Hello, first: thank you for this very great aircraft! I´m an german Pilot (for VLA called UL in germany) and i am enjoing your Saab very, very much. I am not shure if it is a bug or a Nav-Instrumentation-Limitation but: If i am on a ILS (or IGS like in LSGS) i can only get the GS if i use the left (captain) source for the NAV. If i am on a stable ILS approach and have (only to confirm the problem) the same frequenzy in Nav 1 and Nav 2, and i switch to the right source, the NAV signal stays, but the GS signal is lost. The GS bug in the right of the PFD stays just in the middle, regardless if you are going up or down. I´ve noticed this while i was flying from the copilot side and was trying to capture an ILS but the plane just got the NAV and not the GS. Please excuse my bad english. Regards, Philip