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Jack Skieczius

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Everything posted by Jack Skieczius

  1. hey Joe, yeah i forgot, i did notice this from the image posted in the link bellow. the outboard spoiler seems to be the same blue as the tail. easy fix, thanks for the heads up, i may have forgotten otherwise. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3449179/1655297.jpg
  2. I really like the sound on Conex's helo, really really really like them. we need a better system for x-plane, all these plugins, sound like we are going the route of FSX here. cant we work with Austin to get it into X-plane for everyone to experience on all the planes and not just a handful of them?
  3. Someone suggested i post up some stills of the exterior textures so here you all go, and enjoy. do let me know what you think of her, makes my day each time.
  4. I totally agree Indi.
  5. Well, now we are all having fun it seems, yay, party in Gorans thread! [me=FlyingJackal]throws confetti everywhere[/me] hehe
  6. Thanks wombat, i am glad you like her. she sure dose look different, which is one of the reason i choose to make her in the first place. Also ,she is one of the fastest turboprops in the world, at an average of 360 kts TAS, she is definitely not slow. Also, its a 6 bladed prop, and the disk is some 13 feet and 6 inches in diameter. And for the "we", i am referring to my whole team, now and in the future. Right now its just me, and my benefactor from Flybe who continues to supply me with loads of images and measurements of this bird down to the millimeter. There are also a few others that help out as well but aren't directly involved.
  7. Glad you all like it. As for release dates, i wont be putting any date on it. there is still a lot of work to do on her. I wont be posting any dates from here on out, she will be done when she is done. I can almost guarantee it will be done before the end of the world, which happens to be on a Friday, and still 967 days away.
  8. looking good Goran, yeah that cracked glass looked really cool. gave the plane character.
  9. Finally put together a video to show off the plane in action.
  10. Work has started on the cockpit which i hope to be able to show you some of in a few weeks. Already has you have seen in the past, the main panels are done, but we all know that doesn't make up a good cockpit. We need the walls, the windows, the cabin door, and that coffee dispenser we all love. i also want to get a video of the exterior up for you all so you can see this plane in action, which is the only way to really appreciate her.
  11. your cheating! that has to be it, somehow your cheating jk love you like a stinky fish Goran!
  12. lovin it Goran, really do.
  13. really nice modeling there.
  14. very nice gauge animation there Goran. btw how did you get that vertical speed indicator to stop from going all the way round? (inside joke)
  15. i second that idea.
  16. interesting i ran across on Avsim that FlythisSim has released the g1000 for x-plane. is this in any way related to the Corvalis from you ? just curious,
  17. Very cool. thanks for posting these. i had no idea they had a 5 hour long video on this. wish they had one like this on the Dash 8s, but that's just wishful thinking. i watched the first one, and i will have to put time aside to watch the rest. thanks again.
  18. Lol, yeah the windows. hehe Thanks for the comments guys. I am happy to have your approval, wasn't sure if the textures were gonna be good enough or not.
  19. Thanks. I haven't added the spec maps yet, but basically, they use in combination with ATTR_shine_rat 1.0, but uses the alpha channel of the normal map to tell the model what parts are shiner and at what level. more info can be found at the X-plane wiki link here: http://wiki.x-plane.com/Normal_Maps atm i am useing the normal map to get the anamorphic look on the fuse.
  20. Happy Easter everyone, And to help make it a better day for some, here is an update long coming. The Fuse has a detailed texture, added some dirt for effect and a normal map. we will also be utilizing the spec maps for the final product. any critic welcome. Added these in game renders as per request from someone at the .org only fair i post them here too.
  21. love the textures on the cockpit. love it.
  22. [me=FlyingJackal]waits attentively for its release.[/me] oh and while i am doing that, may i inquire about the flight model. how close dose she fly to the real plane?
  23. Looks like a very nice start,but i would expect no less from you, i am sure you will do the mentor proud.
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