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Everything posted by MdMax

  1. It looks great, but I have no idea what airport it is. Can you give us a hint ?
  2. Hi Herb ! I had the same problem with 64 bit Ubuntu Linux 9.04. I thought it was because of my french AZERTY keyboard, so I just changed the key assignements. Happy flying. 8)
  3. Hi all ! Austin's answers are online now: http://techhaze.com/2010/03/interview-with-x-plane-creator-austin-meyer/ Happy reading.
  4. Hello ! FlyingJackal, you should listen to Austin in this podcast where he talks about the SR22 and C400: http://www.fsbreak.net/podcast/22 Jim I just saw the video ! Great work ! It's really awesome. Happy flying.
  5. Hello ! This aircraft is looking great ! Will this one be available for Windows/Mac only, or also for Linux ? Best regards.
  6. A good mesh is important, but it changes only the terrain elevation. Did someone test this tool ? http://www.x-scenerybuilder.com/home.html
  7. Hi all ! Yes you can make your own scenery, but you can also make sure that OpenStreetMap is complete and looks good near your home town. OpenStreetMap is for maps what Wikipedia is for the encyclopedia. It's not only free, but it has an open licence allowing you to edit and export to the format you want. This must be confirmed, but I have read somewhere that X-Plane 10 may use OSM data. This would be great ! Forests, villages, roads and rivers would be at the right place near my home town. http://www.openstreetmap.org/ http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/FAQ But you don't need to wait for X-Plane 10. Today you can use XPOSM. Happy flying !
  8. An update is available for Linux users ! http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=148947
  9. Hi all X-Pilot fans ! Florian Wardell from TechHaze.com will soon interview Austin Meyer. So on the AVSIM X-Plane forum he asked for questions... and he said the goal is to challenge the man. http://forums1.avsim.net/index.php?showtopic=279557 Maybe you also have some questions for Austin. Best regards.
  10. MdMax

    X-Rated Falco

    Great video !!! 8) Thank you !
  11. MdMax

    Gizmo 10.3.4

    Hi Indi- Is there something new about the Linux version of Gizmo ? Best regards.
  12. Hi all ! Very interesting link. On the GNOME panel I always monitor temperatures of my GPU and CPU but I never had temperatures over 65°C (with VSync enabled). I would worry if this changes. I'm still using the 195.36.08 driver for Linux but sometimes I'm using beta drivers. You're right, Nvidia has covered their bases. But did Microsoft cover their bases ? Does it really mean something when a driver is "WHQL" or not ?
  13. Hi Aaron and welcome ! What's up ? Well, I can't wait flying the CRJ-200, the Sequoia Falco and MU-2 with the new Garmin GTX330, and of course the future XP-Jets 777. ;D
  14. This means you already know (or guess) it will be released in 2010 ! That's nice to hear. I hope the file format for navigation data will be "open" or at least easy to edit and understand. Most add-ons I know are using text files, so you can even create your own points, airways or SID/STAR procedures. You can even create your own tools to convert AIRAC cycles from the sources you want. But I like Navigraph. They provide a very good service for most Flight Simulator products so you don't have to care about this. OK it's not free, but if you really need the latest cycle then it's worth the price. And this also means you can update your AIRAC cycle... I know products where there's no solution provided (SimSoftWorkshop A310 or Reality-XP GNS using the Garmin Trainer data).
  15. Hello ! Updates can be downloaded here for X-Plane: http://data.x-plane.com/
  16. ;D I think we have a lot good news in this topic: - Cameron told us that for future products, we'll have an automated re-activation. Human contact and e-mails are fine, but are also a lot of work for the author or vendor, and that can make support costs very high. I guess most questions you have to answer are about keys and about the DRM, not about bugs or add-on problems. But, even with the best possible support, customers from other timezones may have to wait a few hours for an answer. An automated re-activation would make it possible to re-activate the product within a few minutes. When I was using Windows and FS2004 I bought some Flight1 products. With their website and with the e-mails you got after the purchase, it's very easy to get a new key if you change your hardware. - We learned a lot about the DRM inside the MU-2. We can reinstall the product if we need to do it, and we can ask for a new key. The DRM is just used to activate or enable the product like a serial number and we're entitled to use it for as long as we like. So engines will not stop because we were using the add-on more than 4 hours per week, or because one day we'll be in 2011. - For now, X-Plane add-ons are a "niche market". If this changes, the use of DRM may be "re-evaluated". I really hope this will happen, not only because of the DRM, but also because it will make it possible to create more and more high-quality add-ons for X-Plane. It will also make sure authors and vendors will be well paid for their hard work and talent. - I'm happy to see that something has been prepared in case of a major problem with X-Aviation. I hope we'll never need this key utility and that X-Aviation will last forever. But if not, customers may still have a solution from Google if X-Aviation ever goes out of business. So SimSoftWorkshop's story will not repeat here. - Tom agreed that information about the licence should be available before people buy the add-on. I think this is important. And I even think the licence should be "accepted" during the purchase or a least during the installation. Hobofat is right when he says people wouldn't read it. Most people will not read it, they will just scroll the text and click "I agree" if the website or software requests it. But I think it's important for the vendor to make sure it has been displayed on the customer's screen. Without this, in some countries you wouldn't be able to tell a court that a customer did violate the terms of the contract. For now it's easy for him to prove he never saw this contract and he'll say he didn't know that he was not allowed to distribute the software (and to sell millions of copies). And it's important for customers to know software is a like service, it's not like hardware you really own, you can sell, share, or give away. It's important for them to know what the licence allows and not, that authors are behind this software and that they have rights. Young generations don't know this and don't care about this... sometimes they even don't know that they're sharing their complete filesystem on P2P networks. But that's another big problem. Now I have a question... you decided to use DRM and I respect that even if I don't like DRM. But can this technology make it possible to release a time limited demo of the MU-2 ? That would make it possible for customers to try the product before they buy it (like the X-Plane demo). I'm not sure, but this may be an additional way to show Flight Simulator users that excellent add-ons are available in X-Plane, and that X-Plane should be something else than just a "niche market".
  17. Hello ! I also bought the MU-2 and I love this add-on. It's really an excellent product. But I'm like dainja556, and I can't stand DRM. I call this Digital Restrictions Management, because it handles only restrictions, no rights. I hesitated a lot before buying the MU-2, because of the DRM. I had to search if it's compatible with my operating system. DRM are making products fragile and I know I'll not be able to use it more than 2 or 3 years, not "for as long as I like". It's not a sustainable product and that's why it's difficult for me to recommend it. Just an example: long time ago I bought an Airbus A310 from SimSoftWorkshop. At the time it came out, it was the most detailed Airbus simulation for Flight Simulator. Today there's no more way to contact the author and vendor because his website is off-line since about 2 years. The DRM makes it impossible to reinstall and use the product I purchased. You're right when you say it takes only 3 minutes to install the MU-2, but then, you can't forget the DRM. It's good to know I'm allowed to change my computer, thank you ! But why isn't it possible to know that, and to read the complete license of the product before buying the product ? Would you sign a contract without reading it ? Do you accept to sign a contract without knowing its terms ? I did that when purchasing the MU-2. Here you have to buy the product before knowing what you are able or allowed to do with it. Now each time I will upgrade my computer, I'll need a new key, and ask for a permission to reinstall the add-on. I'm guilty until I prove I'm not. This is not compatible with the constitution in my country. This means also that I will always need an access to the vendor's site and wait for his answer, I hope my ISP will be reliable that day. And I don't know when a new key will be requested by the add-on. Is it if I change the motherboard, the CPU, the GPU ? Or is it also if I change from Ubuntu Linux to Debian or Fedora or Suse Linux ? I'm sad that most good products are infected by DRM technology. I'm sad that authors and vendors still consider the DRM as a solution against piracy even if it's only a problem for their customers who paid for it. It's just defective by design. But as I said, I love the aircraft, and enjoy every moment I'm flying it. Best regards and happy flying to all. 8)
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