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Everything posted by Mike710

  1. Thank you Cameron! I think I´ll be using this one, great work overall congrats! Cheers.
  2. Thank´s again Coop, yes that could mislead more then one. Specifically someone who watched a video on YT and has not yet stopped by this forum. Just one last question please, what are the differences between the DFC90 and the none DFC90 models? I looked through the manuals and saw nothing In that regard, or I simply missed it.
  3. Hi, Recently bought the SR20, but I see that the right MFD shows Navdata X-Plane 11 2020. How Is this? I updated XP12 via Navigraph, can the SR20 also be updated via Navigraph? Thanks
  4. Hi, Any chance we get the option to load charts on the MFD as In It´s real world counterpart? This would be the missing link to make the G500 the ultimate half-glass tool! Thanks, Mike
  5. Ok I seem to have this working now...
  6. Didn´t really noticed that as I am quite new to the MU-2. So the default X-Plane 12 payload screen does nothing for you´re payload on the plane? If so, then yes I would eagerly expect this functionality to be supported sometime soon too.
  7. Hi, I just bought the Moo, and started to learn how she flows, so sorry It this has been asked before. I can´t seem to get the reverse to work properly. I am not even sure I have the right keybinding. I binded the Lift dual throttle engine as per the manual, although I could not find the key stated on the manual (xscenery/mu2b60/lift_power_levers_DP). But as much as I tried, I only got It to work on the ground once and that´s It. Can someone please let me know which Is the correct keybinding and If there´s a particular process that you have to go through In order for It to work/trigger? Even If It doesn´t work properly yet, for the reasons stated above (post), I am still Interested In knowing the whole process and the right keybinding. BTW, I am using a TM Warthog HOTAS and both throttles are linked (latched), I have also set both throttles to 3 and 4 as stated In the manual. I also have the Auto-Stop Power Levers checked In the Moo Gizmo settings. Using X-Plane 12 latest version as of date. Thank you
  8. Thank you Coop, that´s great news!
  9. Hi, Just wondering how this works... Does the G500 get the AIRAC Info from X-Plane 12´s AIRAC data? I would Imagen so, which means that If I update XP 12´s AIRAC via Navigraph, that will also reflect on the G500 suite? I just bought the MU-2 v2 yesterday, and already have the BN-2T reason why I ask. Thank you, Mike
  10. Ok thanks although I wasn't flying In the TEGB region. My flight took off from LEHC when It crashed. Either way, I will still wait for the official fix.
  11. Hi, Ok here you go, please find attached log file as requested. I tried to replicate my last flight with the Islander (G500) when It crashed, although this time around the crash was sooner, a few min. after take-off. Had Air Hauler 2 opened on another screen and trying to get my type rating from AH2 for the BN-2T. Was following Initial Instructions from AH2 to climb to 4800ft. and while I was trying to get to the requested altitude It crashed. The flight was Initialized with the plane started on ramp, taxied to RWY 120, once there I set my HDG to 120, flaps to take-off, and did the Initial set-up of my autopilot. Once airborn and received the MSG from AH2 to climb to 4800ft. I set the ALT bug of my autopilot to requested altitude, ARMED ALT and HDG, and that´t It. A few min.s later It crashed to desktop. The BN-2T was equiped with the G500 and the GTN750 from RealityXP. Hope It helps. If you need anything else, just let me know. Again, thanks, and have a great weekend! Mike Log.txt
  12. Yes, I tried to post that but noticed that X-plane generates a new txt log after each session, which In my case was already overwritten (or deleted) after I restarted X-plane for a new flight, which was not with the BN-2T (G500), sorry about that. I will start a new flight today with the Islander (G500) and see what happens (If It crashes to desktop), If so I will post with attached log file.
  13. Interestingly I have had a couple of CTD´s using the BN-2T (G500) with Air Hauler 2 recently. Not sure If that´s related. Did post my Issue with attached logs over at the Torquesim BN-2T forum. I also have TEGB Installed but flew there with the bare BN-2T none G500 with no Issues. Hope It gets fixed soon as I really like all three addons.
  14. Hi, Yesterday I had 2 CTD´s while using the BN-2T (G500). Please see logs attached. I am afraid the 2 are In Spanish as I had to recover them via the event viewer. Please advice, thank you. Mike V. LOG BN-2T_01_ 26_03_2024.txt LOG BN-2T_02_ 26_03_2024.txt
  15. That´s great, thank you and you´re welcome glad to be of help.
  16. Hi, Just bought and Installed you´re G500 Avionics Suite. I am using It with the BN-2T by Torquesim on XP 12. If I click the left PFD (Horizon, Airspeed, Altitude), I get a pop up of the left PFD, but If I click the right PFD (Map), I also get a pop up of the left PFD. In other words, I can´t get a pop up of the map. I can If I use the options on the top tool bar of XP 12. BTW I am also using the RealityXP GTN 750. Am I doing something wrong? Thank you!
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