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About MSFS Ralf

  • Birthday 01/30/1963

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  1. I gave up on VA‘s and use Volanta by ORBX to log my flights, has fancy maps and statistics. It’s more hassle free. My flights, my rules.
  2. Yes, the Moo Two. No problem though. Thanks for that great plane.
  3. Thanks a lot. I cannot push that knob with the mouse. Mapped to hardware, works great now.
  4. How to switch from IN to HPA? I found „System Units“ under „AUX“ but can’t change it.
  5. With the help of a fellow summer I was able to solve that problem. My Honeycomb Alpha and Bravo had some bindings to batteries/generators and avionics.
  6. Sorry for bothering with another question. I have a problem setting up electrical power. Engines running, inverter on, both generator switches on and both avionics switches on. Default GPS‘s don’t start and autopilot does not work. What I’m missing?
  7. Many thanks Cameron. That lift command was missing.
  8. I have a throttle question as well. Using the Honeycomb Bravo, I followed the manual and set up throttle and prop levers. But I can’t move the throttles to ground idle, and the reverse command does not work.
  9. Thank you for sharing the good news and I’m fine with paying for that upgrade. Well deserved.
  10. A DC9 is a simmer’s dream. I even thought about the Coolsky and P3D. But I’m not that desperate.
  11. Yes, that caused it. Many thanks again. Everything well and fast.
  12. I have a problem installing X-Aviation products on my new PC. Installer works as usual, starting XP11 I see a window saying „GIZMO ist not installed/activated, please run installer again“ Did try a few times, no change.
  13. Ok, yes, XP11 has the non-beta Challenger installed. Will uninstall before copying over. Thanks. Looks as if you are almost everywhere to help. Very much appreciated.
  14. Hi pilots, my new PC is on the way. Currently the only plane installed is the Hotstart Challenger. I’d like to keep and transfer all my plane and joystick settings to the new computer. Is it safe to make a complete back up on an external HD and copy it to the new computer? Or should I make a clean install and restore some files? If so, what files do I need to keep my joystick settings? Axis, sensitivity and mapping to the buttons would be most important.
  15. Yes, I know about that. Have not used any other plane since my first Challenger flight.
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