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Everything posted by JohnMAXX

  1. Nah Huey, Im sorry if I came off short..... Just feeling a bit sarcastic today
  2. Snow? I dunno I thought X-Plane didn't have any.... To be more precise in regards to water Huey, it is been put out there that we don't have access in the SDK to modify water....(yet, hopefully) Take solace knowing my hands are not idle...
  3. Sorry to disappoint you Huey......honestly comments like that make me want to shoot people the bird...
  4. Mulling along here, these shots are pre normal mapping and will have more detail soon......enjoy!
  5. JohnMAXX

    The Master!

    Redpiper1 produces some of the most beautiful vids for X-Plane....... Wrapping up the new year here is his latest offering, enjoy guys...... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N4JMhuo6dX0
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  6. Thanks Chris!
  7. 2 things to look at right away would be your water reflection detail and draw distance...... Try setting the water reflections to low.......not even a noticeable change IMO Draw distance to high...... Really with the overall lack of info on how you are running X-Plane the best advice would be to tweak a bunch of settings to include SMP until you gain better performance.... There is no such thing as a silver bullet solution, just offering up some advice
  8. It is possible to "position" textures in that fashion in X-Plane. The GC was only an experiment since those textures will show up in odd locations on the globe so i doubt I will pursue it further....
  9. Out of curiosity what are your rendering settings in xplane?
  10. Sorry to hear you all of a sudden decided that SkyMAXX was no good, are we speaking of small pauses in the simulator or abrupt changes in the cloud conditions? If you are having pauses in the simulation, there may be a hardware missmatch on your system. I suggest trying to adjust your rendering settings for best performance in X-Plane. Additionally you can tweak SkyMAXX for better performance, a couple of big hits are the crupuscular rays and the cloud reflections......SkyMAXX is waaaaaaayyyyyy more frame-rate friendly over default..... If you are speaking of when you fly through cloud layers how the clouds transition, this is a feature in SkyMAXX, like it or not. We decided to de-activate "the grey screen of death" in favor of letting the new clouds dictate visibility, we have no plans on bringing this feature back since the vast majority of users were keen on this happening... -John
  11. Damnklause!
  12. Cool thanks.....Should I seperate my whites from colors?
  13. Cameron why hasn't skymaxx cleaned my car yet?
  14. Or add other sky colors........
  15. That's the snow effect huey....
  16. Possible but un probable, weird well keep us posted either way...
  17. Huey, Looked through the log and I don't that was SilverLining that crashed..... Experts correct me if I am wrong...... John
  18. Here is an example of Hazy Dayz Low contrast:
  19. Looks as if you have custom sky colors installed also? You may like the hazy dayz low contrast for transitions......
  20. I cannot look at right now but have you tried the 1.2 update? Edit....my bad I see you are using 1.2
  21. What Frank said^^ lol
  22. Thats the goal! Thank all of you for supporting our product.......
  23. I really hope it works out.... But if it doesn't we will be here to help To clear things up, I dunno who made that video BTW......LOL
  24. Crusty, Nobody is forcing you to reinstall SMP, just trying to help man......
  25. We have UrbanMAXX, GlacierMAXX, BeachMAXX....... UrbanMAXX fills in the urban terrain with frame rate friendly textures.... GlacierMAXX only changes the glacier textures, mostly for people who fly in places like Alaska and stuff.......its freeware and up at the org right now, Ill have a link here and on my dedicated site when I have time.... BeachMAXX updates the costal textures, its OK and free and only available at the org right now..... I will try and update my site soon and ill make sure to get those freeware files here on X-Pilot in the near future....
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