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Jakob Ludwig

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Everything posted by Jakob Ludwig

  1. Hey there, first of all thanks for the last update. This version comes along nicely and performance is overall better than before. I do fly with TrackIR (via X-Camera plugin) and cloud puffs close by do shift with my head movement. Happens close to clouds base or when within a layer with little holes here and there. See attached video. Is this issue known? https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8LUBaX2I8gudEloRzVkclVxdTA/view?usp=sharing Regards Jakob
  2. Fantastic news. Thank you for all the time and work invested in this airframe and I am really looking forward to fly it soon...
  3. Using "always" made it a bit better. But I guess FSGRW is just doing to many writes on the metar.rwx.
  4. If you set XSquawkbox to 0 on weather update frequency, there shouldn't be any weather loading at all. An appropriate warning should display, once X-Plane has finished loading.
  5. Yep. Looking forward... But to word about per airport flattening [emoji20]
  6. Here are some user "advises" from me and my god, I don't have a monster GPU. For the X-Plane rendering settings: - shadows to 3d on aircraft or lower - water reflections to low or even to off - texture resolution to very high - objects and other settings to what your hardware can handle, but one notch lower Another good advice from my side, is to use a little script for FlyWithlua called "Auto LOD". Grab it here http://x-plane.at/drupal/node/385 The script adjust rendered objects in distance by changing the LOD level (basically world detail distance in X-Plane) in connection to a preset FPS value.
  7. Thanks for the response guys. I'll check whether there is some possible configuration within FSGRW... Otherwise I will contact their devs. Does RWC forces a cloud redraw, if a metar.rwx is written, despite the relevant METAR for the sector the aircraft travels in hasn't changed? Because on the other hand, redraws of the weather should be reduced to a minimum required. That would make the experience more constant.
  8. I am not quite sure if I have spotted something, but whenever SMP detects a new metar.rwx file, the cloud shadows disappear for some seconds or a bit longer. They reappear once the new weather is rendered, with a little delay. I have 300 MB of VRAM left and FSGRW is running on the same machine (latest build). Log.txt provides no hints, despite the phenomena can be pinned to the entry whenever SMP detects a new metar.rwx file. Otherwise RWC and FSGRW work in harmony and joy [emoji16] I missed to provide a log.txt, but will do that tomorrow of the day after. Just on the pace with family for some ice cream... Cheers , Jakob
  9. Reducing the texture resolution one notch down helped me a lot as well. Now even the small pauses on weather changes disappeared. Took a bit of Investigation, but at the end it increased the simulation experience to the better, sacrificing only little at the visuals.
  10. I must say... wow! Did an one hour test flight (VFR) around my home area (EDHK). Experienced broken, few, solid cloud layers and formations and a few changes in WX all around. Using FSGRW by the way. Really immerse feeling now. Finally SkymaxxPro is there where it should be and where it should be developed further on, despite it's a "WOW" product for me. Transitions are smooth, cloud formations are as I would expect them to look (given only METAR information). Very nice to the last cloud puffy. To the whole team: Well done!!! This is a game changer for me and makes flying low and slow a real pleasure now. Thank you!
  11. Totally agree. Another question bouncing back to the main aspect here. Does the used skycolor and the selected date influence the cloud lighting or is it somehow independent? Short answer accepted [emoji6]
  12. Everytime the product is updated, the download counter will be reset. So every version gives you three downloads. Funny enough [emoji16] ?!
  13. Skymaxx meanwhile has its own cloud shadows and should work with RTH.
  14. Sampler.... Yeah! Laminar's wish list compilation [emoji2]
  15. Thanks. I am not scanning every post for all the detailed facts, as Laminar is known, not to announce a lot about what's going to be implemented for sure. Always subject to changes... Things may be dropped during developement, delayed or even implemented in a different solution. Maybe I should had asked if different like; is this a quoted official list?
  16. Is this information taken directly from Laminar, considering you are someone working officially for the company or doing alpha testing, or have you just extracted all the points from the dev topic blog posts? Anyway thanks for the sum up! Looking forward to 10.50. I am especially glad to hear about the per airport flattening. A good approach to solve this issue ever since for all new airports to come.
  17. As stated by the developer it's in the last finishing and beta testing. https://trello.com/b/y5OZHUkE/let-l-410-beta-test
  18. It looks reasonable, comparing the wx situation. A bit thin on the extent of the cloud coverage. Could be a bit more solid or maybe the puffs to be a bit wider. Just to reflect the wx data. But in general I guess you can pump of the prefs, depending on the hardware specs.
  19. Yep.. that looks nice. Would you mind posting a set of screenshots showing first the WX-situation menu of X-Plane and than how it looks in the sim? Just to see how good SMP reflects what X-Plane want's to be there in form of clouds etc... and what SMP renders
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