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Everything posted by Ubbi

  1. Sadly your Sound Topic was closed. But i would give you a proof against your opinion:

    Watch cloesly to the N1 Numbers and open your ear. If the SAW-Sound would come more early you would completely break the Sim. In some conditions it isn't even at N1 way above 90!




  2. Ah.. ok. Gregory, sorry for double-post. I've just missed (overlooked) this post over the tons of things happening inside the IXEG forum.
  3. Hi LES-Team, if you get some time after the next updates for the IXEG B733, here is a little incompatibility between the Boeing and the Saab. After installing the IXEG B733 (maybe because of a new/changed gizmo verion?) the yellow letters of the throttle-Popup are now very difficult to read and the little yellow bars showing the throttle position are gone. But it is just a visual bug. Function wise all is acting beautiful like before... Thanks for your reading! Regards, Philip
  4. http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/32457-ixeg-737-300-austrian-liveries/
  5. First i was thinking i have found a bug while seeing this: But then i zoomed in. It is a big half circle as missed approach! Regards Philip
  6. Also if you try to move through the bottom of the cabin door i glitched once through...
  7. Ok. I can try it with my onboard-soundcard. But if this is working this should only be a workaround. I am flying with a PC i do also use for audio-mixing-recording as a Studio. I do have ProTools installed and all Sounds are played via a USB-connected M-AUDIO Ultra interface playing on nice ADAM-Audio Studiomonitors. So if i switch to the onboard sound i can only use headphones (because the Adam's need XLR-Cables to connect). And (to be honest) this would be a shame because: I LOVE your great sound you did with this Plane played through my Studiomonitors!!! But do the important things first. This little cracks are not nice but also no dealbreaker. Thanks for your great service! EDIT : deaktivated and unplugged all my soundcards. Rebooting PC and flying now with onboardsound: no difference. This would also be strange if this would change anything. The audible stutters are (in my uneducated guess) resulting in the audioengine playing sounds while the sim itself have a little hiccup...
  8. As expected. Even with Anti Virus complete disabled no differenz... still audible stutters
  9. I do have an exclusion inside my avira for the complete x-plane folder. Next time i'll try with complete deactivated guard...
  10. Ok... here you go: These Stutters are there for me every time (but not every 2 seconds! More like every 30 seconds to 2 minutes) In this Video i was going from cold and dark as fast as i could. The first audible stutter is while/after turning the first IRS. The second stutter (a more loud one) was after engaging the window heat while changing view back down. I cut the middle of this video so it stays very short and little in size. Philip Soundstutters.mp4
  11. Hi Jan, i tried what you said. No difference if flying with other plugins or without other plugins. The Plane and simulation itself runs very good (30 to 50 fps on my i7-2700 with 4BG GTX770 and 32GB-Ram) but these calculation-related "stutters" are for me not just visual. It seems like some of the GIZMO-Code runs in background while the sim stopps. In these microstutters the sound changes for me. All the stutters are going along with a volume change up (or additionally played wind/gust or somewhat sounds). So the stutter itself is so short i might even not noticed it if it wouldn't be so loud... I'll try to capture a video of the soundstutters... And maybe related to that: if the sim makes a little break itself (like flying into a tile with very complex scenery) gizmo itself looks like it is trying to fly the plane while X-Plane tries to catch up all the new scenery data. So this rare moments where X-Plane needs much to load and the fps are going down to 2-6 fps (only for seconds) are the only moments when the AP seems to overreact (ie. pulling heavily up) or the throttle handles are going completely around the block and the sound is going up also (like with heavy turbulences)...like if gizmo and X-Plane are going out of sync. But after this short bad loading fps the plane catches up agan and the throttle handles are going to the right place again and the AP is going smooth back to normal flight... But this are very rare moments. Philip
  12. Very great!!
  13. Your assuming is wrong! If the temperature gets higher or you are flying higher, the air around you will loose pressure! (Thats why your altitude indicator shows some climbing) But your IAS is a differential pressure gauge with the pressure reading expressed in units of speed. So if the temperature is rising or you are going up the IAS will read to slow! So at high altitudes you true Airspeed is much more than your indicated airspeed. Your IAS is only correct at ground level with standard meteorological weather (ISA conditions).
  14. Sometimes it isn't a good idea to install X-Plane into your Desktop. Windows has some increased "safety-features" in this place. Mabey you move your X-Plane from "C:\Users/Steve/Desktop/X-Plane 10" to "C:\X-Plane 10". Mabey try the Saab install after this.
  15. Thank you very much!
  16. Could you tell me the ICAO-Code of this nice airport?
  17. It's simple: you open the axis assign window and start withe the first condition axis. You activate it and it searches for the axis you move. If you move one axis it says the number in big green letters. Now you can do the same withe the second condition leaver but you move just the same axis of your hardware. So there will be the same number in green and now you have the two condition leavers synced to one hardware axis. It worked always for me...
  18. And you can assign both to one axis without any problems. I did this with the old version and now with the new one. It just works fine!
  19. This one: https://www.google.com/maps/@46.6731104,7.8842226,5865m/data=!3m1!1e3 (Interlaken, Swiss) Philip
  20. Just great scenery to fly in!
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  21. A little noise-friendly approach into Saanen (LSGK) Philip
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  22. I did them by myself with g2xpl... Since yesterday i did an update with the UHD-Mesh... now i can make the vid again ... But this time i'll wait for the micro...
  23. Sadly without a mic... so only engine-noise and nothing to say.... HD-mesh v3, ZL18 Szenery and w2xpl beta 6 generated world: Philip
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  24. I had the Saitek Yoke and an extra Trottle without any problems going with the Saab. Now I am using the x55 Hotas Stik. Also without any problems... Win 7 64, XP10.30 and 10.31
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