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Everything posted by Airbus

  1. ;D Badd assed! Such a fantastic plane! * Still watching, I love the background ambient noises in the video!*
  2. Nice stuff Olah. Its a Lancair Legacy 2000 The speed breaks are still under work. Still need some a few bits of ajustment. Ive added a picture of the actual brakes.
  3. A quick shot of another up coming aircraft.
  4. Woeh! Thats fantastic!
  5. Still working on it .
  6. Impressive new game engine!
  7. Making a new set of instruments.
  8. ;D GO TOM!
  9. ;D Great repaints! I'm tempted to crack open the paint kit myself.
  10. Almost there ;D !
  11. Looks like a video card issue. Ran fine on my machine! Try resetting X-Plane's preferences.
  12. A little progress so far. Lukasz has helped out with the flightmodel. From Lukasz. As for the 3D work, just some minor ajustments on the 3D model have to be fixed up and that should be it! See you all soon!
  13. New aircraft news! Heads up since the first major Cessna update is nearing its final stretch. This aircraft was started as a light side project, until recently ive decided to fully launch it. The exterior is about 80% complete. The flight model is started and will be tuned soon. No solid release dates, but we are aiming for the spring. The progress of the Cessna 152 will dictate the launch of this machine. ;D The Semenole will share gauges with the Piper Malibu/ vice versa; in turns this will increase the production rate of the Piper Malibu!( killing two birds with one stone so to speak).
  14. ???
  15. cram20 The new repaints aren't available yet. But will be soon.
  16. Just a quick post of a new livery WIP.
  17. Merry Christmas you all. We definitely got a white one here!
  18. Hey guys the update is close to being completed. My internet is out at the moment. The windscreen has been cleaned up. The flight model is also being retuned to bring it as close to the actual plane as possible. Talk to you all soon, Ill keep you all posted.
  19. : One reason why I never use my XBOX.
  20. Im going to brag and say I have! In the GT Porches in Forza3!
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