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About Silent_V

  • Birthday 11/12/1978

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  1. I have hydraulic pump sound never goes off in XP 10 version more or less often too so this looks like a regular issue.
  2. Oh, ok. Thanks.
  3. Hi all, I have a constatn error evey single time I move my gear handle to "Gear up" position after take-off or on ground. As a mininmum I get the message shown on the screen shot and the hydraulic puump sound loops untill I shut the sim dow, sometimes the sim crashes, sometimes mouse weheel knobs rotate ability disapperas. But everything srats after putting the handle on my CH Yoke in the gear up position. I re-installed the aircraft several times both automatically and manually but no success. The problem remaines. Iny ideas on what goes on, please? I just can't use the ver. 1.4,1 Log.txt GizmoLog.txt
  4. Hi Cameron, I followed your advise and it works now. Thank you so much!
  5. Hi Cameron, Ok, I will try this and report back. Thanks!
  6. Yes, I am absolutely sure that I have 1.4.1 version. I unpacked it from the archive with the same name and I downloaded it from my acount at x-aviation.com
  7. Hmmm... Let me check it. I will let you know.
  8. Hi Goran, Thanks for asking, It gives me this (attached). I also attached Gizmo log and log.txt once again. But when I turn on the batteries and connect ground зцук unit I have sonds. but I haven't started engines though so I cannot say for sure if the rest sounds are there. Log.txt GizmoLog.txt
  9. Any guess on that? I cannot use the aircraft ever since I updated it to ver. 1.4.1. I have re-installed it already but no success. Knobs are inactive still
  10. Hi> I have the same issue. XP10, a/c ver. 1.4.1. I cannot move any knobs by rotatting the mouse whee despite off I have checked the proper chack box in the prefs menu.+ GizmoLog.txt Log.txt
  11. Ok, thanks <br />
  12. Do you mean the ground service plugin by Jar Design, Cameron? <br />
  13. Thanks guys! I will check what you've mentions and will let you know. <br />
  14. Hi guys! Any more ideas? Thanks!
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