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Everything posted by Maniac12

  1. I want to fly it )))
  2. THIS IS SO COOL! THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH! It's my favorite GA jet aeroplane!
  3. Yaay Good work you have there
  4. When's it getting out of the hangar? The Let-410 I mean
  5. I can't wait! Looks great!
  6. It looks really great! I hope it'll be finished soon!! I can't belive it will be freeware O.O
  7. Wow really nice! Can't wait to try it out!!
  8. Anything new???
  9. I like 3D cockpits more also, BUT! If 2D cockpit is nice, not messed up and every button is recognisable, I like them more. In payware planes, they are expected (well for me anyway). I am learning making 3D cockpits, and I can tell you guys, It's really hard. And it's not beacouse Im just 13, but beacouse its really really REALLY hard! Cheers!
  10. Wow LOVE IT!
  11. Maniac12

    Tapatalk Now Active for Mobile Viewing

    dang! You have to pay for it + that I don't have iOS, Android or Blackberry device... that's sad for me
  12. Nope... it's diffrent That FOX that I gave him is not from XPFR. It's from other member from X-plane.org...
  13. JUST FOUND A NEW, VERY GOOD ONE! here http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=8715
  14. Maniac12


  15. yaaaaay! I am downloading it allready!
  16. The default one? I think it's the best one
  17. wow, very nice
  18. Than make a cockpit_INN.obj for 3d cockpit with out pilot and cockpit_OUT for what you see from the outside, ussualy with a pilot.
  19. Go to viewpoint and click on the second tab and fiddle around with the bottom buttons... X-Plane's transparent textures make objects and other plane-maker stuff invisible.... Except if you click some buttons on the viewpoint... I know, that there is a button that mignt help, but I can't open plane maker right now, I'm on my mobile phone.
  20. Yeah.... You find one... You have one from Slovenia in the same plane-maker group xD
  21. Maniac12


    Any texture or some work pictures?
  22. Nice, but when I read this magazine, there is just one or two things about X-Plane..
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