Ok here you go, please find attached log file as requested. I tried to replicate my last flight with the Islander (G500) when It crashed, although this time around the crash was sooner, a few min. after take-off.
Had Air Hauler 2 opened on another screen and trying to get my type rating from AH2 for the BN-2T. Was following Initial Instructions from AH2 to climb to 4800ft. and while I was trying to get to the requested altitude It crashed.
The flight was Initialized with the plane started on ramp, taxied to RWY 120, once there I set my HDG to 120, flaps to take-off, and did the Initial set-up of my autopilot. Once airborn and received the MSG from AH2 to climb to 4800ft. I set the ALT bug of my autopilot to requested altitude, ARMED ALT and HDG, and that´t It. A few min.s later It crashed to desktop.
The BN-2T was equiped with the G500 and the GTN750 from RealityXP. Hope It helps.
If you need anything else, just let me know.
Again, thanks, and have a great weekend!