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  1. I also experienced these oscillations only on approach. I was doing the ILS 17R into KSDF. I intercepted the localizer on vectors at about 8DME and the aircraft auto-transferred to green needles correctly and captured the glideslope. The aircraft appeared to be completely centered on the glideslope while descending but the flight director would continuously oscillate. I disconnected the autopilot and noticed the flight director behavior continued. While the autopilot was turned off, I turned off and then re-enabled the flight director, re-armed APPR, and then the autopilot, but the behavior continued. Winds were around 210 degrees at 14kts. Had 12 passengers and about 3000lbs of fuel left on approach.
  2. I noticed that the aircraft does not have the RWY UPDATE feature on the ground, unless I missed something. I have attached a couple of images below from the Proline 21 Advanced FMS manual showing its purpose. Not sure if this should be labeled a feature request or not.
  3. Thanks, Rich. I figured that was probably the case. Hopefully it can get be added, assuming the 650 works the same way.
  4. I mentioned that in my post above. The aircraft will not fetch a METAR in this case regardless if you put a “K” in front of it or not. What I wasn’t sure about was if the Proline software would care if you used the “K” in front of these three character airports.
  5. Currently there is no way to request METAR's for FAA airports that have a number in their identifier via ACARS. I don't believe this should be a limitation. A large number of these airports have valid METAR's. E.X. T82, 6A2, 4A6, etc... ADDS does add a "K" prefix to these, but I'm not sure if that matters.
  6. Version 1.1.1


    This livery is based off of a CL30, N887LC. I had to make some design decisions since is a different aircraft, but I hope it represents it well! A picture of the reference aircraft can be found here: https://flightaware.com/photos/view/977583-2c0f9340c251ff5d9a0a17d6ca19587db9552b06/staffpicksmonth/sort/date/page/1
  7. View File Hot Start Challenger 650 - "Texas" This livery is based off of a CL30, N887LC. I had to make some design decisions since is a different aircraft, but I hope it represents it well! A picture of the reference aircraft can be found here: https://flightaware.com/photos/view/977583-2c0f9340c251ff5d9a0a17d6ca19587db9552b06/staffpicksmonth/sort/date/page/1 Submitter boctal Submitted 02/16/2022 Category Hot Start Challenger 650 Livery For https://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/product_info.php/take-command-hot-start-challenger-650-p-212  
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  8. Edit: I noticed later that when entering a new cruise altitude in PERF INIT, it did not update the VNAV cruise altitude in the VNAV setup cruise page which could be causing the issue. I'll try to reproduce it in a flight tomorrow.
  9. Rich, thank you for the very detailed analysis!
  10. This is the first time I've noticed this, but while en-route and changing the CRZ ALT in PERF INIT, it did not update the new cruise altitude on the legs page. When I tried putting in a lower altitude, it updated the legs correctly. I am within the cruise capability charts for weight at the new altitude. I tried other higher altitudes as well and it won't update for anything above FL360. I've included screenshots below showing both the higher and lower altitude inputs. The only way to force the legs to update to FL380 is to manually enter it on a leg in the legs page, which will then update the proceeding legs. Did not update: Updated correctly here:
  11. Using an old FMS trainer for the Proline 4, it does indeed update the ETA at the runway with an ETD entered, so I’d assume the same would be true for the Proline 21 Advanced. I also double checked entering a hold EFC in the FMS trainer and it updated the ETA as well.
  12. I received a CTD while in the process of closing the cabin door at the end of a flight in PHOG, in walk-around mode. The passenger van had just left. I was not able to reproduce this a second time with plugins and scenery disabled. I used the 1000ft saved state and completed the flight in the same fashion. I have attached the log file from the crash if it is helpful. Edit: I was also not able to reproduce the crash when re-enabling the scenery, plugins, and add-ons when loading the same 1000ft saved state. Log.txt
  13. I’m assuming you’re talking about the ETA at the departure runway in both the MFD and FPLN Progress? I’m honestly not sure about that being updated with an ETD entered. Probably need to verify that On sort of the same note, pretty sure Toto knows about it, but entering an EFC in a hold also doesn’t update the ETA.
  14. When entering an ETD in the newest release version, the ETA updates correctly in FPLN Progress but is not updating the time on the MFD with "ON" selected. I have included a screenshot with an example.
  15. Airports in the US that include a number as part of their identifier, e.x. C56, are unable to be loaded into the avionics chart system. I can't find anything in the documentation that would prohibit loading of these charts. This occurs regardless of the airport being the departure, destination, alternate, or "other airport."
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