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Everything posted by od1canod

  1. Hi everyone, So I'm thinking about getting the IXEG 737 for my X-Plane 10 install. I want to just ask for some opinions from others that already have it. I've read a bunch of reviews and pretty much have heard its awesome. Here's the thing. I have both the CRJ-200 and DC-3 from X-Aviation and am super happy with both so no issue with the distributor/developer. My main flying has so far been in the MS FS world from FS95-FSX. I did try out XP9 and then XP10 and found it pretty decent, even superior in SOME respects to the MS product. In FSX I fly a couple of good GA planes both single and twins. But most of my flights are in Heavy Metal. I've tried quite a few over the years and these are my conclusions. Captain Sim has nice eye candy, not worth the money at all for the hassles in getting it to actually complete a flight without CTD. Level-D was a great plane in FS9, not as reliable in FSX despite covering much of the systems. Quality Wings, not bad, flies OK most of the time but only a step up from default. Milviz 737-200, not bad but I get CTD issues and sudden strange behavior of the flight model. Abacus Fly the Airbus, basically same as the FSX defaults at best. I am not a newbie computer guy, 15 years now in the field as a network tech and college educated so my system runs just fine. And I've tried things beyond what the developers above have suggested for fixes, some of them solving issues that the developers gave up on. So when I get frustrated with an aircraft addon that is IMHO not worth a free download let alone $50 it's not because I don't give them a fair chance. Dumping stuff off on paying customers only to be rude or dismissive because your product is failing them is just not cool. There is only one Boeing jet that I've found to be a superb sim that covers close to all the systems, looks very respectable and has had very little issue running stable, consistently...anyone care to guess? Yup another happy PMDG 737NGX customer. I'd love to get more active in using X-Plane and fly a Boeing 737 in it's world. Any words from any of you out there that have been around sims long enough to have also tried out many a waste of time? I'm hoping the IXEG does what is expected, runs stable and is an advanced enough model of systems and flight dynamics to be worth it's money... I truly appreciate your time reading this and for any words you have... Owen
  2. Fair enough...I can understand that...Going forward I will use the included base textures for any repaints!
  3. I am a huge fan of this plane and will continue to rant about how much! If this gives you any idea, I was spending most of my time in FS2004 flying the PMDG 737NG and running WestJet flights in Western Canada. I am now spending that time in XP9 in the CRJ running Jazz or Skywest routes in Western Canada/US! Here's my question: I did one repaint, the NavCan Flight Inspection version up on the .org and it was fun and educational to do. (Gimp seems good but I'm no graphics pro!). I did see a user that had some clean base files for the CRJ and I did get those through a post on the .org forum, but they are not quite right. Although they clean up the dirt they also take out things like rivets and seams. Is there any way to get some base files (CRJ_Alas.psd, CRJ_Fuselaje.psd, CRJ_Motores.psd and CRJ_Puertas.psd) that have a clean, off the assemby line white look to them? I'd love to recreate my NavCan and try some other repaints with a clean "new" look to them. As well, any pointers about doing the paints would be awesome! Regards, Owen
  4. Hi all, So I have 1.4.2 and Navigraph cycle 12.01 installed (the vasFMC native). Trying to setup for a flight from CYEG to KDEN as it is a daily flight by Skywest and I have watched it takeoff many times. When I select the STAR for KDEN I have issues. FMS states I must select the STAR before the runway but after doing so I still get that error when I try and select the runway? Any ideas? Is it the data, the plane or me? Owen
  5. Merry Christmas all...see you in the "clouds"! Just for some useless info, here in Northern Alberta Canada it is unusually warm for Dec. Temp in around 0 C which is not the norm for this time of year...
  6. Hey there everyone! So good thing I started out with no hair, put myself through the learning curve and pulled off an OK repaint for the CRJ! I now know something about Gimp and PlaneMaker! I live in Canada and NAV Canada has 2 CRJ-200's for Flight Inspection service... http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=15262 Many thanks to the original developers, what a super awesome plane! Hope you enjoy the repaint! OD1
  7. Thanks all, will do...I'll be fine...jus a tad sore... And to Simmo W...lmao...my wife may hear of future "accidents" requiring quiet time on the computer uninterupted...too bad I wasnt bright enough to get that sooner...what it takes to knock a screw into place huh?
  8. Removed. Duh, read the date...
  9. OK, so I checked now and you got it! Darn, you got some skills! Thanks so much Philipp!!! Now I can spend time checking out the 1.3 RJ! And seeing as I now have some time this will be awesome! 5 Stars & A+ for you my friend, if your ever in Alberta Canada make sure you let me know...a pint of something Canadian on me!
  10. Hey, really appreciate the quick responses! Will give this a try later...went out for some errands and got rear ended by a truck...van is broken, my face took a few stitches...looks like I'll have a few days to sit on pain meds and play with xPlane!...I'll let ya all know if the ipv6 fix does it....sounds likely.... OD1 Wish I could fly to run errands...its safer
  11. As well I am still new to xPlane and not sure what you mean by dumping preferences? I looked through the xplane install folder but wasnt sure which file holds the preferences...and I also didnt see a crash_log.txt file...guess I better read the xplane manual a bit deeper... Thanks for your reply btw!
  12. Sorry, its xplane 9...not so sure this box will run 10 yet...gonna try the demo...
  13. XP Pro SP3 32bit...or more exact...5.1.2600 Service Pack 3 Build 2600. Genuine Intel 915 board w P4 3.4 HT...I know, pretty old. nVidia 8800GT card...
  14. Hi there...so I just got the RJ on the weekend...got the update email and thus downloaded the 1.3 version. After install I get a total CTD of xPlane. Went back to 1.2 version and no CTD. I did ensure I selected the XPlane 9, not 10 option when installing the update. I did notice the 1.3 installer did the C++ install but it doesn't run the OpenAL or ??? (other install in 1.2 that runs last and goes to C:/windows/system32 folder... Any advice? Tried a search, was going to update XUIPC after a few CTD reads but I dont have it installed anyway so thats likely not it.... OD1
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