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  1. Just to pin down e.g. the takeoff power N1 value to remember it. Has no „function“ other than helping your memory AFAIK.
  2. Old topic, but I was just bitten by this again (kind of). If someone still got problems with the GNSs and/or the transponder not powering up, maybe this can help?
  3. Not wanting to bump this topic, but just had the same cause with an other symptom. After the RXP GTN plugin was disabled and a GNS (actually a GLASS) Variant of the Moo loaded, the XP GNS came up fine, but the transponder did not power on. Sure enough "rxpgtn_config_enum:4" was set in the *_prefs.txt. In this case probably the transponder was disabled because the GTN‘s one would be used in lieu (the stock transponder was still showed, just not powered).
  4. I do appreciate you trying to help. But (you can not know, and I do not feel like going into details on this medium) I am professionally involved with „IT“, and that for several decades now (wooh, that feels old ,-)). So, if there is a way to measure/analyze the connection to the endpoint that the DRM wants to communicate with, I will happily cooperate (if I can find some toolchain on Windows thats up to the task, and provided the data center does not send in the cavalry for a „sniffing attack“ ). If there is a debug logging for the plugin (more detailed than what goes to the XP log) I will try to provide that, too. I would even run it under a debugger if deemed helpful and told how (and provided that Laminar does not send in the cavalry for „reverse engineering“ ) Shooting in the dark will not be of real value, though. Even if it worked on another machine it would still not prove „the network“ guilty, and I have to use it on this machine, so I better cure the cause, not the symptom, anyways. Also I use that provider for two or three years now, with different payloads, and never had issues with the network (if any, my local Wifi was the cause, but that would not apply at all to the issue at hand). Afterall the problem is the plugin *crashing*, not being unable to reach some endpoint (and if the crash is a side effect of connection problems, at least the logging is poor). Not wanting to be rude at all, but „send more logs“ and „must be your network“ always have some „support deflection“ smell. Just let us keep the smell low
  5. Ok. Poor Tom Kyler sorting a "three out of thousands" problem ;-)
  6. Well, yes, they are surely different. But they all use the same Gizmo plugin, and I wonder if that is the "one of the day" (depending on what X-Aviation product was installed last) or the "highest version" seen among all products installed. As I did not monitor the Gizmo version from my previous install (the CL650), but saw that the Gizmo plugin had todays modification time on the files (from the IxEG install), I wanted to make sure the CL650 still runs with "on the other gizmo". And, as the error explicitly mentions a problem related to DRM context, a suspicious look on the gizmo seemed sensible (the IxEG and the CL650 possibly *do* work quite similar with regards to the DRM mechanism). So, worst case a "parallel", but no "comparison". Makes sense?
  7. Hi, and thanks for coming back on this topic! Haha, Pils already had nearly the same "amazement" moment about the HW when I provided a log yesterday (wrt. to some CL650 problem), so I just copy&paste my answer: So, I do not think it's a hardware problem, and the network connection should be ok, too (after all Windows/X-Plane runs "inside" a data center with quite professional connectivity). I currently do not have access to another "Windows"-Machine (as I avoid them obviously), but I would not see much hope in trying, anyways ;-) Oh well, it is no fun to be one of "three out of several thousand" ;-) P.S.: When I just ran the CL650 (to make sure it still works after having installed the IxEG) I had to re-activate it (probably because of the changed Gizmo-Instance that came with the IxEG). But that went fine. Just FYI.
  8. Fair enough, though I doubt it will provide more insight that all that is already discussed on this thread. But I would be happy to be proven wrong ;-) Log.txt
  9. Hi, I just purchased and installed the IxEG on XP 12.0.8-rc1. Now I have the same problem: XA DRM - RMD0: [c36bbfd5] --=={This application has crashed because of the plugin: X-A Validation}==-- So, I've not been able to load (or activate) the brand new aircraft (= v1.5.2) even once. Already stripped down my plugins to "zero" (just leaving the Gizmo64 in). The solution can *not* be using a Mac XPL on a windows installation, so I did not try that. I do have some other X-Aviation aircraft installed and running successfully (CL650, MU2, SR22, TBM900(waiting for XP12 update)), so this should be not a "general" problem with my gear. As this thread is open for two months now seemingly without a solution to that "kaputt" xa_validate.xpl, is there any perspective to get that fixed anytime soon? Otherwise the plane is complete useless for me (not being able to even load it). Would be a pitty, because I do like the MU2 a lot, and was hoping for the same wrt. the IxEG 737 .
  10. See also e.g. from around 11:30. Have fun!
  11. Arghh... Had read about DRT/CL650 problems, but simply forgot about it. Without DRT sure enough it works now, just doing the registration... Sorry for the noise. Well, machine stats may look funny. It's a remotely hosted VM (https://shadow.tech/). GPU is ok, but for XP it is obviously somewhat CPU limited ;-). As I privately just use Linux/Mac I have this for some gaming on Windows now and then. Works (mostly) without having to let that OS pass my door. Thanks, that was quick help ;-))
  12. Hi, a complete virgin install of the CL650 crashes XP 12.0.8.rc1 during startup before I can even enter my licence data ;-( Log.txt
  13. Hi, did you try to set "Repeat Activation" to e.g. "Delayed-Fast" on the respective event in HC-Configurator?
  14. How about https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/54217-portable-oxygen-for-ga-aircrafts-lua-script/ ?
  15. I'm on XP12 now, so no GTN 750, G500 (and MU2 with visible lights daytime <g>) for me. But IIRC the settings from did help a lot on XP11 :-)
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