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Everything posted by Airbus

  1. Nice and toasty.Last week it was around 50-65*F here..
  2. Looking very nice, I love the detail. It really gives the whole environment more life!
  3. Yes its very quiet around here, but the JetProp is not forgotten. Things are still churning in the factory.
  4. I love this song! The footage makes it even better!
  5. I ran across this one not to long ago. http://www.airliners.net/photo/MBB-Kawasaki-BK-117/2035569/L/&sid=6810fd77457c614aebd97f6256cc129c
  6. Hey the patch is finished, its waiting to be uploaded to X-Aviation's server.
  7. Awesome. I took this a while back near Richardson Bay; just on the northern side of the Golden Gate Bridge.
  8. Hey is anyone able to post shots of the sim with and without HDR?
  9. lol I cant load the clouds. My computer cant handle them unfortunately. I tired to load up some but frame rates dropped to about 1-2fps.
  10. After some tweaking! Runs along with where my current XP9 copy is running.
  11. Hows your X-Plane 10 looking so far? What specs are you running? AMD Athlon 64X2 Dual core 4600+ 2.40GHz 3.GB Ram Nvidia 7900GS256MB of Vram 4fps LOL! This is with everything turned off!
  12. Lol PS3 and Xbox! I hate the XBOX just love Forza! I refuse to use the XBoxLive online features; not to mention Ive been through 2 XBoxes(death ring and melted possessors.)! I love my PS3 though.
  13. Hey guys sorry for the delay in news. But 152 is out of the shop. I had some other things to go over. I Found out the RPM gauge was using the wrong data refs same thing goes for the wet magnetic compass. Stay tuned, and thanks for your patience!
  14. The DC3?
  15. Took my car for a spin in the new Forza video game. Surprisingly tail happy like the real thing! I have no idea of how to get videos off that XBOX right now.
  16. Anyone have Forza Motorsports 4 yet?
  17. Hey guys I have the VOR working correctly now; Im also tweaking a few other things. Just a quick heads up!
  18. Its an animation issuse. Like Cameron said im away from home, Ill work on repairing the issue when I return. Thanks.
  19. Very nice! I would love to see more!
  20. No problem ill look at that.
  21. Daniel, make sure you have the latest version of XPlane. Its working fine on my end, I'm using the same package that was uploaded. Hey C47. What are your computer specs and rendering settings? Its running pretty good on my computer vs other add ons. My system is pushing 6 years old. I'm running a AMD Athlon 64 Dual Core at 2.40GHz with 3GB of ram and a 7900GScard with 256MB of Vram. The Cessna was updated using a Nvidia 6600 card.
  22. Hey Daniel, Im looking at these things now. I can work on a show hide yoke also! The OBS knob is working fine here. Its a simple click to turn left or right. Dose the X-Plane cursor even show up around the knob for you? Thanks for pointing out the Manual typo Ill fix that also! Thanks Daniel for you help!
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