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Everything posted by Pils

  1. Network sync of aircraft state will never work properly for addon aircraft. I don’t know about your specific setup/issue, but TBM most likely needs to only be run once on the main computer with the controls and avionics displays.
  2. https://discord.gg/NW4bxAAF
  3. You probably switched database on FMS1 before the AC power was applied to the FMS2/3, by going out of order from the checklist.
  4. Gizmo is not required for activation on Linux. You, and the others, can ignore this specific error.
  5. Last backtrace isn’t similar, points more at the sim itself, which would require reporting to LR. However as you have many plugins you’ll need to remove all third party plugins except Gizmo64 in order to test on a “clean” system.
  6. The SAM plugin is highly likely to crash X-Plane. This will need to be removed before we can troubleshoot reliably. There is an alternative available as SAM is no longer supported by its developer. https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/90865-opensam-an-open-source-replacement-for-sam/
  7. I’m sorry this isn’t an xPilot (Vatsim client) support forum.
  8. Is it possible to post a video of this behaviour, please? Thanks.
  9. Ah ok. If using Xsaitekpanels, or similar interface, plugin I suggest removing all the default functions, if they’re still in place. Can be in basic function, there’s commands for all the FCP functions.
  10. Any chance you can provide a sim screen capture and log.txt, please?
  11. Sure: 1. Open the zip file from downloads folder 2. Run the installer for your OS (Windows or macOS, probably) 3. Follow the on screen instructions
  12. Yes. No. (There's no way to do this.)
  13. Are you using Zink? If not, try to. Also... Please also attach a Log.txt from XP.
  14. The configurator is the only way the autopilot controls on the Bravo can be used as intended, which my profile does. The course selector moves the course knob, which isn’t always what one needs/wants.
  15. I love you.
  16. When one uses "toggle reverse" one must move the throttle levers forward to add thrust above idle. The thrust reverser levers on the Bravo are simple switches, as it sounds like you've discovered. (Which is why I'm not sure what "no 8 and 9 levers (T. Reverse)" means.) Otherwise it does sound rather broken. I suggest stripping the sim back to defaults; remove the bridge plugin and any other Lua scripts, unbind everything in X-Plane, and start over.
  17. The configuration writes the profiles, the bridge executes them, there is no relation to the default X-Plane controls, they are completely unaware of each other. I think there's something not right with the configuration. Maybe a conflict between the bridge and the default controls. Or maybe something needs updating in the profile. My profile is very simple. It only covers the autopilot controls and lights, no other buttons or axis, they can be done with X-Plane (AirbusFTW had other ideas, so there's alternatives :)). I'm a firm believe in keeping my sim setup as simple as possible. (I don't actually use my profile anymore, I have another autopilot control.) However, I did generate a summary document: https://github.com/pilsnerish/Honeycomb-Profiles/blob/main/CL-650.txt. I think you may be confusing my profile with another, AirbusFTW's I would guess. However, that sounds like the behaviour I would expect as that matches the real plane's fuel shutoff function. Again, it is not necessary to use the bridge to achieve this.
  18. I don't know what you mean, sorry. DRT is incompatible with the CL650 in its default state.
  19. You don't want any overlap. Personally I use X-Plane for as much as possible, i.e. all axes, simple buttons, etc. In a sense; the bridge will execute whatever it's been programmed by the profile, regardless of what X-Plane's control configuration is, and neither are aware of the other. No. That would be in the configurator tool. If there's overlap between it and X-Plane then you'll get getting duplicate actions and things will go badly. That would be a question for Aerosoft. Maybe there's some included documentation. Otherwise, it's an X-Plane plugin that uses the XPLM SDK as set out on LR's developer website.
  20. I'm not familiar with the profiles, but I assume one should match the profile to one's hardware selection. The Boeing profile would be default as these levers are included with the Bravo (as the "commercial" option), whereas the Airbus levers are a paid accessory.
  21. I suggest not having any overlap between the configurator/bridge and X-Plane's assignments. How exactly do you have the reverser levers configured on the hardware?
  22. When the microphone/transmit selector (the knob in the middle) is in a particular position then the corresponding radio/audio source cannot be muted.
  23. Please provide screenshots.
  24. Yes, being investigated.
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