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ilias.tselios last won the day on November 13 2024

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About ilias.tselios

  • Birthday 09/12/1971

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    Developing for X-Plane (...is that really an interest ???)

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  1. In the Autopilot section, has a link for X-Plane's S-TEC 55 autopilot documentation, how's operation is identical. Here's the link: https://www.x-plane.com/manuals/S-TEC_Autopilot_Manual.pdf Also, there is a video tutorial for the Autopilot from Philipp, the guy who code it for X-Plane:
  2. OK, it is a peculiarity of the Autopilot. You have to be below the glideslope and in ALT mode. Then press the APPR button and you should get both ALT and GS indications. When the glideslope needle is about 1/3 above the center, you must press the ALT button. The ALT indication will go away and only the GS will be visible (regarding the vertical navigation). Then the aircraft will follow the GS to the ground.
  3. Do you mean does not?
  4. You don't get glideslope deviation, or the autopilot does not follow the glideslope?
  5. Sure she does! Check the online manual and if you have any questions, please ask! https://airfightergr.github.io/les_c23_docs/
  6. @blondejfx there is an initialization issue, which will be fixed in the next update. Until then, there is a walkaround: Let the GTN650 to boot up normally. When you pass through the initial screens, you'll end up as your pic above. Let the unit to turn to COM mode. Press the small FMS knob to go into NAV mode. Turn the volume knob all the way down. Now turn the volume up. The NAV is now powered.
  7. Thanks for reporting. I will look into this and let you know about a solution.
  8. Open the file LES C23 Sundowner/objects/cockpit_objs/LES_Sundowner_cockpit.obj with a text editor (preferably something like Notepad++). 1. Search for "les/C23/avionics/gtn650/home" and change it to "RXP/GTN/HOME_1". 2. Search for "les/C23/avionics/gtn650/direct" and change it to "RXP/GTN/DTO_1". This will fix the issue. Of course will be fixed in the next update.
  9. I added an option to control flaps via axis. I will try to release the update as soon as I can.
  10. Very nice setup! I hope to enjoy it, with the Sundowner as well, to the fullest!
  11. The tablet is stored behind copilot's yoke. See here in the online manual. https://airfightergr.github.io/les_c23_docs/all_acfs/lowrightpanel/. About the flaps, I will do some research and let you know. Probably you might need to setup axis with detents.
  12. Correct. It's a bug that is to fix in the next update I'm working on.
  13. I have started working (slowly) on the update and this is already done.
  14. I tested, but couldn't replicate it. In the contrary, I has the opposite, no flag when it should have been a flag. I check my setup and found some interesting "issues". Anyway, I fixed it now for the 2.0.4 update. I think might have been some changes in the sim about the gyros in the last updates. Keep in mind that needs electric power from the inverter and flags will go out when the gyros are aligned.
  15. This happens everywhere? If not, in which airport you were in when this happened?
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