I created a short video to show what I am experiencing.
(Note in video: Disregard the Power Levers at FLT IDLE vs. GND IDLE... does not seem to have an impact but forgot to put it back when I started recording the video)
Prop 2 Condition Lever does not appear to engage the Detent like CL1
If you manually move CL2 with mouse it works fine as long as Hardware Prop Lever is not in the start position.
Issue is with Hardware Lever at start detent. Not sure if there are jitters causing the issue or not.
On a separate topic: Also noticed that after the initial power up/start, if you shut down the engines and power down the aircraft the "BLEED OFF" Lights do not illuminate when you power up and restart the sequence. Not sure if that is a bug or normal ops.
Thanks for the support,