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Everything posted by Ubbi

  1. Do you have the Hotfix installed? If not, there are some users where sthe system does not allow to set (or release) the parking break. You do move the handel, the light goes off but the break stays breaking. You find it here: http://forums.x-pilot.com/topic/6488-hotfix-for-saab-340a-v11/ Philip
  2. Is it also possible to generate different lights with different roads? Your szenery looks fantastic at daylight, but in the evening/night you start to see only orange lights. As far as I remember ( long time ago I flew without W2XPlane ) there was an light mix with X-Plane default. Mabey you can attach different lights to different types of roads? Residential, highway/Autobahn, little countryside street... Regards (and thanks for your wonderful work) Philip
  3. Ubbi

    Slow Speed

    All the people i know with this "Problem" where use the Prop-Levers at the very maximum Position. In this Position the Props are spinning at a to high speed and produce not enough speed forward. So i bet: if you pull the Prop-Lever back into the normal operation range (min to max but not the little bit above max), you will get much higher speeds (like 220-230 indikated if your Saab is not to heavy) Philip
  4. It is the Dreamfoil Bell 206. You find it at the org store.
  5. All the great stuff together: Philip
  6. It is great isnt it? Yeah it is great!
  7. Tank you for your reply! It. is Not a big deal as you normaly have just 1 ILS Freq in use. So you just have to take Nav1 for the ILS and all is good. Have a good Day, Philip
  8. Hello, first: thank you for this very great aircraft! I´m an german Pilot (for VLA called UL in germany) and i am enjoing your Saab very, very much. I am not shure if it is a bug or a Nav-Instrumentation-Limitation but: If i am on a ILS (or IGS like in LSGS) i can only get the GS if i use the left (captain) source for the NAV. If i am on a stable ILS approach and have (only to confirm the problem) the same frequenzy in Nav 1 and Nav 2, and i switch to the right source, the NAV signal stays, but the GS signal is lost. The GS bug in the right of the PFD stays just in the middle, regardless if you are going up or down. I´ve noticed this while i was flying from the copilot side and was trying to capture an ILS but the plane just got the NAV and not the GS. Please excuse my bad english. Regards, Philip
  9. Hi, I´m from Germany.. so may be i dont understand your question right... At the screenshot the GPS ist not coupled to the HSI. So the HSI will show you whatever you have dialed in at your NAV-Radio. To couple the GPS to your HSI you have to press the CDI knob (the left one out of the five at the bottom of the GPS). Then the white "VLOC" at the GPS-Display will change to GPS and your HSI will finally show you what it gets from the GPS. I hope i could help you... Regards, Philip
  10. If you use the plane in XP 10 the "normal pressure" will be the same as the "red limit". It is a conversion failure. Without changing the numers in Planemaker i have had the Engines burning a few times while only flying with 60 % thorgue... Is it possibile to fix this direkt in the installer files? Regards, Philip
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