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Everything posted by Kieran

  1. Extra 300L, started on Sunday at 10 am (Sydney time) [EDIT] picture removed.
  2. If you have a substitute then why are you winging?
  3. Don't forget X-Plane still need to draw the aircraft. And with the current state of the render engine...
  4. Go read the latest X-Plane Dev Blog post. They are still ironing out bugs and optimizing X-Plane 10 for all the drivers. Be patient, frame rates will improve.
  5. Yep, go to graphicall.org and find the latest version of blender for you system. Add a plane. Add the Ocean Sim modifier.
  6. Just testing the new cycles and the ocean simulator. http://youtu.be/V7Te-nSY-pg
  7. BTW the texture name doesn't have to be related to the file name, it is defined in the .obj file.
  8. 1. I believe that blender comes with its own build of python to run on. 2. I alos believe that blender 2.5 and up uses python 3 not 2. Just my 2 cents.
  9. You shouldn't loose any thing. The only things you lose are new features implemented in 2.5, but that shouldn't be a problem. Unless you have some seriously funky animations.
  10. Marginal's blender export script only supports python 2, which is up to blender 2.49. For python 3 and 2.5 and up there is a script in development at the .org. The exporting of the mesh works fine if you set it up correctly, but there are currently no bone animations (at least not the last time I checked).
  11. The .pdf was in a .zip folder, that would probably be the reason for you iPhone not downloading.
  12. Well now this isn't for x-plane, but it is aviation related, and I made it today. Still texturing, Adding details here and there. [EDIT] picture removed.
  13. Not sure i quite understand what you are asking. But for the first question, try 'p', and for the second, hover you cursor over one of the vertices, or what ever selection mode you are in, and press 'l'.
  14. Looking great, can't wait to see it with textures on it.
  15. One thing regarding the toilet Goran, does it work. Can I, during a long trip, use this toilet?
  16. Listening to too much Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds?
  17. No, thats normal. I start to want blender's interface in other programs.
  18. Nice. Yes the Super Hornet is our stop-gap fighter. But the F-35 shouldn't be too far away.
  19. What about the F-35s?
  20. The problem is that New Zealands fighter jets, can be out done by our trainers, both the PC-9 and the BAe 127 Hawk.
  21. A few more weapons added and a different angle. [EDIT] picture removed.
  22. Thanks Philipp. Any chance that other displays will be able to be viewed on a separate monitor?
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