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Everything posted by JohnMAXX

  1. I never noticed this behavior, but tomorrow I'll be able to look at this more specifically.....
  2. We have your back
  3. Thanks guys here is another one Cloud imposters are implemented in V3 for better representation into the horizon....
  4. A Sea of Clouds........
  5. I've never seen this.....I wonder are the clouds moving due to wind? The reason I ask is the clouds may obscure the god rays.... Also can you give me a rundown on your hardware and operating environment....
  6. Pete just want to drop in and say I've been waiting patiently for this guy, I can't wait to have this in my hanger. Thank you
  7. Seriously Tom I'm a bit cynical with you, but thanks we do want to provide only the best for our community Thank you and I'll stop being so guarded with you....
  8. Tom obviously I stand behind SkyMAXX and the SilverLining SDK is a great representation of clouds, we are steady moving forward and brining even more realistic features just look at our frequent updates. With every update SMP becomes more and more feature packed and we have even more updates in the works. Many are very happy with SMP and await what the future brings.....V3 promises to add more stuff, many of these new features were brought about from the valuable feedback within the X-Plane community.
  9. skymaxx doesn't look exactly like that, I want my money back.....
  10. I dunno Tom just fumbling through life
  11. Cameron be careful the internet has a short memory...LOL
  12. Tom the sun just reflecting off the cirrus clouds as in real life........ Try changing the angle of the sun...... Fire away
  13. Still in ALPHA but the procedural approach is very fps friendly....
  14. OK here are a few more, yes this is V3 and our new volumetric overcast......
  15. Oh boy Cam you just opened pandoras box... Innovating and pushing the envelope is apparently shit....
  16. Tom you are an asset to our community.... Thanks for sharing your thoughts...
  17. Let me get back with you Daikan, I don't fly online so I need to look into this......
  18. 32bit WILL NOT be supported....
  19. Tony, Ill take that a suggestion, but logically building a database of the 20,000 or so airports for custom sounds seems a bit too much, plus I doubt users will take the initiative to build those custom sounds.....We do have two sound sets one for large airports and one for small....The ambient noises and aircraft in those are appropriate for each and convincing....
  20. Why are you asking Tom? Just want to make sure to take the correct angle....
  21. 3rd party aircraft developers are very good at supplying specific soundsets for the aircraft, but as long as default elements are integrated into a 3rd party aircraft I don't see any reason why SoundMAXX wouldn't work....
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