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Everything posted by AngelOfAttack

  1. MCP panel when in daylight, the panel marker is black, not white as all other panel is. And the LED number indicator on EIS is just unreadable. number LEDs on after elec panel is also very dim, I'm not sure if it's actually true on real aircraft, but I think they should be designed to be readable in day light with panel lights off then?
  2. 1. Left LE Flaps transition light, both when testing and when actually using flaps, it lit up a little bit, but way to dim, almost like it's out. 2.A/T LIM, OIL FLITER BYPASS are out, seems there is no failure for them to be trigger then? 3.All other light except engine/APU fire warning on fire panel, as I could remember they works fine in day light, both when doing both light test or fire test at night condition, they seems too dim.
  3. After few more flight I can say the rotation (both TO and LD) issue is the most annoying one, even the LVII bug I can get around, and all other bugs I can make a flight condition that get avoid, but only this one.... even with anticipation, the muscle memory on my home setting is hard to replace, explically when all other flight going smoothly so I almost forget these 2 kinks.
  4. I'm not sure why IXEG would pick up G/S on the upwind, literally miles away from the GP beam, I don't think I have ever seen that on PFD, but you know that's not where eyes would be in a take off... I see some general GPWS introduction says it requires RA be over 30' and gears down, not sure if it's also required on 733 but sound reasonable. But even if it's there, if you retract gear a little bit slower, it might still trigger one or two calls then.
  5. When taking off, it's standard practice for us to tune the T/O runway ILS just in case especially when there is no other navaid need (eg. RNAV SID) But When I do it in IXEG 733,I got "Glide slope" GPWS call right after lift off, and I see the GP indicator on my EADI show full up, only after climb for about 200 feet, the GP moved down and the alarm shut off. It's not even a runway with same ILS frequency on the opposite way, there is no ILS on the other side, I know there might be some sort of radio interface might cause such indication, but I believe it should not trigger the GPWS then? BTW I have NAV1 on ILS while NAV2 on VOR.
  6. Still same effect, hopefully I get rid of all plugins this time Log.txt
  7. Did my first full flight, and here is what I have observed, I'm a NG/MAX instructor but never on classic so don't hold much credit then.... Taxi: Seems need a lot power to get moving, over 40% is quite high IMO but not sure if it's true on these old engines. T/O: I made a improved climb with BPS data, the runway is almost gone, 15% of margin seems about correct (maybe a little short, and I'm using ATM it should have more margin then). However the rotate feels very nose light and I almost feel I have a tail strike (if it's on -800) CLB: climb rate seems right, seeing the record about 10nm/2min longer than FPPM data, good enough. CRZ: Compare to realworld cruise table, the N1 and FF is almost spot on! DES: VNAV actually works mostly fine, and the descent rate matches FCTM data quite nicely. On final N1 and pitch all looking good. Flare: In contract to T/O, the nose is very heavy, kinda like most airliner port to XP12 or XP11 EFM without proper adjustment...(for example some A350 is almost unable to flare...) Landing roll: Factor out my short flare distance, the landing roll distance is almost the same as the number I got from realworld data with Autobrake1, very impressive! Over all, it feels believable and could flown by the book, The main problem seems with in XP12's new ground effect scope, feel both noes light on TO and nose heavy on landing (weird). and also maybe engine is a little bit under powered? I mean I'd love to have 22K engine then...but compare to 20K data it still feel a little bit short. I might push it harder to test it against the "Flight With Unreliable Airspeed/Turbulent Air Penetration" chart! Not many high-end add-ons can pass that!
  8. I made a flight where improved climb is necessary, but I noticed I cant enter the V1 I needed into TO REF page. it came with INVALID ENTRY I can select and active the QRH value, but it's not the data I need, no matter if there is already a data there, I can't input any number, I tired 130,140 and the data I need: 152, they all return INVALID ENTRY. As I could remember it's not a problem in 1.33 as 733 with 20K engine require quire a lot improved climb for take off.
  9. Ah, forget the scenery plugins, I'll test these later, now in a flight
  10. Here is my log without other plugins, still see the M on wrong side LogIXEGM.txt
  11. Still there with 1.5
  12. Same view as OP, 4080 on 2K and 80FOV
  13. I heard from old guys some -300 do have problem getting to 25%N2 here at 6900'. But just use 20% maximum rotation is good enough for almost every time.
  14. I remember I have asked them long ago and the answer was NO
  15. I heard there was a incident long ago when the crew slipped up on the checklist and left the start level on idle when starting engine on 733...... The other add-on I could recall is PMDG744, as it can came with both with and w/o autostart option, I made a autostart on a non-autostart equipped bird and......you know the drill.... BTW most modern engine, including the one on 737NG, the EEC will not inject fuel even if you put the lever too early, rather it'll wait until certain N2 reached, maybe that's why you didn't find another one.
  16. With the old version FMC as XP11 version you won't even able to do LNAV/VNAV, I believe RNPAPCH is as far as the real option can go. But there are some 737-200 have upgraded with totally different aviation for better GPS support, so I'm not sure if that could be a thing on -300
  17. Well, that's impressive difference, we only use 77kg for long international flight, others all on75kg. adults including bag.
  18. 104kg per pax sounds too much even including bags. We use 75kg including bag. Well, depending on which country you are in it might be different... As for landing fuel, we also have 5% or 15min consistency fuel and 13min maneuvering fuel. With some extra, over 3.5t would be very normal.
  19. Looks like VNAV PTH descend is promising
  20. Okay, a new aircraft with 90% similarity in FMC to 733 but not a 747? 75/67 confirmed then?
  21. Bought it on Jan.2022, so... OK, fine... $15 would be worth the price if VNAV and Holding were usable, so I'll quit complain after that.
  22. I see, and for sure I only got near stall because that MD11's aerodynamic back then is not fine tuned so I'll go stall even at proper VREF. But most add-on I have use is simply sync to hardware as soon as AT disconnect and any hardware input movement, so it's my second nature to match throttle before intentionally disconnect AT, on many add-on with EICAS display there it simply a "fake" indicator on engine display, for 733 without EICAS the "ghost" throttle UI is perfect for that. So.. maybe make it an option?
  23. I think there is a potential failure mode on this: If you got hardware throttle in like middle position, and software one on idle, and you somehow approach stall, the natural reaction is push throttle forward and simultaneously hit the disconnect button with thumb, in that case, if the software throttle not catch up, you'll loss precious few seconds before realize and try to catch the throttle up. I haven't have this problem on IXEG733, but a had the exact issue in older version on Rotate MD11 which uses same mechanism, they then changed to sync softthrottle to hardware as soon as you disconnect A/T (not in "clamp" aka "THR HLD" mode). The "ghost" throttle is only use for visual reference before disconnect. My advise is, in addition to current mechanism, if you move throttle more than say 10% or an adjustable noise level after AT is off, sync the throttle immediately.
  24. IRL you'll have PM to call out the DA\MDA on baro-altimeter. However most of us in sim don't have that luxury, so when flying 733(with 757/767/A310 etc..)I‘ll set RA to DH on chart for automatic callout, and still double check the baro altitude for sure if it's near limit. Most of the time with real weather you'll see the runway like at least 1000' AFE so it doesn't matter that much...
  25. I hope some FMC/VNAV function could be make into XP11 as well
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