ground.
  19. This is long but incredible. If you don't want to watch it all, drag over to 9:30 and see the most beautiful, almost sci-fi film of separation.
  20. Looks great! When watching I found this crazy vid, that plane is tough:
  21. Does it recognize other disks? Try finding the .exe manually via explorer and double clicking it. You should be able to see all the files. Welcome to Windows :-)
  22. Sounds good Perry, but that graphics card is pretty light on for today's standards. A 6850 should be approx $200 compared to $80 or so for that card, but be 3 times more powerful- youll have a faster pc than me
  23. Hehe, good one Oliver. I'd love to see Goran do those dials- but I don't think he'd want to do that many!
  24. ZOMG. I just saw all the questions today! Lots of issues, but lots of new customers too. Maybe you should put a link to the stickies in the manual and even list the most common FAQs and issues at the very start of manual in RED 72 font. People still won't read, but for those that do, it might help.
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