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  1. Hi There, I had the same experience yesterday whilst performing an LPV approach CYUL 06R? The GP indicator told me I was spot on. However if I would have followed it I would have flown myself into the ground. I actually tested it to proof (see screenshot) the problem by having the RNP set up on the left side and the ILS for the same runway on the right. This showed that the GP was completely misaligned as the glide slope indicator for the same runway was correct and showed I was much too low. Anyway @toto and the guys are aware and they are investigating the issue. Regards Frits
  2. Hi, I discovered a bug whilst the fueling operation was under way. I finished fueling, so the fueler walked up to ask if I was finished or needed more, but before I could select any of the options in the fueler window, Jenny called over the cell phone, so I answered. It was regarding the passengers if they could board, I replied "YES". After the FBO window disappeared the fueling info window never came back. It was also not possible to call the fueler via Jenny, as this option was greyed out (thinking it was still active). Which is actually correct as I never replied the fueler and also the fuel truck was still there. I eventually taxied out and the truck disappeared. I also mentioned to @Graeme_77 on Discord Best Frits
  3. Hi, This all of a sudden is happening. When I select the Challenger X-plane crashes. All other AC are fine. It Briefly loads the FBO, but after 20 seconds the application freezes. Regards Frits Log.txt
  4. The problem is not the challenger, but LXGB has until further notice suspended the approach procedures. So there is nothing in the database. See report from Navigraph in screenshot
  5. Toto and the others are aware of this as I saw the message come by on the Discord channel. They will fix. Apparently it was there during beta testing but for unknown reasons its not in the DB.
  6. Another way to do it, is what I do. Remember the power source items like APU generator etc on the shutdown checklist. Complete the checklist and then execute the APU, GEN and power switch for last.
  7. Here again, also DC synopsis page
  8. Obrigado! At the meantime Toto is also aware and working on it
  9. Hi, I think I’m overlooking something. I was performing a flight at FL370. I wanted to perform a step climb as my weight allowed it to FL410. I was cruising at Mach .80 and wanted to keep the speed so I used VS with a rate of 500ft/m. All fine until I crossed FL395. Red CAS message DIFF PRESS appeared. I could see the delta P reaching its limit so I leveled of at FL390 to solve the problem. I think I had the pressurization panel set up fine before departure. I had the correct landing altitude and also set the baro. I also have a screenshot. Thanks!
  10. Sorry forgot the log file Log.txt
  11. It happened again, also the LOG file Log.txt
  12. Hereby the LOG FILE
  13. Same for me, and besides this none of the flood lights in cockpit, galley and cabin seem to work.
  14. Hi, I also posted this yesterday but in combination with window heat. I am having a normal cruise at FL370, when suddenly an aural alert sounds and the following 2 CAS messages appear: - Main Battery Off - APU Battery Off Nothing happened, everything stayed on. After 3 min the Main Battery Off CAS message disappeared and now only the APU Battery Off remains. See screenshot At time (see clock 20:49) now also the APU battery message disappeared, see screenshot. Just so you have a bit of reference of the endurance of this bug. Thanks Frits
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