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Everything posted by ilias.tselios

  1. AVSIM is a pothole of self entitled assh..., er... "geniuses"... X-Plane was always there, the unwelcomed child of flight sim, so is not a representative place of the community's sentiment about X-Plane.
  2. After releasing DC3 and C23, then I'll found sometime to see if it is possible a quick patch for XP12.
  3. XP12 version is almost ready, and soon will be available. Soon as in a few weeks.
  4. There is no such folder. Avanti requires to have Gizmo installed into your system.
  5. Pure BS. https://fselite.net/content/just-flight-updates/ Both never internally developed for X-Plane, but contracted with XP developers to make the "conversions". Like what JF does right now.
  6. I mostly agree about devs communicating more with users. This is, at least for this era, the trend. That's why most of the dev teams have own discord servers that allow more direct interactions. Now, about XP12 upgrades, I think there is a misconception. Laminar promoted the idea of compatibility between XP11 and XP12 addons, that is not exactly the case. Update an (aircraft) addon from XP11 to a fully fledged XP12 one, a lot of changes are required, almost in every aspect of the aircraft, to the point that you can't maintain a common development branch for both X-Plane versions. That means a lot of additional hours of work. In conclusion, if a developer provides a minimal patch for the aircraft "just works" in XP12, then free is the better option. But if we are talking for full XP12 standards aircraft, then a paid upgrade is the logical. Still though asking people for money, should come with a good communication of why that's the case, per addon. Free full fledged upgrades to XP12, should be considered as a gift from the devs to users.
  7. Is aircraft power (battery) on?
  8. No special requirements. It is a good practice to have in the description, which libraries you are using, so the user does not have issues, when using.
  9. Dear Captains, Has been a long time since the last update, but we have been working continuously, especially the last months. We are now at the point, that this might be the last developer's update before release. X-Plane 12 As you already know, a lot of things happened the last year; the biggest one, the release of X-Plane 12. We were participating in X-Plane 12 alpha testing, from day one, and while we were proving feedback to Laminar, we also testing DC-3's compatibility, and how we will react to this change. Initially, without knowing XP12 release date, we were planning to release for XP11. But around Autumn, with the X-Plane 12 beta out, it was obvious we had to support X-Plane 12 as well. In those testing days, we were continuously switching between X-Plane versions, to be sure that things work right for both simulators. But, with the new stuff X-Plane 12 brought, it was obviously that we cannot have a common aircraft for both versions. Even we tried to have a version with only what works in both version, but that was going to be a half-baked product, so was no go. Also we took a decision (read below), that would have made parallel development impossible. Given the extension of our development roadmap, we were sure that DC-3 release will happen after the official X-Plane 12 release. So, we decided to move forward and support only X-Plane 12. Introducing DC-3, Modern aircraft version! While all the above was going on, brainstorming together with our beta testers, we decided to create a second aircraft with more modern avionics. While the, the now named, DC-3 Classic gives you all the vibes of the 1940's technology, it was going to be hard, if not impossible to perform flights specially in online networks. Also, the newer, "Modern" aircraft is more accessible to more pilots, having instrumentation that is very well known, widely used. Of course, that does not mean, just drop a few instrument (idk... like G1000s ) and call it a day. Everything designed and developed to work as per manuals. Here what is new: Pilots' Stations: 1. Pilot's HSI: Bendix/King KI-525A. 2. Pilot's RMI: Bendix/King KNI-582 Dual Pointer RMI. 3. 2 Course Indicators, one for each pilot. 4. 2 independent KDI-572 DME indicators, one for each pilot. Radio Stack: 1. Bendix/King KAP-140 Autopilot - Two Axis with Altitude Preselect. 2. X-Plane's GNS 530, with support for RealityXP's 530, which also provides controls for COM1/NAV1. 3. Bendix/King KX-165A VHF COM/NAV transceiver, for COM2 and NAV2 tuning. 4. Bendix/King KT-73 Transponder. 5. 2 Bendix/King KR-87 Silver Crown ADF systems. All radios and autopilot are fully simulated and perform all normal operations, as described in their manuals. For the rest of the systems, they were updated were needed, and adapted to operate with the new aircraft. The maintenance and airframe systems, are also apply to the Modern aircraft as well. Conclusion We are reaching the final stretch of this development road, and will be very happy to provide you 2 aircraft, the Classic for the vintage aircraft enthusiasts, and the Modern, which is more capable, in terms of IFR operations. Time for a couple screenshot of the new aircraft, right? (of course still WIP!)
  10. I have an i7-4970, 24GB RAM, and a 1060 6GB, and XP12 runs more than fine. On performance level, is at least on par with XP11, and will utilize your graphics card better. Also, Laminar works constantly to improve performance, and will getting better with every new update. Yes, you won't turn all sliders to max, but the experience is way better than XP11. Moreover, the improvements in all fronts (FM, weather, visuals, etc) are so great, that feels a totally different sim. By the way, I use my machine for aircraft development, and I have to run X-Plane in parallel with other heavy applications. Still performance is more than OK.
  11. I'm not part of Saab's development, so I can't give you an answer. I don't know if @Goran_M or @JGregorycan chime in.
  12. We are in the closing stages, before releasing DC3 v2 version. You can have a look here: https://forums.x-pilot.com/forums/forum/242-douglas-dc-3-v2/ or join our discord server for more: https://discord.gg/85apMfvm.
  13. If libraries include any kind of licence (usually a text file), you have to read and do accordingly. If not, better ask permision from the author.
  14. Click on the name to go to profile, and there is a Follow member button.
  15. Thanks! That was a good one. Don't worry...will do do better!
  16. Working as hard as possible to finish LES DC3. Until DC3 release no news. I haven't, and never will, give up on DC9.
  17. That depends on Gizmo, which currently does not support Linux.
  18. Needs a lot of work to work properly in X-Plane 12. When I'll have some free time, I might updated her, but not any time soon.
  19. x-pilot... not xpilot!
  20. You are probably looking for those forums: https://forums.vatsim.net/forum/352-xpilot/
  21. That's why I'm pointing to my experience, and not talking generally. I suggest to let @Coopto know about any issues, giving him all the info you can, so he can find a solution.
  22. No my job to talk about G500, but I have the latest beta and the published version of G500, and works OK, at least on my machine.
  23. Every developer/store has its own policies, or just thinking about how to do stuff. We (the developers) know, since we are in daily contact with Laminar, that X-Plane 12 is in a phase that some things will change in the near future. If a developer choose to ship an aircraft now, and have to redo some stuff, when the changes will arrive, good for him/her. Though, in the meanwhile, something might not work right, until the developer patch it, and the user experience is not going to be great. Another developer might choose to postpone the release, until he/she has the confidence that the product will perform (almost) perfect as intended, and give the user a much better experience. In both cases, will be user that will complain for the one or the other. You can't satisfy all. But if you are 'anxious' that no one here cares about bringing our aircraft up to XP12 standards, you should not. Beyond that there are many new aircraft under development from all the teams having product in X-Aviation store, that have not hit the market yet, almost all existing ones, are actively being in the works for that. For example, a few days ago I announced the first LES aircraft getting ready for XP12.
  24. I can confirm at this point is that DC3 v2 will be.
  25. Hello Captains! We are happy to announce that our Beechcraft C23 Sundowner, soon will be available for X-Plane 12! This is not a simple patch to make Sundowner X-Plane 12 compatible, but a serious upgrade with many improvements, and additions! The version that is already in the store, includes 2 versions of the aircraft, the original version, and upgraded version with Garmin's G5 avionics. The new Sundowner adds 2 more versions, for a total of 4! One with the Garmin G500, and one with Garmin 1000 avionics! Those upgrades are not simple instruments swapping, but go deep into aircraft's systems, like the electrical, which now includes all circuits breakers to be operational! Here is a feature list with all the major items: X-Plane 12 (only) compatible. Support for the full X-Plane 12 run. X-Plane 12 flight model integration, which includes: a. Flight model adjustments for correct aircraft performance. b. X-Plane 12 new weight and balance model. You can adjust the weight of each seat occupant, through X-Plane's UI. c. Yaw trim tab adjustment, for neutral rudder input at cruise. Four aircraft models, with unique panel layout, and operation. a. The original C23 Sundowner. b. C23 Sundowner with G5 Instruments (requires the RealSimGear G5 Instruments from X-Aviation store). c. C23 Sundowner with G500 Avionics Suite (requires the RealSimGear G500 Avionics Suite from X-Aviation store). d. C23 Sundowner with X-Plane's G1000 Avionics Suite. X-Plane 12 windscreen rain effects, and defrost control. Full use of X-Plane 12 lighting system. All circuit breaker are operational. Fully simulated AMR-350 TSO audio panel, for the original, G5, and G500 models. For the G1000 version, extended simulation of the GMA 1347 audio panel. All models simulate the use of headphones. Integration of Libradio, for true to life COM and NAV reception. Credits to @skiselkov. Controls and displays for COM and NAV radios, individualized per model. For the original model, G5, and G500, COM1 and NAV1 are controlled via the GNS430 head unit, and COM2 and NAV2 via the radio stack units. a. The original model has a button between CDI and DME indicators to switch sources between VOR1 and VOR2. Pressing the CDI button on the GNS430, source becomes the GPS. b. In the G5 model, NAV1 drives the G5 HSI, and NAV2 the CDI and DME indicators. c. For the G500 model, all NAV indications are displayed on the G500 PFD. New tablet location. Now stored under the panel, on the right side, and displayed on pilot's yoke. I think it's time for some images! Here you go!
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