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Everything posted by ilias.tselios

  1. Reverse region, as you can see at the labeling (MAX REV). In the actual plane the power levers stop at IDLE, and then you lift them to go into reverse. Here you can use the same button/command as in jet aircrafts and add thrust. The levers are animated to go backwards in X-Plane. I'm waiting a set of new manipulators to be available to make for them too (as is for condition levers, also update them), so you can operate them with the mouse...though I found it a bit troublesome to do it while trying to control the aircraft (that's my reasoning not put any manipulator on throttles yet...except the Go Around button!).
  2. Currently no, because I'm planning in the future to redo the whole 3D from scratch. If I find some time in the next days, I might do something for the current layout.
  3. If you move the mouse to this area, you should get a click spot. Also, by turning on the option to see the click regions, you should see a small green line (the manipulator is just behind the 3D object, so is mostly hidden from view). If you don't get that, I will send you my cockpit.obj file that works for sure. As I've posted in the features list: Propeller simulation is off, and will be addressed in the next update. There are some changes in the latests XP11 version that partially have change the propeller (and engine) operations. Avanti's engines are almost identical with Austin's one, so the changes have affected a lot, and "broke" the way things were working before. This was not trivial to be solved within the time I had available, for this release. With condition levers at MAX PWR and PWR levers at idle, you get around 1015 rpm and torque around 4.5%, but as soon as you advance the PWR levers a bit (torque ~16%) you will get 2000 rpm. Well this is not spot on, but let's say "ok", until I fix it. AFX is the indication that the AUTOFEATHER is armed (switch on and Ng above 90%).
  4. Something I'm working on, besides X-Plane... Welcome... Home!
  5. Cool that you find what causing the error. Happy flying!
  6. No, you should not turn off Gizmo. This plane uses SASL (instead of Gizmo), but this should not be the problem. I own many SASL-driven aircrafts and never had any problem, at all. From my research, this plane, Cessna 208B, has not XP11 support. Without being SASL-guru, I think that runs on an older SASL version, which is not full compatible with XP11. Unfortunately, from what I am aware of, XP11 updates on Carenado fleet means to rebuy the plane at full price.
  7. Thanks a lot! The initial (2.0.0) version, was just to make the plane flyable (and not crashing) with the minimum operational capabilities to accomplish a flight, even on online networks. From now one, and every time I will have some spare time, I will add more and more functionality. I believe that I will be able to publish 2-3 updates yearly (beyond bug fixes).
  8. You know that you can have as many control profiles as you want?
  9. In X-Plane there are 2 types of actions and 2 "amounts of force". Toggle is for the action of switching brakes on/off. This is useful to be used for Parking brake. Hold action is to simulate pressing the brakes. The amount of force applied has to stages. Regular and Maximum. When you use Regular force, then the amount X-Plane applies, is something less than 40% of the total force. Maximum=100%. The toggle/hold modes is how you apply those forces. I have strengthen up the "hold/regular" to provide 65% of braking force, which seems is not working on with "toggle". Taxiing with high RPMs (condition levers to full) will require braking to keep the speed under control. Better use "hold" instead of "toggle". When you want to stop completely, apply full force buy hold-maximum or toggle maximum. For the later you can use the Parking Handle in the cockpit, Personally I have 3 buttons for braking. 1 for normal braking (hold-regular), 1 for braking to stop (hold-max) and one to set the parking brake (toggle-max).
  10. What command are you using for brakes? Hold or toggle? Regular or maximum?
  11. Thanks I will have a look. For now please do a test for me. Unzip and replace the scripts folder. This should work correctly now. scripts.zip
  12. It's a rounding error. Wasn't happened on Mac, so I was not aware. I've fixed it and soon I will upload the new scripts. Reflections, at least for now, cannot be turned down, except if you want to edit a file. It is in objects folder, called displays.obj. Open with a text editor and change GLOBAL_specular to something smaller (ie. 0.2). There are not flaps/gears sound yet. The FMOD for now is very basic and needs a ton of work yet. You can just move the file out of the aircraft folder, and the old sounds will come back.
  13. Also I am in Mac, which I've notice the mouse operations are more smooth than windows. Anyway, in the next update I will increase the distance you have to drag the mouse to change value, which should work better. Keep in mind that you can also use your mouse wheel, which should work smoother. Rounding Error! Fixed.
  14. Sort answer no. Longer one...You need to have Gizmo plugin for Linux. Was available few months ago, but now, due to the lack of interest from Linux users, Gizmo is not support Linux any more. If you have the plugin, then you can use wine to install the plane.
  15. I do understand what you mean by that. Could you please give me an example.
  16. You don't need to do that. Just close the window.
  17. Not as should work. Will engage the autothrottles (which is not realistic...I'm getting ready a report on that). You might use it if you want, but first make sure that you have entered in the FMC (VNAV) logical values for the Avanti, otherwise will try to accelerate to 300KIAS! You can use FLC or VS modes, and I have added an Altitude Intercept Arc in the MFD map, to show you where you are going to reach your target altitude, so you can adjust your rate of descent.
  18. You should thank @Cameron. He's the one, although Saturday, worked to made this possible!
  19. @marpilot @jatar Please try again now. Problem fixed. I just installed the plane myself successfully.
  20. We are looking into this. Windows version?
  21. No. That's an old one and is not going to work.
  22. The file is pending for authorization. Try a bit later.
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