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Everything posted by becaspr

  1. Yes. You need to specify it if you insert the G equipment code, even though it is covered by B equipment code. PBN/S1 has nothing to do with SBAS.
  2. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1182029192?t=02h30m34s Quite an old build but the behaviour is the same. You can see that after N1 TGT item, the box outlining the checklist item disappears and the checklist does not continue. When pressing the key to resume the checklist, the "box" appears again. From my POV there are 2 bugs here: Checklist not continuing after F/O correctly replied; The "box" disappearing.
  3. When performing the "IN RANGE CHECKLIST", the FO asks for N1 TGT. I set it to TO and the F/O correctly acknowledges it as "SET", however the checklist selector box on the MFD disappears and he does not advance automatically to the next item. When clicking the button to advance the checklist, the checklist selector box reappears and he continues the checklist normally.
  4. Everytime I create a new airframe the ALT TAG and TRAFFIC options are blanked: After clicking on them, the expected data appears and they remain there for subsequent reloads.
  5. That makes sense, thanks!
  6. When performing the before start checklist, the FO identified DOORS as closed. However, I had an EICAS saying EXTERIOR DOOR OPEN and it turns out I forgot to close the door where you open and close the nose gear door. The FO should have identified the doors as open and not responded incorrectly.
  7. Since you based this livery on CS-DOF, can you actually make one of CS-DOF?
  8. When you have ask the ground guy (is it called a dispatcher in this bizjet operation also?) to either place or remove the chocks, if you are listening to the INT/SVC, he will give you the status on the chocks via interphone, even if you haven't asked him to connect headsets. This does not happen for the remaining "commands".
  9. On the C/B panel of the F/O leg, the PFD 1 C/B does not move when actuated. Haven't checked other C/Bs for animation.
  10. Indeed it seems to be the georeferencing. Had a friend try out the same SID and the results were the same.
  11. Departing today from UUWW, following the SUNUM3B departure, I noticed that both PFDs/NDs were showing the plane on track but on the chart there was a noticeable offset. Could there be a logical reason for this? (I have moved the plane on the ground using the X-plane map with all the avionics and power off).
  12. Very nice! CS-DOF is based on this livery. Can you adjust it a little bit for it? It's the only CL650 with CS- registration
  13. When you turn on the INTEG LT for the side panel, only a few lights come up: FO side for comparison:
  14. Getting there! Any plans for Netjets or Vistajet? Or maybe the Bombardier demonstrator livery
  15. Happened to me too. FL370, ATC reported FL372, with STD and realistic temp setting off.
  16. If you click in the vent outlet from the cockpit (clickpot region), the CAPT pitot tube gets covered, even during flight.
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