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Everything posted by wim1976

  1. This afternoon I had a pleasant flight to EGNX using OrbX scenery. The BN2-T from TorqueSim loaded with some goods and one passenger proved to be a reliable workhorse. The weatherconditions managed by ASXP and displayed by SkyMAXX Pro 5.1 were nice and a bit challenging due a relative high wind speed near the ground. The sun breaks through the clouds, creating nice shadows in the cockpit. ShadeX contributes to the great atmosphere. I am a happy pilot.
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  2. What is the correct way of taxiing. Steering with the rudderpedals doesn't make sense for me, so I use differantial braking. Is that the correct method or am I doing something wrong.
  3. The log states a 970 card. But with a 670 you are probably running out of GPU memory. This brings the fps to a sort of slideshow Verzonden vanaf mijn iPhone met Tapatalk
  4. The GPU load is 100% while CPU load is about 20%. This is a very strange combination in X-plane. Could you check where your monitor cable is plugged in. The cable must plugged in the dedicated GPU card and not in the GPU slot of the motherboard.
  5. Toto control stiffening, what is that? Verzonden vanaf mijn iPhone met Tapatalk
  6. Impressive and I am willing to buy, but to be honest if the prices are above ORBx (and they are way too expensive with +$30 for airports and +$50 for regions) then it will be too expensive too me to support this project.
  7. wim1976

    Xplane 11?

    I hope you will recover quickly. These issues are more important than our hobbies. Get well soon. Verstuurd vanaf mijn HTC 10 met Tapatalk
  8. How long long was X-plane running before you opened a window? What is your traffic density? X-plane builds up the traffic again after closing a window, so the first moments you have less traffic than before, resulting in more fps for some time. How do the fps stabilize after some minutes? Didn't you change a view angle? Because this can cause a huge fps increase or decrease.
  9. EHAM - IXEG Boeing 737-300 flying tutorial 1. Need still some more circuits to fly this great plane. Thanks IXEG!
  10. I think it is helpful when you post also the x-plane en gizmo log files. The developers then can check if Gizmo is running well.
  11. Try re-installing after you turned off the anti-virus software temporarily. In my case this was a problem installing the software. Not relevant in this case.
  12. http://forums.x-pilot.com/index.php?/topic/8068-Saab-340A-1.2---How-to-turn-on-GPS?
  13. What is the difference with World Traffic? It looks like similar products.
  14. Pull out the USB-cable and replug it again. It will reset the jittery effects of the Saitek sensors.
  15. What is the source of this table? Interesting to see the big difference between the i6700 and i6600.
  16. Indeed it was an assumption at diverse IT forums. But Intel informed at the press-release that Intel doesn't have implemented Inverse Hyperthreading. But other changes in the architecture are responsible for some major single thread performance as seen in the Mozilla Kraken benchmark. So I Don't expect a great performance gain for X-Plane. Of course I am interested in performance benchmarks with X-Plane with this processor.
  17. In what folder did you install the X-Aviation products. They have to be in the X-Aviation folder and not in other folders.
  18. To me it looks like that the video is posted to prove the powerback possibility of the Saab.
  19. Most times I taxi through the buildings before me and ask my kids looking at my flying to look elsewhere for the next two minutes.
  20. I am trying to create an aircraft profile for PFPX so this program calculates the flightplan based on the correct data. I found most of the needed data in the Charts (although most digits are difficult to read*). But I have some questions to get a good aircraft profile. 1. In the charts there a two descent profiles each based on a descent of 3.000 feet per minute. I thought that in real life a more modest descent is flown. What is the usual descent speed and how can I get or calculate the right performance data for it? 2. What are the optimum en maximum altitudes for the Saab 340A related the weight of the plane. 3. What is the fuel use per minute while taxiing * I would welcome a better readable Charts document.
  21. Maybe a stupid question, but how do I turn on the GPS?
  22. Oh yes, don't being afraid for a simple add-on. PMDG only makes studysims. And the DC6 have many, many knobs. They even modelled the circuit breakers. I think it will become a rail brainbreaker.
  23. Don't worry, it is still a far cry from the Wright flyer I was afraid for ...
  24. After reading the documentation of OpenAL I conclude my ears are still good. OpenAl have a 6dB attenuation at 0.5. FSX plays at -3B at that moment. FSX uses an other gain curve. So I have to think about a conversion formula.
  25. Another good document for OpenAl programming: http://grva.lamce.coppe.ufrj.br/labcogsdk/download/extras/openal/OpenAL_Programmers_Guide.pdf Especially usefull in conjunction with the OpenAL 1.1 Specification and Refercence (see post #3).
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