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Everything posted by Nano

  1. You have superb video making skills. I really enjoy the way you show off XP10. BTW, is that the stock 747? Still can't stand the excessive beacon reflections on the wing and engines. Also, noticed the leading edge slats were deployed at altitude. Weird configuration in that flight regime. Keep up the great work. Looking forward to your next video. Nano.
  2. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. Sure looks like a 777 to me. SkyMaxx clouds look less like clouds than the 777 looks less like a 777…
  3. I'd go for the FF 777 before the 757. I like the newer glass avionics over the round dial guages.
  4. I think you are right. The 3 standby instruments are combined into one on the -200LR. Problem solved.
  5. The standby altimeter and airspeed indicator are required. I can't see how they would have left them out. Also, the youtube video above shows them assuming that it is ver 1.6.
  6. Downloaded and installed the new T7 folder. Only problem is now I'm missing the bottom 2 standby instruments. I kept the old folder and the instruments are there on the old one if I load it up. I have the basic 200LR version. Did I do something wrong during the installation? I simply changed the name of the 1.5 folder and dragged the new folder into the aircraft folder. Thanks,
  7. Turning the bleeds off prior to take-off will give you slightly better takeoff/climb performance. Most jet AFMs will have takeoff calculations for bleeds ON and bleeds OFF. Where this comes in handy is short runway/high pressure altitude situations. Many small jets depart mountainous airports; i.e. Vail, Aspen, with the bleeds off. Especially if they are at max weight for the conditions. Other than that, it is not normal procedure to turn bleeds OFF for takeoff.
  8. That is awesome. Shows what XP is capable of. Nano
  9. I have to agree. There does seem to be a compatibility issue with XSB. I had 5 CTD today while on VATSIM thru XSB. I'm currently making sure that I use "Med" for overcast quality to see if that prevents the CTD scenario. One good flight so far. I'll let you know if I can get 5 consecutive flights with this set up. Nano
  10. No sundog. I'm pretty sure it was on "low". It seems to reset to the default initial settings each time I start XP. Should SMP hold my settings, or do I have to launch the configuration panel every time I start a new session?
  11. Hi Gentlemen, Attached are more log files of my only CTD today. I was just flying around KSEA in the BK117 when I had the CTD. Note that XSB was removed from the plugin folder for this load of XP. SilverLining is listed in the crash log. Hope this helps. Nano CTD.rtf Log.txt
  12. Carenado over Jackson Hole and the Grand Tetons
  13. I certainly don't doubt it that this is a problem with another plugin. In fact, I believe XSB64 is a prime candidate. I'm currently on a 6 hour leg using XSB with OQ set to "Med". We'll see how it goes. BTW, the lost connection to server is a result of running XHSI on another computer on my network. XHSI doesn't play well with B777 Worldliner FMS and I forgot to shut it down before the flight. Nano.
  14. Just had another CTD today. A fresh load of XP10 with B777 Worldliner. Planned flight from VABB to LTBA. Changed "overcast quality" from Low to Med during climb out CTD occurred shortly after level-off apps 35 minutes into flight. Crash reports attached. Log.txt CTD.rtf
  15. Well, I successfully accomplished 2 long range flights today with no issues. I varied all the settings on the configuration panel including the "overcast quality". The second flight was 5 hours with overcast quality set to "low" for the entire flight. No issues. There were no segments of the flights that were overcast as the VATSIM weather was better than expected. I will continue to watch this closely and forward any crash reports that result from a CTD. For now I'm enjoying the SMP product with what appears to be an improvement in frame rates on my 2009 i7 iMac.
  16. Yes Frank, the overcast quality was set to low. Being a new SMP user and having only 512 MB of VRAM, I figured that was the best setting to start out at. I'll try a flight today with it set to medium and see what happens. Will report back. Nano
  17. John, I had another CTD today on a VATSIM flight using XSB. The crash happened 3:12 into the flight at FL350 with scattered clouds below. I was flying the FF B777 Worldliner and everything appeared to be going well. Attached are the log files including the crash report that posted immediately after the CTD. Hope this is valuable. Nano CTD.rtf Log.txt
  18. Just purchased SMP yesterday and must say it is a vast improvement over the stock XP cloud renditions. I have had 3 CTD scenarios out of 6 flights so far. These have all happened on VATSIM through XSB. Today I flew about halfway from RJAA to PANC before the CTD and then I removed XSB from the plugin folder and successfully made the same flight with the X-IvAp plugin. I'm on a i7 iMac running Mt Lion (10.8.5) and XP 10.25 SMP is an awesome plugin that I wish I'd had earlier. I'll continue to switch off between XSB and X-IvAp to see if this is my issue. Thanks, Nano
  19. Do simheaven files work on XP 9.70?
  20. Yes 1.5.0 has been running very well on my machine. I'll stick with it. Thanks for the quick reply. BTW, do you think the 777 will run fine on this machine with only 512 MB of VRAM. Been holding off on that one also.
  21. I have to say the the CRJ200 is still the pinnacle of my XPlane experience. Great job guys! I'm currently running Version 1.5.0 on original iMac i7 (Dec '09) with updated Nav Data from Navigraph. The system handles the CRJ flawlessly with 60-80 fps. I plan to stay on XP 9.70 until my next computer purchase which may be a year or two. In light of the release of 1.5.3, my question is how do I get 1.5.2? Or is this not possible at this time? TIA
  22. I have never seen a piece of software seeded to the public that took soooooo long to get to release. What's the deal? Will we ever see NorCal in the wild? If not, please stop with the tease already! Nano
  23. Problem solved! Disconnected the external Time Machine HD and restarted the computer (iMac i7). Notice that the system HD (usually named Macintosh HD) was now called __, This led to all kinds of permission issues. Changed it back to Macintosh HD using Get Info and this solved the problem. Thanks for the help...what great support for such a great aircraft. Nano
  24. Here she is....btw, the sim crashed after about 5 minutes of just sitting there on the ground. Log.txt
  25. New strange behavior. Suddenly, both my PFD and MFD are blancking out after apps 15 seconds. I've removed all plug-ins and tried both from cold & dark and with engines running. Same results. Any thoughts? I'm on version 1.5.2-7bf6cb7 XP 9.70 Thanks....Nano.
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