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Everything posted by strider

  1. Topsecret, I like that ! JohnMAXX for president ! lol......
  2. You will be waiting a long time, lol............
  3. Is this being fixed or we SOL with the stratus clouds ?
  4. Any news with the stratus ?
  5. I cant see the stratus at all ?
  6. The clouds are way to white at sunset and after sunset. The transition to night was a lot better in the previous version of skymax. Maybe not the transition per-say but the cloud color during sunset and after sunset. Pics attached, hopeuflly that made sense ! New version: Previous version:
  7. I wonder if this related to the chinease terrorist attack a week ago.....
  8. I want this !!
  9. Get back to work !!!
  10. Do you have any insider info on 10.30 ?
  11. MAX XP WATER ???
  12. Nice ! What photo scenery are you using ?
  13. +1 !! This the one thing that really bugs me about SMP. Hope this can be fix one of these days ! I like what MS Flight does with the mist affect going through the clouds. Some food for thought ! Regards........
  14. Get better ! You are what you eat, just saying !
  15. Its been over a month now ??
  16. I guess I was wondering if the rain moves on the windshield ?
  17. What does the rain effect look like when the Aircraft is moving ?
  18. Thats cool but why not finish CA ??
  19. Someday... Am I noticing a pattern here ? One Island in the Hawaii islands, half the state CA and you will probably do half the state of Texas next, lol....
  20. This is taking forever, holy smoke... Will you be working on SOCAL after the release of NORCAL ? And is going to take forever as well ? Regards............. P.S. Will there be a high resolution update for the Florida scenery ?
  21. Where do I download the KILM update ? Regards.......
  22. How about posting some pics !!
  23. I figured it out ! What do I do with the files now ?
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