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Everything posted by Kesomir

  1. Kesomir


    I set the saitek's throttle 1 axis's reverse 'switch' (full back) to initiate reverse thrust. That way, pulling all throttles to 'reverse' activates the reversers.
  2. You don't need to move the folder at all, but I recommend that you do not place the folder in the program files or program files (32) paths as you'll run into problems with elevated privs. You may need to contact x-aviation on their website to get another activation, but one of them can confirm and will no doubt sort you out fairly quickly.
  3. That is such an ugly duckling lol. I'm sure it has sentimental value, and the modelling and texturing are both spot on, but she u-g-l-y My opinion only of course. I don't expect much in way of agreement.
  4. That doesn't match with an interview with Austin. Unless you have other data of course. Source: http://techhaze.com/2010/03/interview-with-x-plane-creator-austin-meyer/
  5. Kesomir

    some questions

    Apologies tobs. 1) You overwrite each theme with the texture set you are installing - no need to revert back to defaults first. If you like a theme you create, you can save it to make it easier to load again in the future. 2) On 'Configuration & options manager' ensure that 'Enable weather sync with x-plane' is ticked and that in x-plane, the settings for weather have download METAR deselected, but scan METAR file selected. These instructions are in the user manual which loads when you select 'Help' from the top tabs on REXPlane. 3) Having thought about this a little more, REX installed textures will work regardless of the weather source, but I imagine that Vatsim weather updates the METAR file no? in which case, you'd want to deselect 'enable weather sync with x-plane' in REXPlane and just use the texture enhancements to avoid the two weather sources conflicting. Hope that answers your questions better, but the question regarding how the weather is updated (does it load weather on updates depending on where you are) needs to come from an authoritative source. I can say that it does not update the textures during flight, and that from my flights it appears to give a range of weather which I would expect to match areas I was flying through (deserts were dry, storms were over wet areas).
  6. Publishing on rapidshare while Camerons out? lol grats on the first completion. Now, I'm looking forward to the bigger fish - the saab and 747s
  7. Kesomir

    some questions

    1) The default textures are backed up on first start and can be restored if desired. 2) You enable the weather link in REX, then change weather settings to scan the weather file, but not download it. REX then updates the file. I believe this applies weather per your location, but cannot confirm this. Need an online flyer to answer 3, sorry.
  8. I have to second this statement. I own REX for FSX and the application that loads the textures was slow to the point where I would load textures, close the app and leave them in for many, many flights. The REXplane app, I use completely differently. It's fast, comfortable and doesn't get in the way. I use the wxweather button to load the right textures for the flight I'm flying as well as having REX control the weather (Read the instructions to set to read the weather file but not download). There's room in x-plane 10 for REXplane I feel, since my pet peeves are x-plane itself: the weather completely changing on an update (can't they smoothly interpolate / tween between the two?) and the other ground texture refresh pop. Anyway, heres a video of me overrunning in the congo.REX clouds can be seen in the start during the storm.
  9. (Dont forget to set 720p to watch in HD)I'm currently on a propilot event for my Virtual Airline Euroharmony: www.fly-euroharmony.com Propilot is the name of the system we use involving a flight logger and rewards / penalties based on flight performance. The event is 'volcano scientific study tour' and involves flying a 747-400F to carry a science team + equipment around to a bunch of volcanoes. Info Here: http://www.euroharmony.com/site/events/VolcanoTour/ongoing.html I repainted the XPFW 747-400 RR to repurpose it for freight duty and the vid is of my landing at LGSA at the end of the first hop. I hope you enjoy. Next hop I'm using REX. Am flying it now, but its from LGSA down to the Congo, so it'll be a little while.
  10. Why do the wings flex up like that when hitting the ground? I would have thought they'd flex down as that's where the momentum is.
  11. clouds look gorgeous. HD clouds (2048x2048) appear to drop my frames from about 50 to about 35, but I'll need more than a 5 minute test.
  12. Just need to shower and head down to the flight sim pc and then clcik buy
  13. Cheers Cameron. Just a heads up - I tried browsing for the REX product using x-aviation and couldn't find it - it doesn't seem to appear in the scenery listing. Can get to it from the above link and from the rex website though.
  14. What is the re-download policy at x-aviation? I ask because I know that download links expire.
  15. I also own rex for FSX and will be getting this for x-plane when released. yeehaw. Now we just need a shedload of airports
  16. Javier and Co are going to be making an A320 Leading Edge are going to be making a 747-200 and 747-400
  17. SO what about the -800? ;D
  18. Aye, just saw this on XPFW. Excellent news. Simply wonderful.
  19. As I understand it, x-planes sound system is in need of a some love, not least to up the quality of sound files for a start.
  20. I don't want to write a plugin for someone elses payware plane though Easier to hit master off. That would be useful as a plane specific plugin however to link engines 3 and 4 to 1 and 2 for startup and shutdown.
  21. I believe there are other 'Engines' on the plane used like JERA. When doing engine shutdown on 1 and 2 my VA flight logger does not register all engines off. Toggling master engine off does, so I suspect hidden engines for sound purposes.
  22. it's the high res textures, you may have problems if your video card doesn't have a chunk of ram. No probs on a 1Gig card, but maybe on a 256MB. Looks beautiful I must say and runs better than the corvalis does on my machine.
  23. To operate the autopilot, click on the AP button on the Autopilot controls (centre of glareshield). This engages the Autopilot. To get the AP to fly a heading, use the wheel under the HDG button to set the heading. Once set, hit the HDG button to engage. Aircraft should now bank to and hold that heading. To get the AP to maintain altitude, Use the ASEL wheel under ALT to set the Altitude (listed on primary MFD). Once set, you will need to reach that altitude, so hit the V/S button to engage Vertical Speed mode. Use the Wheel to the left of V/S to set the rate of ascent / descent and the aircraft should comply. Once the aircraft reaches the set altitude, it will level off and switch to altitude hold mode (ALT button lit). For an ILS landing, input the correct frequency into NAV1 and when intercepting the glidescope, hit the APR button. This will use the ILS to take the aircraft down to the runway. Disengage AP at a few hundred feet (Hit AP button so light extinguishes), assume manual control and flare for landing. Hope that helps.
  24. It has a good visual model, high resolution textures and a 3d cockpit that is easy on the eye. Compare it to a default FSX aircraft, but probably with better flight modelling. Aircraft handles very smooth and is very nice to fly. You can jump in the aircraft and fly it without having to pour through manuals first. I wish parts of the 3d pit were better textured / looked better, but the area in front of you has no major issues re: aesthetics. In short, I would recommend this aircraft to everyone. If you're looking for ultimate systems realism, this isn't it, but I count that as a plus. It's a plane to be enjoyed casually. A PMDG Express product
  25. Dan's ERJ is available at the org.
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