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Everything posted by F1le

  1. Awaiting for this plane too...
  2. Damn I had it all the time, but never took down this tablet so it was hidden for me...
  3. Damn where? Please I probably turned off something accidentally?
  4. Guys, -Can I turn on LISTEN on COM2 on this plane? Flying to listen to ATIS if I'm close to airport would be nice. -Can I adjust mic & voice and/or turn on/off COM1 & COM2?
  5. So it's as good as MSFS
  6. What is the status of the weather radar? I know it wasn't implemented in XP11 due to XP12 weather API change, but now I use SimToolKitPro to check the weather what is LOL
  7. I've recalibrated every axis and also as you mentioned added dead-zone to Yaw ... and it looks like it fixed the problem. Weird because only CL650 had this problem. Toliss A319, Zibo 738 etc were flying all good...
  8. OK so I recalibrated Yaw axis (but it was fine) and added "dead-zone". Next flight tomorrow to test it. Let's see...
  9. This A/P for me doesn't work well, and I have no idea why some points it has problem to complete, at some points for example it's missing, it's flying ahead and 15nm before it it reacts and starts turning :
  10. DL FPLN LOADED Another example below :
  11. Damn I'm awaiting for this XP12 upgrade... Love this TBM9 so much...
  12. Ah thank you yeah that was this switch
  13. Here it is :
  14. ATS light. I somwhere changed something like dim the whole ATS screen and don't remember where it was. I need to ZOOM it to see what's on ATS screen
  15. I turned it off and have no idea where to put this light on. Can somebody help me where it was? #2 Is bank angle regulated or only this 1/2 BANK button is the only one possibility to change BANK ANGLE? #3 What is TURB button for below XFR?
  16. I'll fly it tomorrow and will make screenshots when it happens. I can't even go out on couple minutes because I have no idea if in the upcoming point A/P will get lost of maybe after 5th point... Will do.
  17. OK guys I'm learning this plane, and I think it's awesome, worth each 1$ I spent on it. Did couple flights, still learning, most problems were able to fix by myself, but I still can't really manage the autopilot. Very ofter my A/P NAV missing points and after passing one point it's just flying ahead without a turn. To fix it, I need to get into DIR mode and redirect it. What's wrong here?
  18. I got the same, looks like something is broken : More here :
  19. Flying X-Plane 11 for a long time and never knew there is a flashflight here, which I got assigned to a key in Prepar3D ... Thanks...
  20. I never turn VNAV before last waypoint before T/D all the time flying on ALT. But if I got ALT + VNAV turned on and select lower altitude the plane is not descending after passing T/D. Need to be ALT turned off. Should it work like this?
  21. I don't see this "bug". Saw so far ice once on 10 flights on the wings and front glass.
  22. Maybe you give me a clue. Everytime I want to fly this plane during night session starting from an airport in GA section (so in 99% no external lighting) I'm not able to get battery switch ON, because of total darkness, so have to change for a while time to 11:00am for example turn battery on and lights and move back to real night time. Of course I know I can map the battery button to a key, but is there any other solution? I also think the night lights inside the plane are not sufficient. Any comments here guys?
  23. Great plane ... please develop it further. First time since 2 years started flying GA plane, and can't stop.... Luckily decided to buy it from 1.1.13 version. Thanks for the great job.
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