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Everything posted by lord_helmet

  1. Thank you! Thought for a moment something was messed up with my installation. Looking at the docs included in the installation I was looking for that preflight menu like a madman...
  2. Uhm.. this might be a stupid question, but how do I get to the preflight menu? Would like to set fuel and weights..?
  3. Great news! Now I don't have to F5 the other thread in the forum any longer.. $15 is a fair price (bought it way back in 2016 it seems. Time flies).
  4. Eagerly awaiting some info! Love this bird.
  5. Yes! Works like a charm. Thanks!
  6. Love to see the old Saab getting an update! Great job. However I get this when turning on the batteries. Any ideas what causes this? EDIT: It only seems to affect annunciator lights and not the flight displays.
  7. Kind of wish I hadn't installed 1.0.6. 45 minutes into my flight it erroneously says I haven't activated and shut everything down. Not cool. Insanely annoying.
  8. Never had this issue before I installed 1.0.6. Now I just had one mid-flight. Extremely annoying. Really hope they fix this ASAP.
  9. Hello! I can't recall when I installed and activated skymaxx 3.2. Everything has been working fine. However on todays flight I get an activation pop-up for Skymaxx. I just clicked it and it activated fine. However it resetted my dear IXEG to cold and dark. Not all that fun as I was cruising at 35000... Needless to say the flight turned out to be an interesting one... What causes this? It was highly annoying and I really hope it doesn't do this again. Regards, Richard Johansson
  10. After lots of helps and tips from the author of the app I seem to be up and running! Nice tool!
  11. I am running W7 ultimate x64. How would you like me to send the log.txt?
  12. Hello, thanks for the swift reply! Completely turning off the firewall doesn't help. Regarding seeing the app in the X-plane menu I suppose you mean in the plugin-menu? If so, yes I can see it there. My system is a 3770k with 16 gb ram and a GTX780.
  13. Hmmm.. for some reason I am unable to connect to the app... even though I've opened the port mentioned. Everything seems to be in order but it still doesn't work... any ideas?
  14. You dont't happen to be using the Dispatcher tool also? It seems to happen most often for me when I use those two. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  15. I have this exact issue myself! And when it happens I can't switch back to real weather for a while. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  16. First I would like to congratulate the team behind the Saab for a tremendously enjoyable aircraft. I've got some 18 hours and about as many landings in the bird now. Right now it's the only thing I fly (and I am not even just using X-plane) I'm really beginning to get the hang of flying it, and I'm enjoying it immensely. However I've come across some issues. Don't know if I am alone experiencing this but here goes: 1. Turning off HDR, the taxi and landing lights no longer illuminate the ground (I just noticed this as I always use HDR). 2. With HDR on I get texture flickering if I look to the left and right in cockpit. 3. Problems getting the engines started from time to time. Using the checklists to the letter I get the engines started in about 50% of the time. The temperature climbs to about 15-20 and then nothing. Restarting X-plane and then using the EXACT same procedure might get the engine started. Very odd.
  17. But if the GPU is at fault, shouldn't I get this behaviour from every plane I got? This only happens to the Saab.
  18. Naah, don't think so. I am flying in a desolate region using a 3gb gtx780. Not even using half the memory according to the rendering screen. However, could it be a memory leak? Skickat från min Nexus 4 med Tapatalk
  19. Regarding the single-digit frame issue. I get that as well. Odd thing is though, it only happens when I go to an exterior view, such as "chase" view. It can crawl to an absolute halt when it happens. We're talking like 0.5 fps. If I then go back to VC it immediately jumps up to acceptable levels. Oh, love the plane by the way. The only thing I fly at the moment. There are some small quirks though. I'll probably start another thread later to hear what you guys think. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
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