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Everything posted by -TheoGregory

  1. We've just (well me actually ) repainted the entire Saab 340 and have put the paint resolution to 200px/m* approx which gives us the possibility to add huge amounts of detail including all the rivets, panel lines and even the little chips of paint that have come of the fuselage as a result of long hours in the sky. * To give you some bearings, the PMDG MD-11 has a 37px/m paint kit.
  2. Example1 Example2 Example3 Your saying that DRM is unnecessary? Chances are, you would be fine without DRM. But do we risk it. You could (I don't believe you will, but still) put our plane up on every torrent site for 1000 12 year old's to download and we lose $25,000 to $30,000. All it takes is one person and you have lost enough to go on an expensive holiday to over the other side of the world and have the money to do amazing things while over there, and probably have enough money to pay off your credit card (Goran ) and buy a new car... 1/8th of music, people have in there possession (digitally or hardcopy), is acquired from legal sources. Where's the rest of the music coming from!? Can you see where developers come from wanting to only protect themselves from losing 2000-3000 hours of work? (Most of the work making you want to take a 9mm to your monitor)
  3. Why does the x737's wings flap?? Nice video. Good camera angles too.
  4. Isn't it Trigonometry? "socahtoa"
  5. A vacation is where you have time from work. Working roughly 6 hours a day in a different location could hardly be called a vacation -Theo P.S. Andy where about round Canterbury are you from. Only asking as I'm in Christchurch myself ...
  6. Check my shorts... :
  7. Manipulator's!? Heinz!? Well there's a first time for everything.
  8. If you turn off that co-pilot. I'm pretty sure you wont notice the fps change at all it might be 1-2 fps and 1-2 fps for a better sense of realism and immersion is not a big cost. Fantastic work Javier! TheoGregory
  9. Ahhh joys of normal maps. Looks great
  10. Hey, We (Jason Goran and Myself) were talking on skype and decided to ask on X-Pilot how long a developer has spent developing an addon of any kind in one sitting (with the exception of getting food and toilet etc) I personally have done 35 hours before i'll leave it up to Goran and Jason to post here and set there record. And if you've developed an add-on please feel free to vote and write the number in the thread. So far in on 20 hours at the moment straight on Saab 340. -Theo
  11. Big Font, Lots of Spacing and Pictures for those of us that get distracted easily... Oh butterfly! Its beautiful!
  12. Sorry for a double post but i'd just like to say a big thank you to our host Javier! (maybe a mod could move this thread to a more appropriate section ?)
  13. MSFS crowd don't like X-Plane because of the lack of third party add-ons that are visually appealing. Lets face it. X-Planes Add on market is a lot smaller than MSFS. I'm certainly not saying we should change to look up tables and data sheets or use DX10 etc. Im just saying that we should strive to make it a better sim. X-Plane needs the third party addon's to draw the MSFS crowd. I can see where you find peters aircraft immersive but thats just the panel. The outside is as important as the inside now days. And tbh, his A380 panel looks like a disaster. Solid colors everwhere. Its a textures nightmare. He needs to step up his game and take some texturing classes (and modelling for those of you who know more about this plane than the average person)
  14. Thats so true. 1.5 million polygons does not mean its good. Infact its bad. Its the biggest waste of poly's ever and it he could have looked exactly the same with 300,000 faces and could have improved your frame rate by 20-30 fps. The texturing is very boring and the only redeeming piece of art was his panel on his last planes and he got rid of that on the A380. His plane isn't even finished if you look at his site. Heinz's caravelle is better than that and we all know just how we feel about that wonderful piece of 2d artwork. I'm sorry for insulting these people who work very hard on these add-ons but as nic says We can and have to be critical about payware if we want X-Plane to become as popular as MSFS.
  15. Jacoba: Thanks very much for your comments. The Hawker is being re textured and having custom displays and FMS and such so you may have to wait 2 months till release but you'll love it . As Goran said, posts like that us inspire work on our products until ridiculous hours ( did 15 hours straight on wednesday only stopping for water when my head started throbbing and my screen had burnt into my retina's ) Screens of the Saab fully rendered with complete textures should be up for with in 4-5 days... Cheers, Theo
  16. Or Air New Zealand... oh wait im painting them... ok guys.
  17. I wasnt actually planning on doing one but i suppose i could pump out ANZ. I'll include the pacific coastal as well because it looks rather simple. -TheoGregory
  18. Is the Pope Catholic... ;D (I'll talk him into it) It'll get back for all impossible deadlines he's given me.
  19. Finish this plane or i'll kick your ass (Looking awesome)
  20. Hey, X-Plane does indeed support two screens but you may need a piece of hardware like some sort of splitter to do so. And yes X-Plane has IVAO intergration. (http://www.ivao.aero/softdev/) Your in the process of making the right decision T
  21. What can I say, I'm an asshole . Some shots coming soon guys
  22. Website update: It will most probably be made entirely in flash.
  23. A 727 is in the works so I hear!
  24. Oh there are... PM if you'd like a list. This is not the place to talk about it
  25. Its the forums because you've uploaded them to direct to x-pilot and x-pilot cant find them. It would pay to tell Cameron about that.
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