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Everything posted by fabiosko

  1. I confirm too I am also with ASXP + RWC + V5
  2. Same here! Cockpit disaster FP, outside as usual. Switched back to V4
  3. Hi Christophe, I checked "Canada SAR" and it is OK. Did you manage the find the error for this beautiful livery??? Can't wait for the corrected one... Thanks a lot indeed!
  4. very nice I am using it a lot, but in night time no livery visible (everything is white)!!! it is a pity!
  5. Is this a critical error? I got XPlane freezed many times for this... Log.txt TBM900_Log.txt metar.xml
  6. again ctd Log.txt TBM900_Log.txt
  7. new logs, thanks Log.txt TBM900_Log.txt
  8. I just have it as plugin installed, I am not using it when I fly the TBM. Should I deactivate it when I fly the TBM?
  9. I am attaching my log too for my XPlane crash while flying TBM900. Log.txt
  10. Jan, I have been seeing this starting from 11.40 Thanks
  11. This video is taken with a new vanilla XP 11.41 only with IXEG, nothing else added and with fresh updated NVIDIA drivers to last version 441.66. B733_-_2019-12-13_15_11_13.avi
  12. This is something happened to me too, during a night fly and your blue was in my case dark sky with stars. I reinstalled and problem disappeared, but I got a new one, see:
  13. Jan, this problem is driving me crazy! Yesterday I installed a fresh new copy of XP and from old one I only copied plugins and linked the custom scenery folder. Problem persists! Did not have time to test with Gizmo plugin only and default custom scenery only. Will do this evening. What do you think? Thanks. Fabio
  14. Deleting X-Plane.prf did not sort out the problem. I am using X-Vision and a script to manipulate LOD (https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/42097-i-lod-you/) Yesterday I tried with original backup from XVision but it was the same odd behaviour. Really don't know what could cause it. I was using also a modified lights.txt but i restored the original copy... Please let me know if you have any other hint or test I should perform. thanks. Fabio
  15. Hi Jan, HDR on... but if you do not have any other idea I will try this evening deleting XP preference.
  16. Today I noticed for the first time a strange MCP panel light behaviour, please see pic.1 It happens only when I turn the second turnoff runway light on and landing lights are off. With only one runway light on, the situation is normal as per pic.2 From situation of pic.1, turning on landing lights the panel is again normal as per pic.2 Reinstalled and tested with no plugins other than gizmo active, log.txt attached. Is this correct? Log.txt
  17. Unfortunately not, it is fresh downloaded.
  18. I cannot open the installer with IOS Catalina on my Mac. Thanks
  19. W7Pro64 IXEG 1.21 FWL2.6.7 XP11.20 but i think problem was in my Sound setting: communications was setted "reduce other sound by 80%", now is "do nothing" and it works better! thanks
  20. Tom, maybe this has nothing to do with your wonderful script, but I am experiencing an annoying problem: when the voice files of your calls are played all other playing sounds (engine, wind, trim etc etc) are suddenly lowered in volume level in an unnatural way. After vspeed call is played the volume of all other sound need some time to come back to original volume level. How can I eliminate this? I would like to have all sounds and calls played at the same volume level. Thanks in advance for any help or hints!
  21. Teleport today out of LOWW with 11.10r1 , while executing SID RUPET2C and programming a direct to RUPET, as instructed by Vatsim ATC Log.txt GizmoLog.txt IXEG_FMS_debug.txt
  22. Jan, as fart is concerning me the keyboard binding was the first thing I checked. In fact I attached my keyboard file, where you can see there is no binding to any "reset flight" command. I am trying right now last beta 8 and since this release I am still not having teleport. Crossed fingers. Ciao, Fabio
  23. With b06 I had no more teleport, now with b07 I am starting again to have them. I think you could forward this information to Ben, maybe it can further help. In the meanwhile I am reverting back to 11.05 Or is there any change to revert back to 11.10b06 in you opinion???
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