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  1. Determining Vr is dependent on many factors and is always calculated for every takeoff. Those factors include aircraft weight, runway length, flap settings, OAT, density altitude, wind...etc. Given all these variable conditions there is no single answer. That being said, when I just want to fly and not hassle with all the charts I perform a flaps 15 T/O using 110 Kts for Vr.
  2. This indeed would be a significant step in flying as a crew. Being able to sit in the left seat and have someone do all the work for half pay would bring back good memories ;-)
  3. J32 Profiles & Maneuvers: http://forums.x-pilot.com/index.php/topic/4773-j32-fsm-profiles-maneuvers/ J32 Performance: http://forums.x-pilot.com/index.php/topic/4772-j32-fsm-performance/ I still haven't found the Takeoff Speed Cards yet, but I will keep looking through my closets. The performance chapter doesn't provide airport specfic charts. I doubt you will find that as each airline maintained their own set for the approved airports they served.
  4. File Name: J32 FSM Profiles Maneuvers File Submitter: Cooley File Submitted: 18 Feb 2013 File Category: Plugins and Utilities Jetstream 32 FSM Profile Maneuvers Per request from several members I am providing a copy of the J32 regional airline profiles maneuvers published from the J32 Flight Standards Manual. ACA Flight Standards Manaual - Chapter 17 Flight Profiles: Normal and Instrument Takeoff Noise Abatement Takeoff Aborted Takeoff Takeoff - Engine Failure After V1 Visual Pattern - All Engines Operative Visual Pattern - One Engine Operative Visual Pattern - Flaps Inoperative All Engines Operative ILS Approach One Engine Operative ILS Approach High Speed ILS/Field Conditions VMC All Engines Operative Non-Precision Approach One Engine Operative Non-Precision Approach All Engine Circling Approach One Engine Circling Approach Landing Without Direct Elevator Control All Engine Operative Go Around/Missed Approach One Engine Operative Go Around/Missed Approach Maneuvers: Steep Turns Emergency Descent Approach To Stalls: Approach To Stall - Cruise Configuration Approach To Stall - Takeoff Configuration Approach To Stall - Landing Configuration Click here to download this file
  5. File Name: J32 FSM Performance File Submitter: Cooley File Submitted: 18 Feb 2013 File Category: Plugins and Utilities Jetstream 32 FSM Performance Per the request from several members, attached is a copy of the Jetstream 32 regional airline performance chapter published from the Flight Standards Manual. J32 Flight Standards Manual Performance - Chapter 15 Note: Performance data provided for training purposes only and should not be used for real world flight operations Takeoff Performance: Precomputed Takeoff Data Automatic Performance Reserve (APR) Reduced Power Takeoffs Enroute Performance: Single Engine Operations Precomputed Enroute Performance Data Cruise Power Settings Long Range Cruise Power Settings Landing Performance: Precomputed Landing Data Land and Hold Short Operations Click here to download this file
  6. Version v1.0


    Jetstream 32 FSM Performance Per the request from several members, attached is a copy of the Jetstream 32 regional airline performance chapter published from the Flight Standards Manual. J32 Flight Standards Manual Performance - Chapter 15 Note: Performance data provided for training purposes only and should not be used for real world flight operations Takeoff Performance: Precomputed Takeoff Data Automatic Performance Reserve (APR) Reduced Power Takeoffs Enroute Performance: Single Engine Operations Precomputed Enroute Performance Data Cruise Power Settings Long Range Cruise Power Settings Landing Performance: Precomputed Landing Data Land and Hold Short Operations
  7. Version v1.0


    Jetstream 32 FSM Profile Maneuvers Per request from several members I am providing a copy of the J32 regional airline profiles maneuvers published from the J32 Flight Standards Manual. ACA Flight Standards Manaual - Chapter 17 Flight Profiles: Normal and Instrument Takeoff Noise Abatement Takeoff Aborted Takeoff Takeoff - Engine Failure After V1 Visual Pattern - All Engines Operative Visual Pattern - One Engine Operative Visual Pattern - Flaps Inoperative All Engines Operative ILS Approach One Engine Operative ILS Approach High Speed ILS/Field Conditions VMC All Engines Operative Non-Precision Approach One Engine Operative Non-Precision Approach All Engine Circling Approach One Engine Circling Approach Landing Without Direct Elevator Control All Engine Operative Go Around/Missed Approach One Engine Operative Go Around/Missed Approach Maneuvers: Steep Turns Emergency Descent Approach To Stalls: Approach To Stall - Cruise Configuration Approach To Stall - Takeoff Configuration Approach To Stall - Landing Configuration
  8. I can dig up the profiles and performance charts. I can't find the speed cards, but will keep looking. I will post what I have when I return from my trip in a few days.
  9. Can someone post the capt sim 777 pic so I can see the difference?
  10. Low level flying near SFO
  11. Pictures as requested
  12. dornier 328 jet or Jetstream 41 I'm being totally biased since I flew these aircraft
  13. For takeoff, some pilots like to press TOGA to set the flight director command bars for the initial aircraft pitch attitude. In the J32 it's not that sophisticated. You can see in Cameron's wiki reference the TOGA function can integrate a lot more in Airbus & Boeing
  14. I know I'm new to x-pilot, but I have 30 posts
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