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Everything posted by Goran_M

  1. There have been people who have used the KLN with the Saab. I think I've seen people use XFMC with the Saab as well. We do have an issue with that, and that issue is, if any problems arise (crashes, fps stutters, autopilot problems, etc...) then we can't offer official product support. We would be doing support for our work AND someone else's work.
  2. Let me try to understand what you are asking for, Eddie. You want the option of choosing a variant of the Citation with either a Garmin 430 or a Garmin 530. But not both. (I'd rather leave the KLN out of this discussion for now as it's a SASL product, and we have a ton of Gizmo code in the navigation systems.) The Citation has been changed since last you probably saw it and we now have both Garmins on the panel. So you can turn on both or just 1. Swapping them is, kind of, a moot point. I would actually look very seriously at adding the G1000 for the XP11 version. I'll discuss with Jim and one of us will reply back.
  3. I'll discuss with Jim and Cameron and one of us will post back.
  4. From what I have seen, all attempts by Ben to work with JarDesign have gone unanswered by them. It's hard to find a solution when 1 team is unwilling to co-operate.
  5. I've had a look at the Antonov's cockpit many times, and, although I do admire the plane for it's engineering (still can't get over it's size), and I think it would be a fun adventure to model it, there are a few variables that make it a nightmare. The number of gauges in the cockpit, and the Cyrillic lettering being just 2 major hurdles. I suppose the lettering could be translated to English, but then the authenticity would be gone. It's an extremely large scale project, if I were to do it to the level I wanted to do it. So for that reason, and a few others, I would only do it as a contract job. I could be reasonable in a quote as a contract job, but if you want details, it would be more appropriate to discuss that through the proper channels. To give you an idea, what would an average professional make at their job in 4 months? That amount would be somewhere around the amount that would make this happen.
  6. I would, but you wouldn't like my "reasonable price".
  7. This add on was made several years ago, without HDR lighting. I do have plans to upgrade it to today's quality, with HDR lighting, improved mesh and improved textures. Won't be until after the C23, and probably the Citation.
  8. Is that it? That's all that's needed to make it cozy??? Some dust and a few scratches on some used leather seats? Gotta be faster than that, Radek. I did that (and a lot more) months ago. Note: Some mesh shown is not accurate and has since been fixed. Disregard the "shine". That's a specular issue that will also be fixed, depending on how it looks with the exterior around the seats and cockpit.
  9. Still deciding whether I want to make the interior smell like used leather and plastic or that "new plane" smell.
  10. Hi Morrigan I'll go through a few things here with you. I followed your steps, exactly as you pointed them out, and screen shared with Jim so he can verify. Started the Saab, took off under manual power, Gear up, selected Autopilot and let it fly for about 20 seconds while climbing. Clicked the RED disconnect AP button on the yoke, and...absolutely nothing unusual happened. AP disconnected. Aircraft nose started to slowly go down. No error messages. Here's where I need to go through process of elimination with you. Have you updated X Plane to the latest 10.5 rc3? Do you have any other plug ins running? If so, I would kindly ask you to go to your plug ins menu and disable every single plug in, with the exception of Gizmo, then re-start the sim and go through the procedure you described. Verify all plug ins, except Gizmo, are disabled. If the error message does NOT come back, then there is a conflict between 1 of your plug ins and Gizmo. (The JAR Design push back plug in is known to conflict with Gizmo, but I think they issued an update.) Begin re-enabling each plug in and trying the same scenario of starting the Saab and taking off, engaging AP, etc... to see if/when the error message comes back. If/when it DOES come back after enabling a plug in, THAT is the plug in causing the issue. Please post back any findings so we can follow up, regardless if it has been resolved or not. If not, we can take it further.
  11. X Planes lighting is only visible with HDR turned on. If you experiment with the other settings, you can find a nice balance so as to enable HDR and still get good performance. Try turning down trees, traffic, draw distance, etc...
  12. We're juggling a few things at the moment. But the Saab does have top priority in what we are working on.
  13. Can you clarify the steps you are taking to open the door? It's entirely likely you're missing a step.
  14. Goran_M


    Hard to tell what's happening, exactly, without physically sitting at your computer and trying it ourselves. The only things I can suggest is maybe messing with any sensitivity settings in your hardware or increasing the nullzone within the X-Plane Joystick and Equipment page.
  15. Might jump in here for a minute. Would like to see a screenshot of a complete overhead panel when this is happening. Also, check your Pressure Dump switch and make sure it's off. Right side of the overhead with a red switchguard.
  16. I really don't want to get in any debates about our development road map. You claim that no airline operators flew the Saab under Part 135 or 121 without an FMC. Ok. I disagree (and have the photos and documentation to prove it) but ok. Your statement about paying for the Garmin with your X-Plane purchase, then paying for it again with the Saab...I have a couple of things to say about that. It SEEMS as though you have some kind of negative bias, either towards us or towards the aircraft. The Garmin was, in fact, not included with the original release of the Saab. The Garmin, along with a slew of other updates, that took us months of work and testing, were all provided in the release you now have, free of charge. And if you only recently bought the Saab, you got it for $5 LESS than when it was originally released in 2013. Pretty good deal, if you ask me. In closing, feel safe in knowing that you are now in possession of a study level Saab 340A, that is being used by 2 airlines in the US for their flight training.
  17. Hi Tim Check out the Centre console on the photo I attached. Particularly the 2 Garmin units at the base.
  18. I can say, the entire panel (with the exception of the ADI and HSI on both sides), circuit breakers and circuit breaker boards, throttle console, cabin seats, cabin partitions that separate the cockpit from the cabin, landing gear have all been textured. BUT, there are minor issues with almost all of those that I want to fix before posting them. Mostly to do with colors not being quite right. When I'm happy with a texture and mesh, and I can call those "final", then I'll post screenshots. Hopefully, the cabin will be ready within a few days.
  19. Just trying to do the absolute best work we can. That's what paying customers deserve.
  20. Nose cargo area. Some cockpit and cabin stuff coming shortly.
  21. For now, the Condition Levers need to be re-assigned each time you load the aircraft. X-Plane limitation that we THINK we can get around in the update. As for your keyboard bindings, you will need to set those up in your "commands" tab in X-Plane. There IS lighting, however, you need to have HDR enabled in your render settings.
  22. Bit of cabin stuff... Once all the mesh is clean, and all the details are in, texturing starts.
  23. All Citationed out for the weekend. Taking a little break for the day with this one. Don't think it'll take too long. I'll go through the list in this thread and see which one's I'll do on certain "free" days. This one looks fairly easy. That's why I chose it.
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