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Everything posted by sqrt(-1)

  1. Beautifully done!
  2. Let's just say for the sake of conversation that ethics have been stretched pretty thin... Case in point, it wasn't until the freeware developer was called on the fact that he even used identical names for the themes for his initial release that forced the change for v0.3. He even admitted to having been "greatly inspired" (his words) by John's work. IMO, it's a little too similar to be considered anything but a shameless copy. That said, I'm not a copyright or patent attorney. EDIT: I have MaxxFX and took a look at BLU-fx (at least he changed the case of "FX") and still find MaxxFX very much worth the money.
  3. Quick hop out of Juneau... SkyMAXX Pro 1.3.2 MaxxFX HD Mesh V2 FlyWithLua + Real Terra Haze Blackshape Prime from X-Aviation
  4. VERY NICE!!!
  5. This is a known issue with the latest Nvidia WHQL drivers, specifically 334.89 and 335.23. See here. <-- Be sure to read past the headline!
  6. The clouds look pretty real...
  7. My pleasure. The MU-2 from the link I sent you has become one of my favorite twin-turboprop aircraft.
  8. Mitsubishi MU-2
  9. Specifically, the latest Nvidia WHQL drivers (334.89 & 335.23) have the bug. This was also discussed here. <-- Be sure to read past the title.
  10. Here's one to start with. EDIT: You can also insert the sky color themes (there's 10 of them) from AeroSoft's Skytools v1.1 into SkyMaxx as well. You'll need to register there to get the download.
  11. I only asked which aircraft this was, not to start a tempest in a teapot over it's legality. Since it appears to be based on an illegal copy or conversion, I will not seek to download it. Let's get back to nice pictures. Shall we?
  12. They are if based on unauthorized copies or conversions.
  13. Which version of the TU-144 is this?
  14. I respectfully and vehemently disagree... It's still incredibly irresponsible of the Malaysian PM to make such an announcement without concrete evidence in hand.
  15. Until there are "parts in hand" confrmed to be of MH370, this is still speculation.
  16. I don't have Maxx FX [yet] but I am assuming it has a similar installation program as SkyMaxx Pro. If you are able to normally run applications from your K drive and point the installation to the X-Plane root directory as requested, you should be fine. The only other thing I am considering here is whether the K and L drives are local or attached via a network. Beyond that, you'll need to have either JohnMAXX or Cameron help you with this.
  17. PMDG is the IXEG of FSX.
  18. Where did you extract the files to? Sounds like you put them in a system-owned location. (What is your K: Drive?)
  19. Okay. Thanks.
  20. I do like the Gizmo hotfix capability, as it makes it a foolproof method to update the correct files. Just curious. Does the same re-downloading of the aircraft installer after a hotfix apply to the Saab v1.1 as well?
  21. Since you didn't mention that in your post, the relevance to the OP's post was in question. I assumed you could read...
  22. The OP is not using 9.7. EDIT: I replied to oitment's post...
  23. But will it work on XP10 in 64-bit mode?
  24. Go read Jim's post again. Carefully.
  25. Amazing! It'll be [another*] great day for X-Plane when this aircraft is released! My wallet is itching in my pocket... *The recent release of the Saab v1.1 was another quantum leap for X-Plane.
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