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Everything posted by Emirates380

  1. Cool! Keep up the good work!
  2. Any news? Are you still working on the Citation?
  3. Amazing job. Can't wait for this!
  4. Nice work Jordan! Really looking forward to this. Keep it up!
  5. Well I found the problem... I didn't actually have the condition levers at MAX, they were too high. The CTOT wasn't the problem, I just had the condition levers in the wrong position...
  6. Thanks guys. I'll try taking off with the CTOT at 100 later and see how it goes.
  7. I had the condition levers at MAX.
  8. Hello, First of all, I'd like to say that you guys have done an amazing job with this plane! My problem is, whenever I'm on my takeoff roll, I set the CTOT, push the power past 70% and the CTOT takes over. No problems, until half way through the roll, the power starts to decrease on its own, without me doing anything. It keeps decreasing slowly until it hits about 40% torque. I'm still able to get the plane off the runway, but the rate of climb is only +500 fpm, and the takeoff roll ends up being way longer than it should be. Is there something important I'm forgetting to do? Thanks
  9. Wow this looks amazing as usual! Really looking forward to the release.
  10. Congrats guys! Can't wait to buy it!
  11. Good work, keep it up! I fly into YXX alot and it will be nice to see the updated taxiways and scenery.
  12. Is this project still alive? Haven't heard anythig from Goran in a while... Really looking forward to it!
  13. Hello, I just installed X-Plane 10 and downloaded the CRJ from X-Aviation website. When I open it in X-Plane 10, there are no PFD displays, and none of the buttons work. I know quite a few people have been having this problem, but I still haven't seen an answer on how to resolve it. I was not asked to activate it in the simulator, only during the installation. I have version 1.5.2 of the installer. I'm running windows 7 64 bit. Thanks
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