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  1. Very well done Marco. Congratulations. Cheers. Best wishes ... Carsten
  2. I think for starters you can use the examples in the examples folder or you need to edit the files to your liking. Not easy I know.... it's worth it though. You have to understand how to use the files and how to change them. It took me 2 weeks.
  3. Load "Presets on computer" or "GET A" (from Hardware) ........ edit your settings .......... and dump "To Hardware" (Dump A). After that: Load "Presets on computer" or "GET B" (from Hardware) ........ edit your settings .......... and dump "To Hardware" (Dump B).
  4. Yes..... select for LayerB another CC as on LayerA. For Example: Encoder 1 on LayerA = CC1, Encoder 1 on LayerB = CC9
  5. MIDI channel 11? Channel 11 is default for Xmidictrl.
  6. Relative is available on the Encoder Tab.... MIN .... you have to change from 0 to Relative. Momentary or Toggle are for the Buttons.
  7. Which Behringer model do you use? Can you choose in your Behringer-Software (Editor for the device) "Relative"?
  8. Behringer-Software: On the Encoder (with CC 1) you have to select "Relative". 2.nd option is to use "range" in Xmidictrl. https://mauer.github.io/xmidictrl/#/inbound_mapping_encoder
  9. Hi Marco, so we can speak in german..... that simplifies things a lot. I'm very excited for the pre-release and will do my best to make the "next/final" version perfect....and give suggestions for improvement. I'm still on vacation this week... and have time to work on further development. I also have some ideas for improvements... but I don't know yet what changes the 0.70 version will bring. I am very excited. Kind regards Carsten
  10. The PlugIn works really well. I have already been able to realize many manipulations in the cockpit. Some things were easy, some things were a little harder... especially to find the right datarefs. All lights of the buttons in the X-Touch need the "Note-Input". I would be happy to receive the prerelease of v0.70 (or the final) ... so I can get a visual feedback from the simulator on my X-Touch. Best regards from EDDH Carsten
  11. Yes, that would be nice. I'm not a programmer.... just a user, but i can testing some things... and i can customize files (e.g. LUA-Scripts) to my taste. A lot of fun for me.... and i enjoy to learn something new. Best regards Carsten
  12. Hi, today i try the plugin with my Behringer X-Touch Compact and everything is working fine. Version 0.62 don't support note, pitch bend and program change midi messages. How can i get version 0.70 of XMidiCtrl?
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